Chroma is a small custom javascript library that provides a very simple abstraction to translate colors.
The global chroma function is used to convert a chroma model into a ChromaColor object.
var color = chroma('pink');
// Will create a new ChromaColor object
The chroma function has three useful methods: contrast, parse and validate.
The contrast method returns a numeric value between the range of 1 and 21, that is the difference in luminance of two passed chroma colors. A value of one is considered to be of low contrast between the colors, while anything above eight is considered high contrast.
console.log(chroma.contast(chroma('pink'), chroma('blue')));
// logs 5.586830663049601 to the console
The parse method returns an array containing a string of the passed model's name and its parsed numeric values.
// logs ["x11", 255, 192, 203] to the console
The validate method returns a true Boolean value if the method is passed a valid chroma model, and false if passed an invalid model.
// logs true to the console
// logs false to the console
Valid Chroma color models include the common string values of the rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, hsv, hex and the 140 x11 web browser standard colors, along with hsva and several variations of hexadecimal color values.
// all 140 x11 browser standard colors
// Various different rgb and rgba models
chroma('255, 193, 205'); // string of rgb values delimited by commas
chroma('255, 193, 205, 1'); // string of rgba values delimited by commas
chroma([255, 193, 205]); // array of numeric rgb values
chroma([255, 193, 205, 1]); // array of numeric rgba values
chroma('rgb(255, 193, 205)'); // css rgb model string
chroma('rgba(255, 193, 205, 1)'); // css rgba model string
// Hexadecimal string values can begin with or without an octothorp (hash) character
chroma('#abcdef'); // six character hex string, with an # sign
chroma('abcdef'); // six character hex string, without an # sign
chroma('#abc'); // three character shorthand, equivalent to '#aabbcc'
chroma('#ab'); // two character shorthand, equivalent to '#ababab'
chroma('#a'); // single character shorthand, equivalent to '#aaaaaa'
// Chroma also accepts "hexa" values, hexadecimal values with an alpha channel
chroma('#000000ff'); // eight character hexa string, with an # sign
chroma('000000ff'); // eight character hexa string, without an # sign
chroma('#abcf'); // four character shorthand, equivalent to '#aabbccff'
// Hsl, hsla, hsv and hsva string values
chroma('hsl(350, 100%, 88%)'); // css hsl model string
chroma('hsla(350, 100%, 88%, 1)'); // css hsla model string
chroma('hsv(350, 25%, 100%)'); // css hsv model string
chroma('hsva(350, 25%, 100%, 1)'); // hsva model string based on the css hsv model string
The ChromaColor objects have several useful properties, getters and setters.
The name property returns the original color model's name from its creation.
// logs "x11" to the console
The model property returns the original color model from its creation.
// logs "pink" to the console
The channels property is a store object, containing property values for the red, green, blue and alpha channel values of the ChromaColor object.
The luminance property gets the color's luminance, or "apparent brightness". It is a numeric value between 0.05 and 1.05, 0.05 being of low luminance.
The red property gets and sets the red channel value of the object stored in the channels property.
// logs 255 to the console
The green property gets and sets the green channel value of the object stored in the channels property.
The blue property gets and sets the blue channel value of the object stored in the channels property.
The alpha property gets and sets the alpha channel value of the object stored in the channels property.
ChromaColor objects have two methods to convert their color values.
The to method takes a valid chroma color model name, as a string, and returns a string of the passed model.
// logs "rgb(255, 193, 205)" to the console
// logs "hsva(350, 25%, 100%, 1)" to the console
The toArray method returns an array of numerical rgb values.
// logs [255, 193, 205, 1] to the console
To avoid receiving an alpha value, simply pass true as a parameter.
// logs [255, 193, 205] to the console
And that about sums it up. If you'd like to see the library in action, check out my two projects, Chroma App or grab.js.
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