A hacky way to go through a bunch of maps and "rate" them
Clone this repository in your ~/.xonotic directory (so that it's a sibling to the data directory)
This will make some changes to your resolution, so you might want to use a different userdir (say ~/.xonotic1) and clone this repository there and append this flag: -userdir ~/.xonotic1
Put the maps your want to rate inside of this folder (xonotic-rate-maps) and run ./create-maplist.sh
-- this will generate a campaignratemaps.txt file.
Start the game with the flags -game xonotic-rate-maps +exec rate_maps.cfg
e.g. ./all run -game xonotic-rate-maps +exec rate_maps.cfg
Start campaign.
binds are:
- 1 good
- 2 bad
- 3 kansas
- 4 incomplete
- 5 needs love
- 0 novelty
- m must
- j kill yourself (killing yourself wins the match)