Recently, I've been working on a face😀, eye👁 and body🚶 detection it is finally working!🕺 The source codes basically uses a image, video or the camera as user input and displays the type of detection desired by the user.
👨💻 The basic layout of detection through images is to create a classifier, open and fix the image colors and then using .detectMultiScale function is cascade classifiers to detect the face, eye or full body. 📽 As far the as the input video is concerned, a while loop is preferred which captures the frames from the video and delivers the result on it. Image processing still requires some adjustments
🎇I'm very new to all this and so, I took a project offered by Ilias Papachristos (Data Analyst - Scientist). I'm sharing the the source code on my GitHub. Feel free to alter and hit me up!!!
👨🏫 Also, I'd like to clearly state it: This is not something new, it has already been implemented years ago and even open sourced. I just stitched the pieces of several codes together and altered it to what I wanted to detect.
This section lists all the technologies that I used to built this project.
- Clone the repo
$ git clone
- Install Numpy
$ pip install numpy
- Install Matplotlib
$ pip install matplotlib
- Install OpenCV
$ pip install opencv-python
- Install Jupyter Notebook
$ pip install notebook
- Initialise Jupyter Notebook
$ jupyter-notebook
- Run
The file structure of the current project is structured as shown below:
├── Images
├── Video
├── Codeinjupyter.ipynb
├── cascade_eye.xml
├── cascade_frontalface_default.xml
├── cascade_fullbody.xml
└── haarcascade_car.xml
Made with ❤ by Yuvraj Verma.