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If you haven't installed the litebird_sim you must install it before installing lbsim_tools.

$ git clone
$ cd lbsim_tools
$ (lbs_env)$ pip install -e .


  • deconvolution(maps, fwhm, nside)
    • This function provide the deconvolution for the map which is convolved by a Gaussian beam. The deconvolution performs specified $\ell$ region which is decided by lmax=3*nside-1. After the deconvolution the decomvolved map will be down-graded to specified nside. The usage is availble with the verification of the function.
  • deconvolution_cutoff(maps, fwhm, cut_off=191)
    • Deconvolution in the range of ell up to the specified cut_off. The usage is availble with the verification of the function.
  • almspace_ud_grade(maps, nside)
    • Truncate multipoles in alm space and up/down grade to the specified nside map. The up-grade is not recommended.
  • truncate_alm(alm, nside_in, nside_out)
    • Truncates alm to the size of the alm of the specified nside_out. nside_in is the nside of the original map of the alm to be entered.
  • get_fgbuster_instrument_from_imo(imo_version)
    • This function genarates a table which is used for FGBuster by using the litebird_sim imo.
  • c2d(cl, ell_start=2.)
    • Convert $C_\ell$ to $D_\ell$.
  • d2c(dl, ell_start=2.)
    • Convert $D_\ell$ to $C_\ell$.
  • get_planck_cmap()
    • Generate planck color scheme.
      # Usage
      import lbsim_tools as lbt
      import healpy as hp
      import numpy as np
      m    = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(32))
      cmap = lbt.get_planck_cmap()
      hp.mollview(m, cmap=cmap)
  • read_fiducial_cl(r)
    • This function reads the power spectrum of the CMB used in the map base simulation of litebird_sim. It refers to the power spectrum calculated with the specified tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r$ by setting the argument r to r=0 or r=1.
  • forecast(lmax, cl_sys, rmin=1e-8, rmax=1e-1, rresol=1e5, iter=0, verbose=False, test=False, bias=1e-5)
    • This function estimates the tensor scalar ratio from the power spectrum using the likelihood function used in PTEP: P88, Sec. (5.3.2). In doing so, it excludes multipoles above the $\ell$ specified by the argument lmax. Enter the $B$-mode power spectrum of the systematic error in the argument cl_sys (The unit of it must be $\mu K_{CMB}^2$). For example, the power spectrum of the map obtained from the difference between the input map and the output map including systematic effects i.e. residual map corresponds to this.


The python files which are included in script is executable from your terminal.


    (lbs_env)$ python
    • The FPU will be displaied that you requested by using the IMo.
    • You can check the information of the detector that you specified by clicking.
    • You can save the text file that contains the detectors list what you chose in e2e simulation format.

    • Save foreground maps by using litebird_sim


Useful tools for the litebird_sim






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