This code assesses the impact of differential systematics on CMB polarisation observations.
such as hit-map and cross-link map, pre-simulated by Falcons.jl, are coupled with sky temperature and polarization fields, including systematics effects, at a given
git clone
cd SBM
pip install -e .
SBM assumes the HDF5 file includes cross-link is generated Falcons.jl
's pipelines.jl
In order to load the HDF5 file, SBM surpports two methods:
- Specify directpath
- This way is usefull if you don't need to do multiple detector's simulation
- Specify channel and detector name of LiteBIRD
sbm.ScanFields.load_det(filename=f"{channel}/{detector_name}", base_path="<root path of your dataset>")
- In this way, if you don't specify the
, the code will read~/.config/sbm_dataset/sbm_dataset.toml
. Thebase_path
is written in this toml file. This toml file is generated after you installed the cross-link dataset'sbase_path
python -m sbm.install_db
This way makes you free to put long file path to specify a detector.
The SBM can access to a database which includes cross-link data in HDF5 format.
This way is useful people who wants to do full-scale detector simulation.
Not in that case, it may be better to use just sbm.read_scanfiled(file_path)
By following command, you can install the path of database in local storage.
python -m sbm.install_db
There are several tutorials in the notebooks. Although you need to download the required ScanFields datased given by Falcons, you can simulate any time-independent systematics if you have a signal model. Now, following systematics are implemented:
- Differential gain
- Differential pointing
- Absolute pointing offset with HWP Y. Takase et al.
- HWP non-ideality G. Patanchon et al.
- Diff. beam
- Diff. beam ellip.
- Bandpass mismatch (related with diff. gain)
- Pointing disturbance due to HWP
- wedge effect (THWP)
- tilted effect (RHWP)
- Non-uniform white noise
The basic formalism is published in Y. Takase et al.. Please cite the paper when you use the SBM for your publications.