Yottab client is a command-line interface to interact with the Yottab server to create and manage workspaces and applications.
Use the package manager pip to install Yottab client like below:
$ pip install yb-client
There are four main commands in Yottab client. each one has its specific subcommands:
- user subcommands are used to register, log in to, and log out of your account.
- workspace subcommands are used to create, stop, restart and delete a workspace. You can also view the details of a workspace and the list of workspaces using the detail and list subcommands, respectively.
- app subcommands are used to create, stop, start and delete a application. You can also view receive the list of applications using list subcommand.
- product command is used to view the products list.
Before using operational commands such as workspace commands, You must first register (if you don't have an account) and then log in to your account.
If you want register a new account do the following:
$ yb user register [-u | --username] <your-preferred-username>
Then the CLI prompt to enter and confirm your password. When registration is done you must see Registered successfully. like below:
$ yb user register -u yottabuser
Repeat for confirmation:
Registered successfully.
If you want to log in to your account do the following:
$ yb user login [-u | --username] <your-username>
Then the CLI prompt to enter your password. If you log in successfully, you must see Logged in successfully. like below:
$ yb user login -u yottabuser
Logged in successfully.
If you want to log out of your account do the following:
$ yb user logout
Logged out successfully.
Then the CLI prompt to enter your password. If you log out successfully, you must see Logged out successfully..
For creating your desired applications, you need to have at least one workspace.
$ yb workspace create [-n | --name] <workspace-name> [-p | --plan] <plan>
If workspace successfully is created, you must see the details of workspace.
$ yb create -n ybworkspace -p medium
| name | state | plan |
| ybworkspace | pending | medium |
If you see Err: Not Enough Cash, you should charge your cash then try again.
To see the specific workspace state and the detail of its applications, do the following:
$ yb workspace detail [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name>
$ yb workspace detail -w ybworkspace
| worskspace_name | state | plan | app_name | app_id |
| ybworkspace | running | medium | ybapp2 | cekoqmhnqa8b |
| - | - | - | ybapp | cekon6o41dfw |
If you want to stop running a workspace, do the following:
$ yb workspace stop [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name>
$ yb workspace stop -w ybworkspace
Workspace stopped successfully.
note: If you want to delete a workspace, you have to stop it first.
If you want to start running a stopped workspace, do the following:
$ yb workspace restart [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name>
$ yb workspace restart -w ybworkspace
Workspace restarted successfully.
If you want to delete a stopped workspace, do the following:
$ yb workspace delete [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name>
$ yb workspace restart -w ybworkspace
Workspace deleted successfully.
If you want to see the workspaces list, do the following:
$ yb workspace detail -w ybworkspace
| name | state | plan |
| ybworkspace | stop | medium |
| test | running | medium |
To create your application, you must first view the product list and select the desired product.
If you want to create an application based on a specific product, do the following:
$ yb app create [-n | --name] <app-name> [-id | --product-id] <product-id>
$ yb app create -n ybapp -id "wordpress-5-7-1-debian-10-r21"
App created successfully.
If you want to view the applications list, do the following:
$ yb app list [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name>
$ yb app list -w ybworkspace
| name | state | app_id | product_id |
| ybapp2 | running | cekoqmhnqa8b | wordpress-5-7-1-debian-10-r21 |
| ybapp | running | cekon6o41dfw | wordpress-5-7-1-debian-10-r21 |
If you want to stop running an application, do the following:
$ yb app create [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name> [-id | --app-id] <app-id>
$ yb app stop -w ybworkspace -id cejqh2xhk873
App stopped successfully.
note: If you want to delete an application, you have to stop it first.
If you want to start a stopped application, do the following:
$ yb app start [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name> [-id | --app-id] <app-id>
$ yb app start -w ybworkspace -id cejqh2xhk873
App started successfully.
If you want to delete a stopped application, do the following:
$ yb app delete [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name> [-id | --app-id] <app-id>
$ yb app delete -w ybworkspace -id cejqh2xhk873
App deleted successfully.
If you want to view the list of Yottab products which are available in a specific workspace, do the following:
$ yb product list [-w | --workspace] <workspace-name>
$ yb product list -w ybworkspace
| name | product_id | type |
| WordPress | wordpress-5-7-1-debian-10-r21 | server |
| Redis (alpine) | redis-alpine | server |
| RabbitMQ 2.8.22 | rabbitmq_3-8-22-debian-10-r7 | server |
| Prometheus 2.29.2 | prometheus_2-29-2-debian-10-r9 | server |
| PostgreSQL 13.3 | postgresql_13-3 | server |
| Nginx (alpine) | nginx_1-21-1-alpine | server |
| MongoDB (10.6.3) | mongo_10-6-3-focal | server |
| Memcached 1.6.10 | memcached_1-6-10-debian-10-r27 | server |
| Kafka 2.8.0 | kafka_2-8-0-debian-10-r94 | server |
| Jenkins 2.303.1 | jenkins_2-303-1-debian-10-r10 | server |
| GitLab CE | gitLab_gitlab-ce-latest | server |
| Elasticsearch | elastic-7-12-0-debian-10-r2 | server |