This project has been tested with the following tool versions:
- Python 3.7.9
- OpenFPGA 1.2.3012
- Synopsys VCS U-2023.03
This repo supports both docker and standalone installations of OpenFPGA.
To use standalone installations, source from the OpenFPGA installation path before running the script,
otherwise, the repo will default to a docker installation.
OpenFPGA tasks are extensively automated through Python scripts. To utilize these scripts, run the script fpga_flow/
, which provides the following options:
cd eFPGA/fpga_flow/
0: Generates Fabric
1: Generates SDCs
2-4: Simulates Design
5: Generates bitstream
Please refer to FPGA Flow README under the directory ./fpga_flow
for detailed information regarding the script.
├── benchmarks # Benchmarks
│ ├── adder_comb.v
│ ├── ...
├── # Script to use the Docker installation of OpenFPGA
├── docs # Documentation
│ └── eFPGA_Documentation.pdf
├── fpga_flow # Flow-related configs and scripts
│ ├── # Clears previous runs
│ ├── config # Configuration directory for the OpenFPGA task
│ │ ├── constraints # OpenFPGA physical constraints
│ │ ├── yosys_dep # Synthesis scripts and models
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── # Script to execute to generate fabric and testbenches
│ ├── # Flow README
│ ├── runXXX # (Generated) Each run creates a new directory
│ └── scripts # Helper classes and methods
│ ├──
│ └── ...
├── misc # Simulation settings files for OpenFPGA
│ ├── fixed_sim_openfpga_2clk.xml
│ └── fixed_sim_openfpga.xml
├── pin_constraints # Pin constraint files for benchmarks
│ ├── mac_4.pcf
│ └── reg4.pcf
├── # Repository README (You are here)
├── yonga_archs # FPGA fabric architecture directory
│ ├── cell_library # Custom primitives used in the FPGA
│ │ ├── BUF.v
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── Fabric # Generated fabric
│ │ ├── fabric_hierarchy.txt
│ │ └── ...
│ └── k4N8f_adder_BRAM_DSP # Proposed architecture for TRISTAN
│ ├── timing.yml # Describes the delays of hardware primitives, used to model the FPGA's performance
│ ├── tristan_openfpga.xml # Describes the primitives and low-level connections for the FPGA
│ └── tristan_vpr.xml # Describes the FPGA architecture
└── yonga_openfpga_shell_scripts # OpenFPGA shell scripts used for the different tasks of this flow
├── full_tb_with_bitstream.openfpga
└── ...
Requirement ID | Requirement Description | Priority | Category | Current Status |
WI3.4.5-1 | eFPGA IP shall have single clock domain. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-1.1 | All modes shall use the same clock. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-2 | eFPGA IP shall have single reset domain. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-2.1 | All synchronous logic elements shall have active-low reset. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-2.2 | All synchronous logic elements shall have synchronous reset. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-3 | eFPGA IP shall have single power domain. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-4 | eFPGA IP shall have a tile-based architecture. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-5 | Logic tiles shall have LUTs, registers, and connection blocks. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-5.1 | eFPGA IP shall have 10000 logic tiles. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-5.2 | Each logic tile shall include 8 logic blocks. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-5.3 | Each logic block shall include a 4-input LUT. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-5.4 | Each logic block shall include two FFs. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-5.5 | Each logic block shall have multiple operating modes. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-6 | I/O tiles shall support bidirectional operation. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-6-1 | I/O tiles shall have multiple operating modes. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-6-2 | I/O tiles shall be used to interface with system bus. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-6-3 | I/O tiles shall be used to interface with external IOs. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-6-4 | I/O tiles shall be used to interface with control IOs. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-6-5 | Number of I/Os to interface with the system bus shall be 100. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-6-6 | Number of external I/Os shall be 8. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-6-7 | I/O tiles shall be placed at the boundary of IP. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-7 | eFPGA IP shall have a system bus interface. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-7-1 | Bus interface shall be AMBA AXI4-Lite compliant. | Mandatory | Interoperability | X |
WI3.4.5-7-2 | Address width of read and write channels shall be 8. | Mandatory | Interoperability | X |
WI3.4.5-7-3 | Data width of read and write channels shall be 32. | Mandatory | Interoperability | X |
WI3.4.5-8 | Memory tiles shall have memory blocks. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-8-1 | Memory blocks shall have different operating modes. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-8-2 | Size of total memory blocks shall be at least 180 Kbits. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-8-3 | Memory blocks shall have single-port SRAM macros. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-8-4 | Memory blocks shall support write-first policy. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-8-5 | Memory blocks shall support synchronous read. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-9 | DSP tiles shall include MAC blocks. | Optional | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-9-1 | MAC blocks shall have two 18-bit inputs and output 36-bit output. | Optional | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-9-2 | Number of total DSP tiles shall be 8. | Optional | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-10 | eFPGA IP shall have a configuration logic to program the FPGA fabric. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-10-1 | Each tile shall have configuration circuitry to define the interconnection and wiring in tile components. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-10-2 | Switch blocks shall provide the interconnect between the tiles. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-10-3 | All configurable elements shall implement a configuration chain in the FPGA fabric. | Mandatory | Functional | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-10-4 | eFPGA IP shall have a JTAG configuration interface. | Best Effort | Interoperability | X |
WI3.4.5-11 | eFPGA IP shall have a test mode. | Best Effort | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-11-1 | All FFs in located in the logic tiles shall be controllable and observable via a scan chain. | Best Effort | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-11-2 | Each SRAM macro shall have BIST circuitry. | Best Effort | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-12 | eFPGA IP shall have a synthesizable RTL design. | Mandatory | Other | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-12-1 | RTL design shall be SystemVerilog-2005 compliant. | Mandatory | Interoperability | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-12-2 | RTL design shall not contain any primitives that belong to a 3rd party except the functional model of SRAM macros. | Mandatory | Other | ✓ |
WI3.4.5-13 | eFPGA IP shall be verified by functional simulation. | Mandatory | Other | X |
WI3.4.5-13-1 | Code coverage shall be at least 90%. | Mandatory | Other | X |
WI3.4.5-13-2 | Functional coverage shall be 100%. | Mandatory | Other | X |
WI3.4.5-14 | Achievable maximum clock frequency shall be at least 50MHz in TSMC 65nm technology. | Mandatory | Performance | X |
WI3.4.5-15 | eFPGA IP shall be supported by a software stack. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-15-1 | Software driver/hardware abstraction layer shall provide low-level routines for the CPU to access to the eFPGA IP. | Mandatory | Functional | X |
WI3.4.5-15-2 | User-level functions shall provide access to the eFPGA IP for the applications running on the CPU core. | Mandatory | Functional | X |