The following is a description of how to carry out significance tests for an increase in Pearson correlation of one QE system over a baseline system described in the following paper:
Yvette Graham. "Improving Evaluation of Machine Translation Quality Estimation", ACL 2015.
"R Statistical Software"
- To install R on the command line: > sudo apt-get install r-base
R's "psych" package
To install R's "psych" package: - IF your institution uses a proxy server, you need to tell R about it BEFORE installing any package, here's what to do: A) Open your R command line, by typing "R" B) Type the following commmand into R, remembering to provide your actual credentials and proxy server details:
> Sys.setenv(http_proxy="") IF NOT, continue on below. - Open R command line (by typing "R") and enter the following: > install.packages("psych") You'll be given an option of a CRAN site, when you have one selected, you might need to answer "y" to some questions. When "psych" is finished installing, type the following to quit R: > quit("no")
Example data is included in the files:
./task-1.2.csv # System predictions and human scores (HTER in example data) for sentences;
./metrics.12 # Names of metrics you wish to carry out pairwise tests for.
Run pairwise significance tests as follows:
R --no-save < pearson-sig.R
This creates a file containing a matrix of p-values pairwise tests for all QE systems. For example, for each pair of QE systems A and B, Williams test is carried out to test significance of the increase in correlation with human scores of QE system A over that of QE system B.