This repository is the sample of web application using golang. This sample uses Echo as web application framework, Gorm as OR mapper and Zap logger as logger. This sample application provides only several functions as Web APIs. Please refer to the 'Service' section about the detail of those functions.
Also, this application contains the static contents such as html file, css file and javascript file which built vuejs-webapp-sample project to easily check the behavior of those functions. So, you can check this application without starting a web server for front end. Please refer to the 'Starting Server' section about checking the behavior of this application.
If you would like to develop a web application using golang, please feel free to use this sample.
Perform the following steps:
- Download and install Visual Studio Code(VS Code).
- Download and install Golang.
- Get the source code of this repository by the following command.
go install
There are 2 methods for starting server.
- Starting this web application by the following command.
go run main.go
- When startup is complete, the console shows the following message:
http server started on [::]:8080
- Access http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
- Login with the following username and password.
- username :
- password :
- username :
- Starting this web application by the following command.
go run main.go
- When startup is complete, the console shows the following message:
http server started on [::]:8080
- Access http://localhost:8080/api/health in your browser and confirm that this application has started.
- Clone vuejs-webapp-sample project and install some tools.
- Start by the following command.
npm run dev
- When startup is complete, the console shows the following message:
> vuejs-webapp-sample@*.*.* dev > vite --mode development VITE v*.*.* ready in 1362 ms ➜ Local: http://localhost:3000/ ➜ press h to show help
- Access http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
- Login with the following username and password.
- username :
- password :
- username :
- Run the below following commands:
docker build -t go-webapp-sample .
- command to start the container at port 8080
docker run --name app -p 8080:8080 go-webapp-sample
- Access http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
- Login with the following username and password.
- username :
- password :
- username :
In this sample, Swagger is enabled only when executed this application on the development environment. Swagger isn't enabled on the another environments in default.
- Start this application according to the 'Starting Application Server' section.
- Access http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html in your browser.
- Update some comments of some controllers.
- Download Swag library. (Only first time)
go install
- Update
.swag init
Build this source code by the following command.
go build main.go
The following figure is the map of this sample project.
- go-webapp-sample
+ config … Define configurations of this system.
+ logger … Provide loggers.
+ middleware … Define custom middleware.
+ migration … Provide database migration service for development.
+ router … Define routing.
+ controller … Define controllers.
+ model … Define models.
+ repository … Provide a service of database access.
+ service … Provide a service of book management.
+ session … Provide session management.
+ test … for unit test
- main.go … Entry Point.
This sample provides 3 services: book management, account management, and master management. Regarding the detail of the API specification, please refer to the 'Using Swagger' section.
There are the following services in the book management.
Service Name | HTTP Method | URL | Parameter | Summary |
Get Service | GET | /api/books/[BOOK_ID] |
Book ID | Get a book data. |
List/Search Service | GET | /api/books?query=[KEYWORD]&page=[PAGE_NUMBER]&size=[PAGE_SIZE] |
Page, Keyword(Optional) | Get a list of books. |
Regist Service | POST | /api/books |
Book | Regist a book data. |
Edit Service | PUT | /api/books |
Book | Edit a book data. |
Delete Service | DELETE | /api/books |
Book | Delete a book data. |
There are the following services in the Account management.
Service Name | HTTP Method | URL | Parameter | Summary |
Login Service | POST | /api/auth/login |
Session ID, User Name, Password | Session authentication with username and password. |
Logout Service | POST | /api/auth/logout |
Session ID | Logout a user. |
Login Status Check Service | GET | /api/auth/loginStatus |
Session ID | Check if the user is logged in. |
Login Username Service | GET | /api/auth/loginAccount |
Session ID | Get the login user's username. |
There are the following services in the Master management.
Service Name | HTTP Method | URL | Parameter | Summary |
Category List Service | GET | /api/categories |
Nothing | Get a list of categories. |
Format List Service | GET | /api/formats |
Nothing | Get a list of formats. |
Create the unit tests only for the packages such as controller, service, model/dto and util. The test cases is included the regular cases and irregular cases. Please refer to the source code in each packages for more detail.
The command for testing is the following:
go test ./... -v
This sample uses the following libraries.
Library Name | Version |
echo | 4.11.4 |
gorm | 1.25.9 |
go-playground/validator.v9 | 9.31.0 |
zap | 1.26.0 |
Please read for proposing new functions, reporting bugs and submitting pull requests before contributing to this repository.
The License of this sample is MIT License.