- 🌱 I’m currently learning **Python, ExpressJs**
- 📫 How to reach me Email
- ⚡ Fun fact **Am funny HAHA**
- 🌱 I’m currently learning **Python, ExpressJs**
- 📫 How to reach me Email
- ⚡ Fun fact **Am funny HAHA**
WeatherQuanta is a small weather web application that provides weather information using the OpenWeatherMap API and IPInfo. It allows users to get accurate weather updates based on their location o…
TypeScript 1
Forked from hamza-bouqssim/ft_transcendence
"ft_transcendence" is a real-time multiplayer Pong web project with a chat system. Built with NestJS backend, TypeScript frontend, and PostgreSQL database. Secure authentication, user profiles, and…
TypeScript 1
Recoding some functions of the standard C library as well as some functions of other utilities