BQMail is a Python module for sending mails to apply for seismic data from the IRIS DMC. It is a front-end API of the BREQ_fast.
For Chinese users, please refer to our chinese blog.
BQMail can currently run on Linux and MAC OSX. BQMail is running and testing on Python 3.9/3.10/3.11.
pip install bqmail
The latest version of the BQMail is available on Gitlab:
git clone bqmail
Then you can install this version:
cd bqmail
pip install .
from bqmail.mail import BQMail
from obspy import UTCDateTime
bq = BQMail('', server='', password='xxx', username='bqmail')
bq.query_events(starttime=UTCDateTime(2017, 1, 1), endtime=UTCDateTime(2018, 1, 1),
minmagnitude=5.5, catalog='GCMT')
bq.query_stations(network='CB', station='LZH')
bq.send_mail(time_before=0, time_after=1000)