Masm2c is a tool designed to translate 16-bit x86 assembly code (often used in DOS games) to C and SDL, enabling easier porting, analysis, and modification.
It is a Source-to-source translator that generates fake-assembler instructions which can be compiled with a C compiler and executed.
(There is no working decompiler for 16 bit DOS code yet, because of DOS segmentation model, etc)
Example results:
The following assembler example:
_DATA segment use16 word public 'DATA'
_msg db 'Hello World!',10,13,'$'
_DATA ends
_TEXT segment use16 word public 'CODE'
assume cs:_TEXT,ds:_DATA
start proc near
sti ; Set The Interrupt Flag
cld ; Clear The Direction Flag
push _data
pop ds
mov ah,9 ; AH=09h - Print DOS Message
mov dx,offset _msg ; DS:EDX -> $ Terminated String
int 21h ; DOS INT 21h
mov ax,4c00h ; AH=4Ch - Exit To DOS
int 21h ; DOS INT 21h
start endp
_TEXT ends
end start
Converts to a compilable and working C++ code:
R(STI); // 12 sti
R(CLD); // 13 cld
R(PUSH(seg_offset(_data))); // 14 push _data
R(POP(ds)); // 15 pop ds
R(ah = 9;); // 16 mov ah,9
R(dx = offset(_data,_msg);); // 17 mov dx,offset _msg
R(_INT(0x21)); // 18 int 21h
R(ax = 0x4c00;); // 20 mov ax,4c00h
R(_INT(0x21)); // 21 int 21h
struct Memory m = {
{0}, // padding
{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // segment _data
{'H','e','l','l','o',' ','W','o','r','l','d','!','\n','\r','$'}, // _msg
The translation flow:
It can make IDA Pro output assembler listing to be recompilable by instrumented executing on emulator and compare each instruciton with emulated libdosbox.
- 386 instructions (except FPU) are supported (well tested with QEMU tests). x86 flags: Carry, Zero, Sign, Overflow are supported
- Segment memory model and 16bit offsets
- Internal SDL target: some BIOS/DOS Int 10h, 21h interrupts, DOS memory manager, and stack emulation CGA text mode is supported using Curses (PDcurses or NCurses). VGA 320x200x256 support (partial)
- Libdosbox target: Full interrupts, hardware support.
- structures support
- parser is based on Masm EBNF grammar
- segment can be merged same as Masm do it during linking: Many .asm sources can be converted individually and linked together using modern linker
- Python 3.9 or later: Ensure you have Python installed on your system.
- Assembly Source Code: You'll need the assembly code you want to translate. Masm2c supports MASM 6 syntax and IDA Pro's .lst files. (your code should be compilable with uasm(jwasm)/masm6, link5/tlink and work under DOS.)
Install Dependencies: Use pip to install the required libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install lark, jsonpickle, and other necessary packages.
Basic Translation: To translate an assembly file (e.g., game.asm) to C, use the script:
python game.asm
This generates C++ source files (e.g., game.cpp and game.h) and a .seg file containing segment information.
Merging Procedures:
- Masm2c provides different options for handling procedure merging, it helps to get working code in case there are jumps between procedures.
- It controlled by the -m or --mergeprocs flag:
- separate (default): Procedures are kept separate, and jumps between them use a global dispatch function.
- persegment: Procedures within the same segment are merged.
- single: All procedures are merged into a single function.
Specifying Load Segment:
- It helps to temporary emulate a specific code memory location to speedup conversion (e.g., DOSBox loading an .exe at 0x1a2), use the -lo or --loadsegment flag to specify the segment:
python -lo 0x1a2 game.asm
- For .com files loaded by DOSBox, use the -AT flag.
Generating Globals Listing:
To generate a file with a listing of all global variables, labels, and procedures, use the -FL or --list flag:
python -FL game.asm
- This creates a file named game.list containing the information.
Output Files:
- C++ Source Files (.cpp and .h): These files contain the translated C code equivalent to your assembly source.
- Segment File (.seg): This file stores information about the segments in your assembly code. It can be used for merging data segments from multiple input files.
- For better disassembly and translation, consider using tools like libDOSBox to collect runtime information (e.g., segment register values, memory access patterns).
- Masm2c scripts can help convert libDOSBox traces into annotations for disassemblers like IDA Pro.
(3rd-party code used from: ASM2C (x86 instruction emulation), tasm-recover (from SCUMMVM project; highly modified), QEMU x86 instructions test suit, FreeDOS memory manager.)
License: GPL2+
- full macros support
- add FPU instructions support (may use linux 387 emulator)
Another use case: you can compile output of masm2c (C code) for 32 bit plarform with optimization; and decompile to get cleaner C code without dead code like x86 flags handling.
Assembler source code for Stunts game
Assembler source code for Tornado flight sim
See list of DOS games with debug information
IDA Pro Free you can find here [
Famous reverse engenerred MOD, S3M player. Currently platform DOS (ASM), SDL2 © There is disassembled source code for MASM, Nasm, C which can be built and running
TODO: finish sound support on SDL, finish porting (keyboard, graphics mode,...)
- get PDCurses or other curses library+headers, SDL2, mingw32 + a lot of luck
- build_mingw.bat
- execute: iplay_m_.exe HACKER4.S3M
Or just get prebuilt from release page
If you want to help me please contribute or send BTC to:
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