go-parodus is a golang implementation of the parodus client
This project and everyone participating in it are governed by the XMiDT Code Of Conduct. By participating, you agree to this Code.
go-parodus has two main functions:
- maintain the websocket connection with talaria. Managing the websocket layer is handled via the kratos library which was originally developed for testing purposes.
- handle the nanomsg server with its clients. When a request comes from talaria, the wrp message is routed to the clients. For more information on how Parodus work refer to the Wiki
Available Tags: note: not all flags have been implemented yet
Usage of parodus:
-b, --boot-time int the boot time in unix time (default 1571960392)
--debug enables debug logging
-4, --force-ipv4 forcefully connect parodus to ipv4 address
-6, --force-ipv6 forcefully connect parodus to ipv6 address
-n, --fw-name string firmware name and version currently running
-r, --hw-last-reboot-reason string the last known reboot reason
-d, --hw-mac string the MAC address used to manage the device (default "unknown")
-f, --hw-manufacturer string the device manufacturer
-m, --hw-model string the hardware model name
-s, --hw-serial-number string the serial number
-l, --parodus-local-url string Parodus local server url (default "tcp://")
-p, --partner-id string partner ID of iot/gateway device
-c, --ssl-cert-path string provide the certs for establishing secure upstream
-v, --version print version and exit
-o, --xmidt-backoff-max int the maximum value in seconds for the backoff algorithm (default 60)
-i, --xmidt-interface-used string the device interface being used to connect to the cloud (default "eth0")
-t, --xmidt-ping-timeout int the maximum time to wait between pings before assuming the upstream is broken (default 60)
-u, --xmidt-url string the hardware model name
For creating a parodus client most of the work has already been done for you in the libparodus
package by maintaining
the nanomsg client to parodus. The consumer of the package will need to implement the kratos.DownstreamHandler
For the following examples the XMiDT cluster must be up and running. For local testing I recommend standing up a local docker cluster.
- request-response -> set and get information from a map
- event -> spam talaria with events generated from a client
In order to build from the source, you need a working Go environment with version 1.11 or greater. Find more information on the Go website.
You can directly use go get
to put the go-parodus binary into your GOPATH
GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/xmidt-org/go-parodus
You can also clone the repository yourself and build using make:
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/xmidt-org
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/xmidt-org
git clone git@github.com:xmidt-org/go-parodus.git
cd go-parodus
go build .