The project aim to demonstrate how to use ansible to create automatically and configure a virtual machine (VM) in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with Prometheus Server and Grafana.
Future udpates will include support to another cloud providers.
- Playbook to create a VM on GCP with fixed IP reservation, definition of Firewall Rules to allow only traffic to Prometheus/Grafana, create ssh key pair and inject into VM instance to ansible management.
- Playbook to install prometheus server into CentOS 7 VM, configuring users, groups, systemd service and initial prometheus configuration. Also the metrics scrapping from SpringBoot application server are inject in prometheus.yml configuration using file_sd_configs to load targets from a json file that contains the FQDN of jetty server.
- Playbook to install and configure grafana server into CentOS VM.
- Ansible 2.7
- Python 2.7
- Google Cloud SDK
- Docker Community Edition 18.09
To install Google Cloud SDK follow the steps in The MacOS guide isL
tar zxvf google-cloud-sdk-218.0.0-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
To initialize the SDK run the following at a command prompt:
gcloud init
Accept the option to log in using your Google user account and choose your project and default region in GCP.
Install Kubernetes command-line tool (kubectl):
gcloud components install kubectl
Set defaults for the gcloud command-line tool:
gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-b
Clone the repository:
git clone
Adjust the variables in ansible-prometheus-server/vars/main.yml file:
# default ssh key created by playbook.
ssh_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', '../keys/') }}"
# adittional ssh key to be inject in prometheus VM. MUST BE CHANGED
ssh_xjulio_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', '/Users/xjulio/.ssh/') }}"
# Google Cloud Project. MUST BE CHANGED
gcp_project: mb-demo-224014
# Google Cloud credential type
gcp_cred_kind: serviceaccount
# Google Cloud credentials file. MUST BE CHANGED
gcp_cred_file: /Users/xjulio/gcloud-cred-ansible.json
# Google Cloud service email. MUST BE CHANGED
gcp_service_email: ""
# Default Zone
gcp_zone: "us-central1-a"
# Default region
gcp_region: "us-central1"
In file ansible-prometheus-server/vars/main.yml adjust the address of prometheus target address and port with prometheus metrics exposed under /prometheus uri:
jetty_master_port: 80
Execute the ansible playbook, enter inside the directory:
cd ansible-prometheus-server/playbooks
ansible-playbook create_prometheus_vm.yml
This playbbok will create an external fixed elastic IP that will be display during execution. Get this IP and update your /etc/ansible/hosts file with:
If this entry not be present in /etc/ansible/hosts, the execution of another playbooks will fail.
Execute the ansible playbook, enter inside the directory:
cd ansible-prometheus-server/playbooks
ansible-playbook install_prometheus.yml
This playbbok will perform all operations to prepare the VM to prometheus server to be operational: create users/groups, systemctl service creating, prometheus configuration and service initialization.
After the playbbok execution end, the Prometheus Server will be accessible on Internet using the IP address displayed previoysly on port 9090.
- (The ip used in URL will be a new IP created by previous playbook, this is an example)
Execute the ansible playbook, enter inside the directory:
cd ansible-prometheus-server/playbooks
ansible-playbook install_grafana.yml
This playbbok will perform all operations to prepare the VM to grafanaserver to be operational: create users/groups, systemctl service creating and service initialization.
After the playbbok execution end, the Grafana Server will be accessible on Internet using the IP address displayed previoysly on port 3000.
- (The ip used in URL will be a new IP created by previous playbook, this is an example). The default user and password is admin.