PicoFeed was originally developed for Miniflux, a minimalist and open source news reader.
However, this library can be used inside any project. PicoFeed is tested with a lot of different feeds, it's simple and easy to use.
- Simple and fast
- Feed parser for Atom 1.0 and RSS (0.91, 0.92, 1.0 and 2.0)
- Feed writer for Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0
- Import/Export OPML subscriptions
- Content filter: HTML cleanup, remove pixel trackers and Ads
- Many HTTP client adapters: cURL or Stream Context
- Content grabber: download from the original website the full content
- License: Unlicense http://unlicense.org/
- PHP >= 5.3
- libxml >= 2.7
- XML PHP extensions: DOM and SimpleXML
- cURL or Stream Context (
require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Import.php';
use PicoFeed\Import;
$opml = file_get_contents('mySubscriptions.opml');
$import = new Import($opml);
$entries = $import->execute();
require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Export.php';
use PicoFeed\Export;
$feeds = array(
'title' => 'Site title',
'description' => 'Optional description',
'site_url' => 'http://petitcodeur.fr/',
'site_feed' => 'http://petitcodeur.fr/feed.xml'
$export = new Export($feeds);
$opml = $export->execute();
echo $opml; // XML content
require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Reader.php';
use PicoFeed\Reader;
$reader = new Reader;
// Try to discover the XML feed automatically
$parser = $reader->getParser();
if ($parser !== false) {
$feed = $parser->execute();
echo $feed->title;
echo $feed->url;
require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Reader.php';
use PicoFeed\Reader;
$reader = new Reader;
// Get last modified infos from previous requests
$lastModified = '...';
$etag = '...';
// Download directly the feed
$resource = $reader->download('http://petitcodeur.fr/feed.xml', $lastModified, $etag);
if ($resource->isModified()) {
$parser = $reader->getParser();
if ($parser !== false) {
$feed = $parser->execute();
echo $feed->title;
echo $feed->url;
// Save cache infos for the next request
$lastModified = $resource->getLastModified();
$etag = $resource->getEtag();
'last modified date',
'etag value',
'My RSS reader user agent'
Just call the static method proxy()
before everything else:
PicoFeed\Client::proxy($hostname, $port);
If your proxy is protected with a login/password:
PicoFeed\Client::proxy($hostname, $port, $username, $password);
require_once 'lib/PicoFeed/Writers/Rss20.php';
use PicoFeed\Writers\Rss20;
$writer = new Rss20();
$writer->title = 'My site';
$writer->site_url = 'http://boo/';
$writer->feed_url = 'http://boo/feed.atom';
$writer->author = array(
'name' => 'Me',
'url' => 'http://me',
'email' => 'me@here'
$writer->items[] = array(
'title' => 'My article 1',
'updated' => strtotime('-2 days'),
'url' => 'http://foo/bar',
'summary' => 'Super summary',
'content' => '<p>content</p>'
$writer->items[] = array(
'title' => 'My article 2',
'updated' => strtotime('-1 day'),
'url' => 'http://foo/bar2',
'summary' => 'Super summary 2',
'content' => '<p>content 2 © 2015</p>',
'author' => array(
'name' => 'Me too',
$writer->items[] = array(
'title' => 'My article 3',
'url' => 'http://foo/bar3'
echo $writer->execute();
require_once 'lib/PicoFeed/Writers/Atom.php';
use PicoFeed\Writers\Atom;
$writer = new Atom();
$writer->title = 'My site';
$writer->site_url = 'http://boo/';
$writer->feed_url = 'http://boo/feed.atom';
$writer->author = array(
'name' => 'Me',
'url' => 'http://me',
'email' => 'me@here'
$writer->items[] = array(
'title' => 'My article 1',
'updated' => strtotime('-2 days'),
'url' => 'http://foo/bar',
'summary' => 'Super summary',
'content' => '<p>content</p>'
echo $writer->execute();
You can got all debug output by calling this code:
You will got an output like that:
[0] => Fetch URL: http://petitcodeur.fr/feed.xml
[1] => Etag:
[2] => Last-Modified:
[3] => cURL total time: 0.711378
[4] => cURL dns lookup time: 0.001064
[5] => cURL connect time: 0.100733
[6] => cURL speed download: 74825
[7] => HTTP status code: 200
[8] => HTTP headers: Set-Cookie => start=R2701971637; path=/; expires=Sat, 06-Jul-2013 05:16:33 GMT
[9] => HTTP headers: Date => Sat, 06 Jul 2013 03:55:52 GMT
[10] => HTTP headers: Content-Type => application/xml
[11] => HTTP headers: Content-Length => 53229
[12] => HTTP headers: Connection => close
[13] => HTTP headers: Server => Apache
[14] => HTTP headers: Last-Modified => Tue, 02 Jul 2013 03:26:02 GMT
[15] => HTTP headers: ETag => "393e79c-cfed-4e07ee78b2680"
[16] => HTTP headers: Accept-Ranges => bytes
These variables are static arrays, extends the actual array or replace it.
By example to add a new iframe whitelist:
Filter::$iframe_whitelist[] = 'http://www.kickstarter.com';
Or to replace the entire whitelist:
Filter::$iframe_whitelist = array('http://www.kickstarter.com');
Available variables:
// Allow only specified tags and attributes
// Strip content of these tags
// Allow only specified URI scheme
// List of attributes used for external resources: src and href
// Blacklist of external resources
// Required attributes for tags, if the attribute is missing the tag is dropped
// Add attribute to specified tags
// Integer Attributes
// Iframe allowed source
For more details, have a look to the class Filter
- Try with rules first (xpath patterns) for the domain name (see
) - Try to find the text content by using common attributes for class and id
- Finally, if nothing is found, the feed content is displayed
The content downloader use a fake user agent, actually Google Chrome under Mac Os X.
The best results are obtained with Xpath rules file.
There is a PHP script inside PicoFeed to import Fivefilters rules, but I dont' use it because almost of these patterns are not up to date.
Add a PHP file to the directory PicoFeed\Rules
, the filename must be the domain name:
Example with the BBC website, www.bbc.co.uk.php
return array(
'test_url' => 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23911833',
'body' => array(
'strip' => array(
'//*[contains(@class, "byline")]',
'//*[contains(@class, "story-feature")]',
'//*[contains(@class, "share") or contains(@class, "hidden") or contains(@class, "hyper")]',
Actually, only body
, strip
and test_url
are supported.
Don't forget to send a pull request or a ticket to share your contribution with everybody,
require 'vendor/PicoFeed/Reader.php';
use PicoFeed\Reader;
$reader = new Reader;
$parser = $reader->getParser();
if ($parser !== false) {
$parser->grabber = true; // <= Enable the content grabber
$feed = $parser->execute();
// ...
When the content scraper is enabled, everything will be slower because for each item a new HTTP request is made and the HTML downloaded is parsed with XML/Xpath.
If you want to add new rules, just open a ticket and I will do it.
- *.blog.lemonde.fr
- *.blog.nytimes.com
- *.nytimes.com
- *.phoronix.com
- *.slate.com
- *.theguardian.com
- *.wikipedia.org
- *.wired.com
- *.wsj.com
- github.com
- golem.de
- ing.dk
- karriere.jobfinder.dk
- lifehacker.com
- lists.*
- medium.com
- pastebin.com
- plus.google.com
- rue89.com
- smallhousebliss.com
- spiegel.de
- techcrunch.com
- version2.dk
- www.bbc.co.uk
- www.businessweek.com
- www.cnn.com
- www.egscomics.com
- www.forbes.com
- www.lemonde.fr
- www.lepoint.fr
- www.npr.org
- www.numerama.com
- www.slate.fr