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SharpLang is a .NET (MSIL) compiler front-end for LLVM.
It allows you to compile C# and other .NET languages code to any supported LLVM backend.
Official twitter account:
BSD 2-clause license.
- Fill the gap between managed flexibility/safety/productivity (on by default) and native speed/control (when you actually need it)
- Supports many platforms (including Windows, MacOSX, mobile devices, consoles, browser)
- Performance oriented
- Lightweight runtime
- Some .NET features that implies too much overhead for to their actual uses will be emulated or dropped (i.e. array covariance -- unsafe and huge performance implication)
- Various technical choices to avoid unecessary conversions and interop with other languages
- Provide a good starting point to implement "M#" features as soon as possible (
- Flexible and controllable (.NET shouldn't be a black box anymore; optimize what you want, pay for what you actually use, etc...)
It's still a early work in progress. Any help/feedback is welcome!
- Codegen (unit tested)
- Supports most .NET opcodes
- Branching
- Classes and interfaces
- Generics (expanded like C++ template)
- PInvoke (simple, no marshalling)
- Delegate (no multicast delegate yet)
- Boxing
- Exceptions (DWARF and SEH)
- Converts huge libraries (i.e. Mono mscorlib, System, System.Core, System.Xml, etc...)
- Reflection (only types, no method/field yet)
- x86 and x64
- Simple code linked against SharpLang-compiled Mono mscorlib is starting to work (i.e. WinForms+SharpDX)
- Driver/Linker
- Runtime (probably lot will be imported from CoreCLR)
- Reflection (method, fields, custom attributes)
- Threads, Locks, etc...
- I/O
- Marshalling
- Vararg
- GC integration (either CoreCLR, Mono or BoehmGC)
- Cross-platform
- Emscripten HTML5 (javascript) support
- Linux/MacOSX support
- Android, iOS
- Code quality
- Documentation
- Dynamic loading
- Performance extensions
- Non-nullable types
- SIMD support
- More control over class/struct layouting (allocate class on stack, etc...)
- Various "M#" improvements
- Uniqueness and Reference Immutability for Safe Parallelism:
- Lifetime control (unique/owned pointers, stack alloc as much as possible with pure functions, etc...)
- RAII (struct destructors)
- Use and extend Roslyn for new language extensions
- Direct (or at least easy) access to C++ (probably with help of libclang)
- Other platforms
Here for now, until later moved to a more specific documentation.
UTF8 string (UTF16 was choosed mainly because of Windows API, but UTF8 is more space efficient, API compatible with char* and avoid many conversions)- String/Array indirection to more easily carve substring/subarrays.