Further maintenance of this project is now under: https://github.com/MaibornWolff/elcep
It is a small go service which provides prometheus counter metrics based on custom lucene queries to an elastic search instance.
Configure the queries one per line in the queries.cfg in the following notation: <name>=<query>
Via command line arguments the following options can be overwritten:
-config string
The path to the queries.cfg (default "./conf/queries.cfg")
-freq int
The interval in seconds in which to query elastic search (default 30)
-host string
The elastic search endpoint (default "http://elasticsearch:9200")
-path string
The path to listen on for HTTP requests (default "/metrics")
-port int
The port to listen on for HTTP requests (default 8080)
Providing this line in queries.cfg:
all_application_exceptions=message:exception AND service_name:application_*
Will result in exposing the following metric:
# HELP logs_matched_all_application_exceptions_total Counts number of matched logs for all_application_exceptions
# TYPE logs_matched_all_application_exceptions_total counter
logs_matched_all_application_exceptions_total 0
Using that elastic search query:
GET /_search
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "message:exception AND service_name:application_*"