This is a modified version of moment-jalaali by Behrang Noruzi Niya and extends Suhail Alkowaileet's work on moment-hijri.js lib
npm install --save @get-x/hijri
import React from 'react'
import moment from '@get-x/hijri'
export default function HijriTable() {
return (
<td>Date in Hijri</td>
<td>Month Name/Number</td>
<td>Hijri to Gregorian</td>
<td>Month Name/Number</td>
<td>strict parsing</td>
{[6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map((x) => {
const date = moment(`1444-${x}-08`, 'iYYYY-iM-iD', false)
const strict = moment(`1444-${x}-08`, 'iYYYY-iM-iD', true)
const fH = date.format('iDD-iMM-iYYYY')
const fG = date.format('DD-MMMM-YYYY')
const ffH = moment(date).format('iMMMM')
const sffG = moment(strict).format('MMMM')
return (
<tbody key={x}>
<td>false / true</td>
{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12].map((x) => {
const date = moment(`01-${x}-1990`, 'D-M-YYYY', false)
const strict = moment(`01-${x}-1990`, 'D-M-YYYY', true)
const fH = date.format('iDD-iMMMM-iYYYY')
const fG = date.format('DD-MMMM-YYYY')
const sffH = moment(strict).format('iMM')
const ffG = moment(date).format('MM')
return (
<tbody key={x}>
<td>true / false</td>
var moment = require('@get-x/hijri')
const hijriDate = moment(`1424-12-17`, 'iYYYY-iM-iD', true)
const gregorianDate = moment(`1990-07-09`, 'YYYY-M-D', true)
console.log("Hijri Format", gregorianDate.format('iDD-iMM-iYYYY'))
console.log("Gregoria Format", hijriDate.format('DD-MM-YYYY'))
// node .\index.js
// Hijri Format ١٧-١٢-١٤١٠
// Gregoria Format ٠٨-٠٢-٢٠٠٤
GIT © phantom-x NPM © @get-x/hijri