- React, Redux and built using Webpack
The stack consists of three services, running as containers: -
- a PostgreSQL database
- a neo4j graph database
- the fraglaysis stack
The stack is formed from code resident in a number of repositories. Begin by forking repositories you anticipate editing (although you really want to consider forking all the repositories as this is a relatively low-cost operation).
The repositories are:
- Docker
- Git
- NodeJS (v16)
- Yarn
- Some target data
Start with creating project directory, e.g.
mkdir fragalysis
Clone repositories
Note: You might want to work on frontend
git clone https://github.com/xchem/fragalysis-frontend.git
Note: Fork if any work is expected.
git clone https://github.com/xchem/fragalysis-backend.git
git clone https://github.com/xchem/fragalysis-stack.git
Note: The data/input/django_data directory will need to be populated with EXAMPLE data before you can launch the application.
mkdir -p data/input/django_data/EXAMPLE
mkdir -p data/neo4j/data
mkdir -p data/neo4j/logs
mkdir -p data/stack/media
mkdir -p data/stack/logs
mkdir -p data/media/compound_sets
mkdir -p data/postgre/data
-> will look forEXAMPLE
folder in ../data/input/django_data/EXAMPLE
cd fragalysis-frontend/
Start webpack dev server
yarn start
Start fragalysis stack
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.vector.yml up -d
Please wait, it takes a minute until all containers are fully started.
Test if we are running at http://localhost:8080
If needed stop containers
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml down
Inspired by https://owais.lone.pw/blog/webpack-plus-reactjs-and-django/ and https://github.com/gaearon/react-hot-boilerplate/ and webpack-contrib/webpack-hot-middleware#255
To connect to web_dock
docker exec -it web_dock /bin/bash
Please install following extension Prettier
Go to: Preferences, Tools, File watchers
Add Prettier
Prettier reccomended settings: Files to watch - Scope - All changed files
During the commit in this IDE, check Run Git hooks
Please install following extensions
Prettier - Code formatter https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode
ES-lint https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
to activate GitHub api create .env
file and following environment variable
To create .env with token right away:
echo "GITHUB_API_TOKEN=myGitHubToken" > .env
Update backend repo from xchem/fragalysis-backend master branch
Get rid of old docker images. You may prune all (BEWARE) images from docker by using command.
docker system prune -a
if you are running out of space then you can run
docker system prune --volumes
which will physically purge containers
And then run docker-compose as usual.
Navigate to /js/components/routes/constants.js and change value of
to true.
Then pick the stack from the list
export const base_url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host; //url for local developement
// export const base_url = 'https://fragalysis-tibor-default.xchem-dev.diamond.ac.uk'; //url for debugging on main dev pod
//export const base_url = 'https://fragalysis-boris-default.xchem-dev.diamond.ac.uk'; //url for debugging on secondary dev pod
//export const base_url = 'https://fragalysis.xchem.diamond.ac.uk'; //url for debugging staging
// export const base_url = 'https://fragalysis.diamond.ac.uk'; //url for debugging production
Uncomment that line and comment out the line
export const base_url = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host; //url for local developement
which is used to for local development.
To return back to debug local stack just revert above mentioned changes.
Currently it's not possible to fully debug the job execution but it's possible to debug parts of the process. You can debug file transfer and initial job request locally but the upload of the result file and job status doesn't work your IP address is not public so Squonk can't make the callback. This (refresh feature) has to be debugged remotely.
Deploy given stack to one of the dev stacks execute job there, connect you local dev env to given remote stack, like described above, and you can debug refresh and initial download of the result file.
But remember, you need to make it to the job table or project history (where refresh button is located) before the job is finished in squonk otherwise the result file will be downloaded during the intial load of the preview component, so you would not be able to debug refresh feature.