An ethereum gateway service application for fetching transactions, creating ethereum wallets, creating and broadcasting ethereum blockchain transactions on Goerli Testnet.
Clone repository or download it manually
git clone
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the application
npm start
or with nodemon
npm run watch
That's all! Application should be running on localhost:3005.
To run testsnpm test
docker container run
-p <desired_port>:3005 burakersoy/ethgatev1
You can test see and test all endpoints with swagger ui.
Application has been deployed to aws and the container runs on a ec2 instance. You can use the link below.
More tests can be added
Returns private key and public address of generated wallet.
Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": {
"privateKey": "0xecf508229eb793cb1591572bbc8836d4aa96040c9373a66d144265c229859880",
"address": "0x0d338D4006F70BE9C9fD8a2466C115945a0F402F"
This endpoint creates transaction object with given parameters. Signs and sends tx to the Network (Goerli Testnet)
Request Body
"senderKey": "0xf0612c2b8950ecbf5bb34661dab5c2579c974fdf62422d0a045dc5a19b58c371",
"address": "0x9D9dcE4cb5B796Dc6E3d00457D276Abe81c8491c",
"amount": 2
Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": {
"txHash": "0xf132a9bf86631e692c17b1c2d0dee65631eae8238a3d9b247b01f4cbd5787d1c"
Returns transaction objects between given blocks.
Sample Query Parameters (/transaction/getTransactionsBetweenTwoBlocks?startBlock=4613300&endBlock=4613333)
startBlock=4613300 (required) endBlock=4613333 (optional)
Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": [
"from": "0x1D4c8636dF248D2c585a56e948E4fF805aC227c5",
"to": "0x9202584Ac2A5081C6d1F27d637d1DD1Fb2AEc6B7",
"amount": "0.298223694011240155",
"token": "ETH",
"timestamp": 1618337461,
"blockNumber": 4613300
"from": "0x7b5956CA58fF0941eFbf89dFE0B56ED8576Cd332",
"to": "0x9202584Ac2A5081C6d1F27d637d1DD1Fb2AEc6B7",
"amount": "0.297679132164570337",
"token": "ETH",
"timestamp": 1618337461,
"blockNumber": 4613300