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Feature Gate Tracker Schedule

Feature Gate Tracker automation edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 71 revisions

This schedule is generated automatically from the Feature Gate Tracker. Do not edit this page directly.

For access to the Feature Gate Tracker please contact the Anza devops team in Solana Discord #devops.

Version Floor

The version floor is the current minimum supported software version for a cluster. As new feature gates are activated, the version floor is raised to match the software release that the feature gate shipped in. For minor version updates on mainnet-beta the version floor will be raised (and activations will begin) two full epochs after 95% of stake adopts the new minor version.

Testnet Devnet Mainnet Beta
Current floor v2.0.15 v2.0.9 v2.0.9
Next expected floor * -- -- --

* These dates are tentative. Please keep an eye out for comms as the dates near

Current Schedule

Pending Mainnet Beta Activation

Key Version Testnet Devnet Description Owner
FuS3FPfJDKSNot99ECLXtp3rueq36hMNStJkPJwWodLh v2.0.0 709 793 error invalid curve/op id samkim-crypto
wLckV1a64ngtcKPRGU4S4grVTestXjmNjxBjaKZrAcn 1.18 710 794 cost model uses number of requested write locks apfitzge
GDH5TVdbTPUpRnXaRyQqiKUa7uZAbZ28Q2N9bhbKoMLm v1.14 711 797 loosen cpi restrictions jstarry
7bTK6Jis8Xpfrs8ZoUfiMDPazTcdPcTWheZFJTA5Z6X4 v2.0.0 712 798 SIMD0148: MoveStake and MoveLamports 2501babe
EQUMpNFr7Nacb1sva56xn1aLfBxppEoSBH8RRVdkcD1x v2.1.1, v2.0.15 713 800 Disable account loader special case Lichtso
zkhiy5oLowR7HY4zogXjCjeMXyruLqBwSWH21qcFtnv v2.0.0 714 801 Enable ZK ElGamal Proof program samkim-crypto
BtVN7YjDzNE6Dk7kTT7YTDgMNUZTNgiSJgsdzAeTg2jF v2.0.0 715 802 Removing unwanted rounding in fee calculation tao-stones
3opE3EzAKnUftUDURkzMgwpNgimBAypW1mNDYH4x4Zg7 v2.0.0 716 805 Reward full priority fee to validators tao-stones
CLCoTADvV64PSrnR6QXty6Fwrt9Xc6EdxSJE4wLRePjq v2.0.0 717 806 SIMD0127: sol_get_sysvar 2501babe

Pending Devnet Activation

Key Version Testnet Devnet Description Owner
tSynMCspg4xFiCj1v3TDb4c7crMR5tSBhLz4sF7rrNA v2.0.0 718 Add TowerSync ix AshwinSekar
4eohviozzEeivk1y9UbrnekbAFMDQyJz5JjA9Y6gyvky v2.0.7 719 Feature Gate: Programify Feature Gate buffalojoec
2Fr57nzzkLYXW695UdDxDeR5fhnZWSttZeZYemrnpGFV v2.0.7 720 Feature Gate: Migrate Config program to Core BPF buffalojoec
8U4skmMVnF6k2kMvrWbQuRUT3qQSiTYpSjqmhmgfthZu v2.0.0 722 Add new unwritable reserved accounts jstarry

Pending Testnet Activation

Key Version Testnet Devnet Description Owner
CGB2jM8pwZkeeiXQ66kBMyBR6Np61mggL7XUsmLjVcrw v2.1.0 999999999 skip rent rewrites jeffwashington
CJzY83ggJHqPGDq8VisV3U91jDJLuEaALZooBrXtnnLU v2.1 999999999 Disable rent fees collection HaoranYi
sr11RdZWgbHTHxSroPALe6zgaT5A1K9LcE4nfsZS4gi v2.1.1 999999999 Enable secp256r1 precompile samkim-crypto
C97eKZygrkU4JxJsZdjgbUY7iQR7rKTr4NyDWo2E5pRm v2.0.7 999999999 Feature Gate: Migrate Address Lookup Table to Core BPF buffalojoec
FKe75t4LXxGaQnVHdUKM6DSFifVVraGZ8LyNo7oPwy1Z v2.1.6 999999999 Feature Gate: Syscall GetEpochStake buffalojoec
GJVDwRkUPNdk9QaK4VsU4g1N41QNxhy1hevjf8kz45Mq v2.1.6 999999999 Enable account data direct mapping alessandrod, seanyoung