A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet based on paper Matrix Capsules with EM Routing
- With configuration A=32, B=8, C=16, D=16, batch_size=128, the code can work on a Tesla P40 GPU at a speed of 8s/iteration. The definitions of A-D can be referred to the paper.
- With configuration A=B=C=D=32, batch_size=64, the code can work on a Tesla P40 GPU at a speed of 25s/iteration. More optimization on implementation structure is required.
- Some modification and optimization is implemented to prompt the numerical stability of GMM. Specific explanations can be found in the code.
- With configuration A=32, B=4, D=4, D=4, batch_size=128, each iteration of training takes around 0.6s on a Tesla P40 GPU.
Current Results on smallNORB:
Configuration: A=32, B=8, C=16, D=16, batch_size=50, iteration number of EM routing: 2, with Coordinate Addition, spread loss, batch normalization
Training loss. Variation of loss is suppressed by batch normalization. However there still exists a gap between our best results and the reported results in the original paper.
Ablation Study on smallNORB:
- Configuration: A=32, B=8, C=16, D=16, batch_size=32, iteration number of EM routing: 2, with Coordinate Addition, spread loss, test accuracy is 79.8%.
Current Results on MNIST:
Configuration: A=32, B=8, C=16, D=16, batch_size=50, iteration number of EM routing: 2, with Coordinate Addition, spread loss, batch normalization, reconstruction loss.
Test accuracy(current best result is 99.3%, only 10% samples are used in test)
Ablation Study on MNIST:
- Configuration: A=32, B=4, C=4, D=4, batch_size=128, iteration number of EM routing: 2, no Coordinate Addition, cross entropy loss, test accuracy is 96.4%.
- Configuration: A=32, B=4, C=4, D=4, batch_size=128, iteration number of EM routing: 2, with Coordinate Addition, cross entropy loss, test accuracy is 96.8%.
- Configuration: A=32, B=8, C=16, D=16, batch_size=32, iteration number of EM routing: 2, with Coordinate Addition, spread loss 99.1%.
To Do List:
- Experiments on smallNORB as in paper is about to be casted.
Any questions and comments to the code and the original algorithms are welcomed!!! My email: zhangsuofei at njupt.edu.cn
- Python >= 3.4
- Numpy
- Tensorflow >= 1.2.0
- Keras
pip install -r requirement.txt
Step 1.
Clone this repository with git
$ git clone https://github.com/www0wwwjs1/Matrix-Capsules-EM-Tensorflow.git
$ cd Matrix-Capsules-EM-Tensorflow
Step 2.
Download the MNIST dataset, mv
and extract it into data/mnist
directory.(Be careful the backslash appeared around the curly braces when you copy the wget
command to your terminal, remove it)
$ mkdir -p data/mnist
$ wget -c -P data/mnist http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/{train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz,t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz}
$ gunzip data/mnist/*.gz
To install smallNORB, follow instructions in ./data/README.md
Step 3. Start the training(MNIST):
$ python3 train.py "mnist"
Step 4.
Download the Fashion MNIST dataset, mv
and extract it into data/fashion_mnist
directory.(Be careful the backslash appeared around the curly braces when you copy the wget
command to your terminal, remove it)
$ mkdir -p data/fashion_mnist
$ wget -c -P data/fashion_mnist http://fashion-mnist.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/{train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz,t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz,t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz}
$ gunzip data/fashion_mnist/*.gz
Start the training(smallNORB):
$ python3 train.py "smallNORB"
Start the training(CNN baseline):
$ python3 train_baseline.py "smallNORB"
Step 4. View the status of training:
$ tensorboard --logdir=./logdir/{model_name}/{dataset_name}/train_log/
Open the url tensorboard has shown.
Step 5. Start the test on MNIST:
$ python3 eval.py "mnist" "caps"
Start the test on smallNORB:
$ python3 eval.py "smallNORB" "caps"
Step 6. View the status of test:
$ tensorboard --logdir=./test_logdir/{model_name}/{dataset_name}/
Open the url tensorboard has shown.
- naturomics/CapsNet-Tensorflow: the implementation of Hinton's paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules