Generates critical stylesheets for templates via AWS Lambda. See also AWS Lambda Critical CSS.
Preferable way is to use Composer:
composer require innocode-digital/wp-critical-css-aws-lambda
By default, it will be installed as Must Use Plugin. It's possible to control with
. -
Alternate way is to clone this repo to
:cd wp-content/plugins/ git clone cd wp-critical-css-aws-lambda/ composer install
If plugin was installed as regular plugin then activate AWS Lambda Critical CSS from Plugins page
or WP-CLI: wp plugin activate wp-critical-css-aws-lambda
Add the following constants to wp-config.php
define( 'AWS_LAMBDA_CRITICAL_CSS_REGION', '' ); // e.g. eu-west-1
define( 'AWS_LAMBDA_CRITICAL_CSS_FUNCTION', '' ); // Optional, default value is "critical-css-production-processor"
Create serverless function on your favorite service. Expected default name is critical-css-production-processor, but you may use any other. There is a prepared function AWS Lambda Critical CSS.
To generate critical CSS from enqueued styles:
add_filter( 'innocode_critical_css_styles', function () {
return [
// List of enqueued styles.
// Specify styles which you think are needed for critical CSS.
} );
- Relative paths to custom fonts or images in stylesheets should be changed to absolute:
add_filter( 'innocode_critical_css_stylesheet', function ( $stylesheet ) {
$stylesheet = str_replace(
get_template_directory_uri() . '/path/to/fonts/',
$stylesheet = str_replace(
get_template_directory_uri() . '/path/to/images/',
return $stylesheet;
} );
This plugin is only for generating and rendering critical CSS, to defer CSS files you may use Deferred loading.
If page caching is used then you may want to add variable value from cookie in cache key. E.g. for Batcache it's possible to do with next code before
file is included:
foreach ( array_keys( $_COOKIE ) as $name ) {
if ( strpos( $name, 'innocode_critical_css_' ) === 0 ) {
$GLOBALS['batcache']['unique']['innocode_critical_css'] = substr( $name, strlen( 'innocode_critical_css_' ) );