Awaitable promises in Rust. Similar to promises in Javascript, except you can only await them, no then/catch business.
I made this for fun. I claim neither completeness nor correctness.
To use it, just add this to your cargo.toml:
no-promises = { git = "" }
Anyway, here are some examples.
- Resolve or Reject, that is the question:
use no_promises::{Promise, Error};
async fn resolve_or_fail() {
assert_eq!(promise_div(10.0, 0.0).await, Err(Error::from("division by zero")));
assert_eq!(promise_div(10.0, 2.0).await, Ok(5.0));
fn promise_div(a: f32, b: f32) -> Promise<f32> {
Promise::new(move |resolve, reject| {
if b == 0.0 { reject(promise::Error::from("division by zero")) } else { resolve(a / b) }
- Very busy sleeping:
use std::time;
use no_promises::{Promise, Error};
async fn main() {
println!("Wait for it ...");
fn silly_sleep(millis: u128) -> Promise<()> {
Promise::new(move |resolve, _| {
let mut waiting = 0;
let mut last = time::SystemTime::now();
while waiting <= millis*1000 {
let now = time::SystemTime::now();
let duration = now.duration_since(last);
last = now;
waiting += duration.unwrap().as_micros();