A REST API jwt authentication backend using nodejs and express. This code uses mongoDB as a database. Docker is supported.
We use two collections, one for users and another for tokens. Token refreshing is supported, expired token will be discarded using TTL index of mongoDB.
Access token expiry and refresh token expiry can be tuned in the files controllers/auth.js and models/token.js.
Note that you have to recreate the index of the collection if you updated it.
Key rotation is also implemented, signing keys are changed everyday, this is done by a cron task which can be modified in index.js.
A sample middleware can be found in middlewares/is-auth.js, where 3rd party apps request the public JWKS to verify the tokens.
New users are required to verify their email through a verification link.
Password reset through email is also implemented.
- Email and Passsword Sign In
- HCAPTCHA Verification
- Google Sign In
- Apple Sign In
- TOTP authenticator auth
- Hcaptcha Validation
- Email verification
- Email password reset
- 2 factor authentication (2FA)
Keypair generation is done in utils/keypair.js. If you intend to change the algorithm used, please make sure you update them at signing and verifying respectively.
Please change the audience and issuer claim on signing and verifying tokens:
// Signing
const accessToken = await new SignJWT({
email: user.email,
userId: user._id.toString(),
.setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'EdDSA', kid: jwk.kid })
// Verifying
const { payload } = await jwtVerify(token, JWKS, {
issuer: 'wmtech',
audience: 'auth.wmtech.cc'
This repo uses hcaptcha validation. Please configure hcaptcha in your frontend respectively. A sample hcaptcha server can be found here.
Modify the defaultMailOptions
in utils/nodemailer.js.
const defaultMailOptions = {
from: `WMTech <noreply.wmtech.cc>`,
replyTo: `info@wmtech.cc`,
subject: 'WMTech',
- http port to serve the backend
- http port to serve the backend
- url to host this auth service
- url to hcaptcha backend
- Google OAuth2 Client ID (For sign in with google)
- http port to serve the backend
- default: 80
- mongodb connection url
- number of signing keys to generate
- default: 5
Instead of hardcoding these values into your docker-compose.yaml, you can create a
file like below:
DATABASE_URL=<your mongodb connection string>
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<your google client id>
Dockerfile.dev spawns up a dev server with nodemon for development.
Dockerfile is for deployment.
Here are some main api usage, more details can be found in routes.
"email": "test@test.com",
"password": "Te$+12#$",
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "Test",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789",
and sign_up_with_apple
works similarly, justreplace the token
field with google auth token/apple auth token. These are called to sign up a user if the user log in with the specific method is not registered.
"message": "User created!",
"userId": "5fd21f48601a41001dbd5aef"
Sign in with email and password
"email": "test@test.com",
"password": "Te$+12#$",
"refreshToken": "rdhXgbg3qMOvyK1gKwlLu/BA9uHExQ8PlpbSpMGLeJFEXfV8bGCj3n5/R+aXZOEzWovXTu+tirUuJPIycuXc45cQRPYh6LGG+WerPqfHnYaUlpTL6cic5q2vV5Vu491CSRt8X8ku3bIbJ0W2rJe3lvPKYkGEYbPoADdf4O6zac8=",
"userId": "5fd21f48601a41001dbd5aef",
"accessTokenExpiry": "2020-12-11T13:47:13.476Z",
"refreshTokenExpiry": "2020-12-17T13:47:13.476Z",
"email": "test@test.com",
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "Test",
"phoneNumber": "0123456789",
"activeStatus": false,
"googleAuthEnabled": false,
"appleAuthEnabled": false,
"otpAuthEnabled": false,
"enable2FA": false
Sign in with google
Similar to sign_in_with_email_password
Sign in with apple
Similar to sign_in_with_email_password
Refresh access token based on refresh token.
"refreshToken": "rdhXgbg3qMOvyK1gKwlLu/BA9uHExQ8PlpbSpMGLeJFEXfV8bGCj3n5/R+aXZOEzWovXTu+tirUuJPIycuXc45cQRPYh6LGG+WerPqfHnYaUlpTL6cic5q2vV5Vu491CSRt8X8ku3bIbJ0W2rJe3lvPKYkGEYbPoADdf4O6zac8="
"userId": "5fd21f48601a41001dbd5aef",
"accessTokenExpiry": "2020-12-11T13:58:25.687Z"
Enable 2 Factor Authentication. Attach Bearer Token at Authorization header.
"message": "Success!"
Enable 2 Factor Authentication. Attach Bearer Token at Authorization header.
"message": "Success!"
Setup TOTP. Attach Bearer Token at Authorization header.
"token": "<URL of QR Code to be scanned with Authenticator APP>"
Disable TOTP. Attach Bearer Token at Authorization header.
"message": "Success!"
Sign in with TOTP
"email": "test@test.com",
"token": "TOTP"
Similar to sign_in_with_email_password
Send verification email to user to verify user email. Attach Bearer Token at Authorization header.
"message": "Success!"
Verify user email based on token attached with email sent. (Used Internally when user clicks on the link on the email.)
Send password reset email to user to reset password.
"message": "Success!"
Get reset password frontend html
Reset user password. (Used Internally when user clicks on the link on the email.)
Check email availability for new registration.
"result": true
Check phone number availability for new registration.
"result": true
Get public JWKS for token verification.