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Samuele Landi edited this page Feb 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

WiV Supply Chain - Smart Contract (!INK)

A smart contract for WIV Supply Chain

This Smart Contract allows users to securely collect and store information about each unique asset’s provenance and transaction history, whilst holding and insuring the unique asset in a professionally managed storage facility.

The control flow is the following:

  • Each asset is identified by a unique id;
  • Anyone can add a a new asset that is subject to approval;
  • The owner of an asset can transfer it to other account;
  • The owner of an asset can delete it permanently;
  • Administrator account validate the assets added from any other user;
  • Administrator can assign a role to any account;
  • Current possible roles are: 0 = Producer, 1= Wholesaler, 2 = Retailer, 3 = Final Buyer, 4=Shipper, 5=Administrator
  • Administrator account in set to "Alice" well know account;
  • The owner account can delegate a proxy account to manage a single asset or all the owned assets;
  • The owner account can add/delete description, photo,etc. The validation date should be considered from app client to consider trusted the changes done;
  • An account with the "Shipper" role can update the location of the assets with no need to own it;
  • Administrator role can do any change to the assets;
  • To add a new category for an asset, the category description must be stored in advance;
  • Metadata can be an IPFS address, it can be useful to integrate additional information;
  • Photos can be added as IPFS address;
  • The proxy/delegate control flow is not yet managed for now because it was not part of the current scope;
  • The assets not approved shall be considered as a draft/proposal;
  • The assets data changed after the last approval shall be considered as proposal/draft.

This smart contract offers 42 functions (extrisincs and reading calls) that have been grouped fo easier reading.

The terminology refers to the real world, for example the classic call to "mint()" for adding a new token/asset has been renamed to assetNew().

Here the list of function (extrisincs and reading calls) divided by main categories:


  • assetNew (id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

Creates a new asset.

  • assetDelete (id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Deletes an existing asset. Only the owner can do it

  • assetTransfer (destination: AccountId, id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Transfers the asset from the caller to a different account.

  • assetGetOwner (id: AssetId): Option

    Returns the owner of an asset id

  • assetVerify (id: AssetId): bool

    Verifies if an asset id is present in the storage, it returns true/false

Assets - Description

  • assetDescriptionNew (id: AssetId, desc: Hash): Result<(), Error>

    Adds the description of an asset, only the owner can do it

  • assetDescriptionDelete (id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Removes the description of an asset, only the owner can do it

  • assetDescriptionGet (id: AssetId): Option

    Returns the description of an asset id

  • assetDescriptionVerify (id: AssetId): bool

    Verifies if an asset description is present in the storage

Assets - Photo

  • assetPhotoNew (id: AssetId, photoipfs: Hash): Result<(), Error>

    Adds the IPFS address of an asset's photo, only the owner can do it

  • assetPhotoDelete (id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Removes the ipfs address of an asset's photo, only the owner can do it

  • assetPhotoGet (id: AssetId): Option

    Returns the ipfs address of the asset's photo

  • assetPhotoVerify (id: AssetId): bool

    Verifies the IPFS address of the asset photo is stored

Assets - Category

  • assetCategoryNew (id: AssetId, categoryid: u32): Result<(), Error>

    Stores the category of an asset, only owner can do it, the category id must be already stored using "categoryDescriptionNew"

  • assetCategoryDelete (id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Removes the category of an asset, only the owner can do it

  • assetCategoryVerify (id: AssetId): bool

    Verifies if an asset category is present in the storage, it returns true/false

Assets - Location

  • assetLocationNew (id: AssetId, location: Hash): Result<(), Error>

    Adds the location of an asset by coordinates in decimal format, comma separated: xxx.xxxxxxx,yyyy.yyyyyy only owner can do it

  • assetLocationDelete (id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Remove the location of an asset id, only the owner can do it

  • assetLocationGet (id: AssetId): Option

    Returns the location coordinates of an asset

  • assetLocationVerify (id: AssetId): bool

    Verify if there is a location stored for an asset id

Assets - Metadata

  • assetMetadataNew (id: AssetId, metadata: Hash): Result<(), Error>

    Add other metadata to an asset as ipfs address, only the owner can do it

  • assetMetadataDelete (id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Removes metadata of an asset id, only the owner can do it

  • assetMetadataGet (id: AssetId): Option

    Returns the metada ipfs address of an asset

  • assetMetadataVerify (id: AssetId): bool

    Verifies if there is metadata stored for an asset id

Assets - Validation

  • assetValidationNew (id: AssetId, accountid: AccountId): Result<(), Error>

    Validate an asset from an administrator account

  • assetValidationDelete (id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Remove the validation of an asset id, only an administrator can do it

  • assetValidationGet (id: AssetId): Option

    Returns the validation account of an asset

  • assetValidationVerify (id: AssetId): bool

    Verify if there is a validation stored for an asset id

Asset - Proxy

  • assetGetDelegatedAccount (id: AssetId): Option

    Returns the deletegated account ID for this asset if any.

Asset - Categories Description

  • categoryDescriptionNew (id: u32, description: Hash): Result<(), Error>

    Add a category description, you can store categories for an asset that are not yet stored here.

  • categoryDescriptionDelete (id: u32): Result<(), Error>

    Removes the metadata of an asset id, only the owner can do it

  • categoryDescriptionGet (id: AssetId): Option

    Returns the description of an asset category

  • categoryDescriptionVerify (id: u32): bool

    Verifies if there is a category description stored, returns true/false


  • accountAssetsNumber (owner: AccountId): u32

    Returns the number of the assets owneed from an account

  • accountDelegateForAllAsset (to: AccountId, approved: bool): Result<(), Error>

    Delegate or undelegate an account to manage all the asset on behalf of the caller

  • accountDelegateSingleAsset (to: AccountId, id: AssetId): Result<(), Error>

    Delegate an account to transfer the specified asset on behalf of the caller.

  • accountVerifyDelegatedForAllAsset (owner: AccountId, operator: AccountId): bool

    Returns true if the operator is approved by the owner to manage any asset.

  • accountRoleNew (accountid: AccountId, role: u32): Result<(), Error>

    Writes new role operator, only administrator can do it. Possible roles are: 0 = Producer, 1= Wholesaler, 2 = Retailer, 3 = Final Buyer, 4=Shipper, 5=Administrator

  • accountRoleDelete (accountid: AccountId): Result<(), Error>

    Removes an operator role, only the Administrator can do it

  • accountRoleGet (accountid: AccountId): Option

    Returns the operator role

  • accountRoleVerify (accountid: AccountId): bool

    Verifies if there is a role stored for the operator


Install Rust compiler: Install Make utility:

Install the toolchain as follows:

rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain stable

Install the Canvas Substrate Node to test the Smart Contract:

cargo install canvas-node --git --tag v0.1.4 --force --locked

Install the Contract plugin:

cargo install cargo-contract --vers 0.8.0 --force --locked

For additional info to install the Smart Contract Plugin, check the official documentation

How to Build

To build the smart contract

cd supply-chain-ink
cargo +nightly contract build

Inside the folder "target" your will find the smart contract package:


How to Run

Run the Substrate Canvas Node:

canvas purge-chain --dev
canvas --dev

Connect to this user interface and select the localnode:

it works well using Google Chrome, instead we have found issues using Safari/MacOsx.

To be noticed, that the well know and official link: does not work when reading data from the smart contract/blockchain.

Click on "Developer", "Contracts" and "Upload Wasm" select wivSupplyChain.contract. Deploy the contract and you will have access to all the functions available.

Super-Administrator Account

The super-administrator account is hard coded in with "Alice", you should change it for production:

/// Get hard coded super administrator AccountId ###### CUSTOMIZE ADMINISTRATOR #######
fn  administrator_accountid() -> Option<AccountId> {   
    //Administrator hexadecimal Account 
    //Alice account decoding 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY in hex: 0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d
    let accountid32: [u8;32] = hex_literal::hex!["d43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558854ccde39a5684e7a56da27d"].into();

Assigning Roles

The hard-coded administrator above (ALICE account in canvas node) can assign any other role including "administrator" to other accounts.

The possible role are:

  • 0 = Producer,
  • 1 = Wholesaler,
  • 2 = Retailer,
  • 3 = Final Buyer (default),
  • 4 = Shipper,
  • 5 = Administrator

Every role can add asset and manage its own assets.

"Administrator" is the only one that can validate the assets, changes roles of other accounts and manage assets categories. Administrator can also change any asset dta and transfer the assets without owning the assets.

Testing Unit

There is a testing unit in the contract. It can be launched by:

cd supply-chain-ink
cargo +nightly test