ffmpeg command in docker container
I cooked this custom image using only the necessary dependencies and used trivy to scan for any vulnerabilities
for testing:
docker run --rm -p 1881:1880 william1608/node-red-ffmpeg:$VERSION
and open browser to "loacalhost:1881".
try latest docker image
docker compose
here compose file example
in terminal:
docker compose up -d
Human detection
nodes you need:
- node-red-contrib-object-detection
- node-red-contrib-image-output
- node-red-contrib-telegrambot
- node-red-dashboard
- node-red-node-base64
this flow run nvr (mode live view/mode record),human detection and send image to telegram:
show in dashboard your cams:
- kubernetes environment
- arm build
- another scenario machine learning in nodeRed
- nodered team for this project
- @good-i-deer/node-red-contrib-vision-ai
- node-red-contrib-image-output
- node-red-contrib-telegrambot
- node-red-node-base64
enjoy this project and check my another works here