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Wiesław Šoltés edited this page Mar 9, 2020
5 revisions
Supported SVG elements:
- a
- altGlyph
- altGlyphDef
- altGlyphItem
- animate (not planned)
- animateColor (not planned)
- animateMotion (not planned)
- animateTransform (not planned)
- circle
- clipPath
- color-profile
- cursor (not planned)
- defs
- desc (not used)
- ellipse
- feBlend
- feColorMatrix
- feComponentTransfer
- feComposite
- feConvolveMatrix
- feDiffuseLighting
- feDisplacementMap
- feDistantLight
- feFlood
- feFuncA
- feFuncB
- feFuncG
- feFuncR
- feGaussianBlur
- feImage
- feMerge
- feMergeNode
- feMorphology
- feOffset
- fePointLight
- feSpecularLighting
- feSpotLight
- feTile
- feTurbulence
- filter
- font
- font-face
- font-face-format
- font-face-name
- font-face-src
- font-face-uri
- foreignObject (not planned)
- g
- glyph
- glyphRef
- hkern
- image
- line
- linearGradient
- marker
- mask
- metadata (not used)
- missing-glyph
- mpath (not planned)
- path
- pattern
- polygon
- polyline
- radialGradient
- rect
- script (not planned)
- set (not planned)
- stop
- style
- svg
- switch
- symbol
- text
- textPath
- title (not used)
- tref
- tspan
- use
- view
- vkern