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[Github Sync] Merge github/main to googleplex master
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Bug: b/281629567

* upstream/main:
  [routing-manager] update OMR prefix def-route flag when publishing `::/0` (openthread#9042)
  [alarm] update docs to explicitly require 32-bit alarms (openthread#9043)
  [dns-client] check all responses in `GetHostAddress()` (openthread#9044)
  [ip6] add new versions of `NewMessage()` (openthread#9038)
  [log] log the port for backbone (openthread#9039)
  [ip6] simplify and update `NewMessageFromData()` (openthread#9037)
  [github-actions] add arm-gcc {10,11,12} checks (openthread#9035)
  Define posix radio RadioSpinel accessor (openthread#9018)
  [network-name] consolidate default network name definition (openthread#9036)
  [topology] track connection time of neighbors (openthread#9007)
  [string] add `StringParseUint8()` helper function (openthread#9026)
  [link-metrics] fix compilation errors (openthread#9033)
  [build] add CMake Android NDK support (openthread#9010)
  [tcp] remove EXCLUDE_TCPLP_LIB option (openthread#8883)
  [netdata] add `otNetDataReplacePublishedExternalRoute()` API (openthread#9013)
  [border-agent] fix BorderAgentId compile and enable it in CI tests (openthread#9030)
  github-actions: bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.1 to 3.1.3 (openthread#9031)
  [settings] define new Settings key for Border Router ID (openthread#8971)
  [posix] update upstream DNS addresses after a few minutes  (openthread#8972)
  [link-metrics] refactor link metrics module (openthread#8966)
  [cli] refactor br command prefix type (openthread#9022)
  [test] migrate tests to cmake (openthread#8929)
  [ip6] add `otIp6PrefixFromString()` (openthread#9016)
  [netdata] prefer BR acting as router over ED (when all other checks are same) (openthread#9012)
  [net-diag] vendor name, model, and sw version TLVs (openthread#8898)
  [mle] request "Route TLV" after quick re-attach as FED (openthread#8956)
  [mle] fix how time per role is tracked after counters are reset (openthread#9011)
  [posix] vendor support with lib dependencies (openthread#8950)
  [routing-manager] `RoutePublisher` and new route publishing model (openthread#8986)
  github-actions: bump actions/setup-python from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 (openthread#9008)
  [mle] clear/update address cache entries on promotion of child to router (openthread#8987)
  [mle] add parent request callback config (openthread#8989)
  [dns-client] update API docs (openthread#8962)
  [build] add cmake option for generating .map files (openthread#9006)
  [diag] implement `diag stream` command (openthread#8975)
  [otci] fix some style issues (openthread#8996)
  [cli] store cli user commands in container and support list prepend (openthread#8977)
  [daemon] remove log of CLI input (openthread#8994)
  [crypto] allow key reference usage for ECDSA (openthread#8961)
  github-actions: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 (openthread#8991)
  [test] require either mdns or avahi (openthread#8959)
  [sub-mac] check key-id to match in `SignalFrameCounterUsed()` (openthread#8978)
  [dns-client] fix finalizing query from `HandleTimer()` (openthread#8982)
  [github-actions] replace deprecated `set-output` commands (openthread#8976)
  [mle] enable Inform Previous Parent feature by default (openthread#8969)
  github-actions: bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.5 to 2.2.12 (openthread#8968)
  [nat64] add function for parsing IPv4 CIDR (openthread#8954)
  [mle] simplify parsing of Address Registration TLV entries (openthread#8963)
  [mle] simplify appending of Address Registration TLV entries (openthread#8958)
  [net-diags] fix `GetNextDiagTlv()` when skipping over unknown TLVs (openthread#8957)
  [test] disable INTER_OP_BBR by default (openthread#8952)
  [mle] simplify `SendChildUpdateRequest()` (openthread#8951)
  [posix] unify the RCP reset sequence (openthread#8858)
  [style] fix spelling errors (openthread#8939)
  github-actions: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 (openthread#8943)
  [posix] initialize pointers to avoid potential using uninitialized pointers (openthread#8942)
  [net-diag] introduce `Server` and `Client` classes (openthread#8936)
  [tmf] add local IPv6 DSCP values to indicate TMF message priority (openthread#7869)
  [joiner] use `Clamp()` function to calculate priority from RSS (openthread#8937)
  [coap] avoid using default parameter values for common methods (openthread#8932)
  [build] address new warnings with clang-14 (openthread#8924)
  [posix] reset the signal actions after processing signals (openthread#8934)
  [tmf] add `UriToString()` for logging (openthread#8930)
  [spinel] add openthread config header file (openthread#8928)
  [dns-client] add `ServiceMode` to control service resolution (openthread#8772)
  [tmf] skip copy of `MessageInfo` for empty ack (openthread#8926)
  [data-poll-sender] clamp poll period based on child timeout (openthread#8927)
  github-actions: bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 (openthread#8925)
  [csl] take into account radio header for aiming at the CSL phase (openthread#8743)
  [tmf] allow pan-id query on MTD (openthread#8919)
  [docs] remove clang-format tags and implement multi-line cparam tags (openthread#8921)
  [network-data] change 6LoWPAN context ID reuse delay to 5 minutes (openthread#8896)
  [test] add tests for DNS forwarding (openthread#8847)
  [sub-mac] prefer scanning and RX after data poll over CSL RX (openthread#8832)
  [expect] split and extend tests for discovery (openthread#8832)
  [discovery] allow (S)SED devices to perform MLE Discovery (openthread#8832)
  [radio] clarify `mTimestamp` meaning in comments (openthread#8894)
  [netif] add diagnostic log for when no valid route is found (openthread#8907)
  [docs] disable Doxygen autolink for the word "Joiner" (openthread#8915)
  [spinel] abort host after receiving unexpected reset from RCP (openthread#8909)
  [ip6] combine `PassToHost()` calls in `Ip6::HandleDatagram()` (openthread#8908)
  github-actions: bump actions/setup-go from 3.5.0 to 4.0.0 (openthread#8910)
  [logging] fix print format for some variables requiring `%u` or `%lu` (openthread#8899)
  [cli] add docs for `partitionid` through `pollperiod` (openthread#8875)
  [common] add `Preference` helper methods for 2-bit preference value (openthread#8895)
  [srp] add support for short (4-bytes) lease option variant (openthread#8879)
  [tlv] fix `ReadStringTlv()` (openthread#8897)
  [trel] protect against invalid long TXT data keys from TREL peer (openthread#8891)
  [mle] add `otDeviceProperties` to calculate local leader weight (openthread#8670)
  [dua] remove DUA address if network data no longer contains DUA prefix (openthread#8874)
  [netif] simplify `ThreadNetif` (openthread#8882)
  [cli] add docs for `networkkey` through `parentpriority` (openthread#8868)
  [dua] avoid unnecessary time ticker processing (openthread#8872)
  github-actions: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 (openthread#8885)
  [mle] update how we set/get Parent Priority on `ConnectivityTlv` (openthread#8878)
  [netdata] simplify tracking of lowpan context IDs (openthread#8876)
  [netdata] new API to get lowpan context IDs (openthread#8870)
  [dns] implement DNS query over TCP (openthread#8474)
  [mle] add `IncrementLinkQuality()` to `ConnectivityTlv` (openthread#8877)
  [mac] add build config for timeout for receiving a Data Frame (openthread#8863)
  [cli] update dataset to operate directly on TLVs (openthread#8871)
  [dataset] add `otDatasetUpdateTlvs` API (openthread#8871)
  [csl] add code comment & explanation for `HandleCslTimer` (openthread#8867)
  [tcp] update `otTcpConnect()` doc to indicate currently supported behavior (openthread#8835)
  [mle] update and enhance processing of Route TLV (openthread#8851)
  [netdata] ensure to free context ID once (openthread#8860)
  [netdata] update `StartContextReuseTimer()` to start time if not running (openthread#8859)
  [mesh-diag] update `kMaxTlvsToRequest` constant (openthread#8853)
  github-actions: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2.2.1 to 2.5.0 (openthread#8856)
  [cli] update `dns` docs (openthread#8831)
  [dataset] add `otDatasetConvertToTlvs()` API (openthread#8720)
  [build] fix the `-Wunused-command-line-argument` warning on macOS (openthread#8839)
  [version] introduce `OT_THREAD_VERSION_1_3_1` (openthread#8849)
  [srp-server] fix -Werror=maybe-uninitialized (openthread#8848)
  [net-diag] add Net Diag Version TLV (openthread#8834)
  [dnssd] change `OT_DNS_QUERY_UPSTREAM` to `OT_DNS_UPSTREAM_QUERY` for consistency (openthread#8846)
  [github-actions] update otns to python 3.9 (openthread#8845)
  [rcp] fix `DecodeStreamRawTxRequest()` to handle missing optional fields (openthread#8844)
  [radio] mechanism to switch to PAN channel more quickly on CSL tx (openthread#8701)
  [thread-cert] add Low Power test case 7_1_02 (openthread#8807)
  [netdata] mechanism to track max Network Data length since start/reset (openthread#8826)
  [mle] add `InitNeighbor()` method (openthread#8836)
  [mle] send MLE Avd on router promo & accept former child as router (openthread#8307)
  [docs] dns browse: explain dns-sd proxy zone (openthread#8824)
  github-actions: bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.39 to 2.2.5 (openthread#8837)
  [mesh-diag] new module and new API to discover network topology (openthread#8682)
  [dnssd] add API for getting the upstream query status (openthread#8815)
  [docs] add plat-dns module to Doxygen menu (openthread#8819)
  [pretty] fix `script/clang-format` (openthread#8814)
  [child-supervision] mechanism to inform interval from child to parent (openthread#7993)
  [mle-router] add common `SetStateRouterOrLeader()` (openthread#8813)
  [cli] fix bad CLI command tag (openthread#8818)
  [cli] added documentation for rcp and route (openthread#8800)
  [mle] smaller enhancements (openthread#8812)
  [message-pool] track max used buffers (openthread#8796)
  [time-sync] define cpp enum/types mirroring public definitions (openthread#8811)
  [routing-manager] new APIs to get state and new CLI commands (openthread#8784)
  [net-diag] define `AppendDiagTlv()` (openthread#8805)
  [core] use `Min()` and `Max()` to track next timer fire time (openthread#8808)
  [backbone-router] define C++ enum/types mirroring public definitions (openthread#8809)
  [unit] add a README guide for unit tests (openthread#8791)
  github-actions: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (openthread#8810)
  [cmake] fix `OT_TCP` option (openthread#8804)
  Add missing dependencies to "openthread-posix" target (openthread#8801)
  [commissioner] add joiner session timeout (openthread#8776)
  [cli] update dataset readme with the latest output (openthread#8790)
  [ip6] simplify `Ip6::HandleDatagram()` (openthread#8787)
  [dnssd] support forwarding DNS queries to platform upstream (openthread#8668)
  [docs] add Nabu Casa to supporter list (openthread#8785)
  [docker] avoid unnecessary copying when building an image for testing (openthread#8780)
  [build] add CMake option for enabling TCP (openthread#8778)
  github-actions: bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (openthread#8781)
  [routing-manager] use NA target address (openthread#8777)
  [trel] remove deprecated `otTrelEnable`/`otTrelDisable` APIs (openthread#8775)
  [test] allow TREL disabled by default (openthread#8774)
  [csl] fix indirect retransmission of frame previously transmitted via CSL (openthread#8770)
  [test] update `test_srp_server` to clear the service instances (openthread#8768)
  [code-utils] use `num_utils` `Min`/`Max` to simplify code (openthread#8762)
  [tests] add build tests for BR features (openthread#6570)
  [posix] set link type to none explicitly (openthread#8526)
  [harness-simulation] keep capture files in sync at runtime (openthread#8138)
  [bootstrap] install bzip2 to uncompress arm toolchain (openthread#8621)
  [net] fix typo multicast in comments (openthread#8756)
  [posix] disable addrconf generating LL address (openthread#8749)
  [trel] add `otTrelSetEnabled` API (openthread#8731)
  [tcp] correct misspelling in API docs (openthread#8750)
  github-actions: bump actions/setup-go from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (openthread#8748)
  [net-diag] simplify `NetworkDiagnostic` (openthread#8746)
  [simul-platform] enhance radio `nodeidfilter` command (openthread#8740)
  [history-tracker] track changes to router table (next hop, cost) (openthread#8734)
  [cmake] guard unit tests with `BUILD_TESTING` (openthread#8739)
  [github-actions] fix coverage reporting in unit workflow (openthread#8737)
  [mac] ensure CSL parameters are initialized to zero (openthread#8736)
  [test] use cmake to run unit tests (openthread#8724)
  [ncp] remove legacy network support (openthread#8723)
  [cli] `nexthop` command to output next hop and path cost table (openthread#8729)
  [router-table] use `Tasklet` to signal changes (openthread#8730)
  [ip6] add `Option::ParseFrom()` and common `PadOption` (openthread#8719)
  [cli] add documentation for the DNS CLI commands (openthread#8727)
  [mle] retransmit link request after router reset (openthread#8704)
  [coap] copy token from block2 request message to next response token (openthread#8700)
  github-actions: bump actions/setup-python from 4.3.1 to 4.5.0 (openthread#8725)
  [tests] declare python dependencies with specific versions (openthread#8721)
  [link-metrics] simplify `HandleManagementRequest()` (openthread#8714)
  [ip6] ensure to make room for new header at correct offset (openthread#8717)
  [ip6] remove default constructor for `Ip6::Option` (openthread#8712)
  [cli] add documentation for `dns resolve4` command (openthread#8710)
  [github-actions] update `toranj-ncp` to trigger on pull request only (openthread#8648)
  [message] add `WriteBytesFromMessage()` and `Remove/InsertHeader()` (openthread#8708)
  [ip6] refer to correct RFC in comments/docs (openthread#8711)
  [ip6] rename `Option` sub-classes (openthread#8709)
  [test] move tcplp tests into unit workflow (openthread#8707)
  [posix] remove (openthread#8706)
  [mle] add API for changing number of child router links (openthread#8410)
  [api] include `mLinkMargin` in `otNeighborInfo` (openthread#8697)
  github-actions: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 (openthread#8703)
  [cli-tcp] fix TLS configuration for different platforms (openthread#8693)
  [core] use `AppendBytesFromMessage()` to copy bytes between messages (openthread#8686)
  [net-diags] include link quality in child table entry (openthread#8398)
  [csl] reset tx attempt on `mCslTxChild` when msg is replaced/purged (openthread#8683)
  [ip6] add `GetSize()` to `ExtensionHeader` and `OptionHeader` (openthread#8684)
  github-actions: bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.37 to 2.1.39 (openthread#8679)
  [diag] add power calibration related diag commands (openthread#8584)
  [cli-tcp] add TLS mode to TCP CLI tool and TLS callbacks to TCP API (openthread#8257)
  [ip6-mpl] check the length when reading MPL Option (openthread#8672)
  [github-actions] fix cmake 3.10.3 install (openthread#8671)
  [radio] new API to update frame counter only if new value is larger (openthread#8607)
  [ip6] check role to allow forwarding back to Thread (openthread#8666)
  [ip6] style enhancements and renames (openthread#8665)
  [logging] fix print format when enabling csl debug (openthread#8667)
  [mac-frame] update `InitMacHeader()` (openthread#8660)
  [router-table] new API to get next hop and cost (openthread#8653)
  github-actions: bump actions/download-artifact from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (openthread#8658)
  [data-poll-sender] faster rtx polling for CSL (openthread#8654)
  [mle] keep router table next hop and cost on REED to router promotion (openthread#8657)
  [netdata] update `CompareRouteEntries()` on MTD to prefer self (openthread#8656)
  [mac] ensure to apply RSS filter on all rx frame including ack (openthread#8651)
  [trel] use same constant for noise-floor under TREL radio link only (openthread#8650)
  [router-table] simplify `UpdateRoutes()` and how to reset Adv interval (openthread#8644)
  [mle] always check for stale parent in `HandleAdv()` (openthread#8646)
  [mle] update `HandleAdv` to not exit when deciding to promote to router (openthread#8645)
  [infra-if] add API for querying infra link status (openthread#8619)
  [mle] simplify `HandleAdvertisement()` (openthread#8643)
  [router-table] update cost on FED and enhance `GetPathCost()` (openthread#8629)
  [netdiag] include `netdiag.h` header in `network_diagnostic_tlvs.hpp` (openthread#8639)
  [radio] refine the definition of SYMBOL_TIME (openthread#8634)
  [posix] rename and move the configuration of host-rcp time sync interval (openthread#8630)
  [cli] add csl info in single child info (openthread#8606)
  [router-table] update `FillRouteTlv()` to use `GetPathCost()` (openthread#8638)
  [github-actions] fix bootstrap on macos (openthread#8640)
  github-actions: bump actions/checkout from 3.1.0 to 3.3.0 (openthread#8631)
  [router-table] simplify `GetNextHop()` (openthread#8624)
  [router-table] move cost calc and related methods to `RouterTable` (openthread#8623)
  [rcp] RCP to inform host of its supported RCP API version range (openthread#8617)
  [toranj] add cli-based test-cases (openthread#8599)
  [netdata] use `LeaderBase::FindNextMatchingPrefixTlv()` (openthread#8616)
  [ip6] simplify `SelectSourceAddress()` (openthread#8615)
  [posix] add posix config file configuration (openthread#8612)
  [cli] new command to enable/disable discovery request callback (openthread#8579)
  [mle] define constants (C++ style) for OT configs used in MLE (openthread#8602)
  [notifier] update to use `Callback<HandlerType>` (openthread#8611)
  [mle] add helper `RxInfo::IsNeighborStateValid()` (openthread#8610)
  [docs] fix typo in comment (openthread#8609)
  [mle] use DUA address directly in `AppendAddressRegistrationTlv()` (openthread#8608)
  github-actions: bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.36 to 2.1.37 (openthread#8600)
  [mle] update `GetPathCost()` calculation to handle child dest (openthread#8586)
  [tcplp] TCP support on 15.4 (openthread#8590) (openthread#8593)
  [nat64] fix message leak when NAT64 translator is enabled (openthread#8592)
  [network-data] ensure `ExternalRouteLookup()` picks longest match (openthread#8582)
  github-actions: bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.1.0 to 2.1.2 (openthread#8585)
  [routing-manager] add feature to skip NS probe with router on same device (openthread#8563)
  [tcplp] fix code scanning alerts relating to integer overflow in multiplication (openthread#8578)
  [routing-manager] determine RIO preference based on current role (openthread#8574)
  [cli] add new command `neighbor linkquality` (openthread#8508)
  [router-table] signal if router is removed from `UpdateRouterIdSet()` (openthread#8573)
  [mesh-forwarder] use constant for `hopsLeft` in lowpan `MeshHeader` (openthread#8569)
  [link-metrics] fix build flags for Link Metrics Initiator (openthread#8568)
  [routing-manager] `GetFavoredOmrPrefix` should return an error when Routing Manager is not running (openthread#8565)
  [test] update toranj-cli logging to use log to file model (openthread#8547)
  [common] add `Callback<HandlerType>` class (openthread#8560)
  [nat64] NAT64 translator should be active only when local prefix is published (openthread#8558)
  [cli] fix incorrect mask "channel manager" CLI output (openthread#8571)
  [github-actions] disable `harden-runner` in OTBR workflow (openthread#8572)
  [core] use `kThreadVersion1pX` constants (openthread#8562)
  [link-quality] move `CostForLinkQuality()` to `link_quality.hpp` (openthread#8561)
  [simul-plat] new option to write logs to a given file (openthread#8516)
  [posix] add power calibration support (openthread#8293)
  [diag] modify gpio diag functions description (openthread#8538)
  [netif] add helper to signal fixed multicast address changes (openthread#8559)
  [spinel] remove incorrect static_cast (openthread#8512)
  [pretty] combine strings in `` (openthread#8550)
  [docs] SRP Service Clarification (openthread#8541)
  [mle] add `ShouldDowngrade()` method (openthread#8543)
  [mle] define constant for "Child ID Response" timeout (openthread#8536)
  [test] replace `sprintf` with `snprintf` in `otPlatDiagProcess()` (openthread#8549)
  [mle] simplify `IsSingleton()` methods (openthread#8548)
  [cli] add config for log level for emitting cli input/output to logs (openthread#8545)
  [mle] remove redundant `OPENTHREAD_FTD` checks in `mle_router.cpp` (openthread#8544)
  github-actions: bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.0.6 to 2.1.0 (openthread#8552)
  [posix] make `mInfraIfIndex` non-static for `posix::InfraIf` (openthread#8546)
  [posix] add build option for posix infra if implementation (openthread#8540)
  [otci] fix parsing route flags (openthread#8537)
  [posix] add / delete route to NAT64 CIDR according to NAT64 translator state (openthread#8505)
  [mle] fix `NeighborHasComparableConnectivity()` (openthread#8535)
  [rcp] fix transaction ID caching and guard max power table code (openthread#8408)
  [router-table] add documentation for `{Get/Set}RouterIdRange()` (openthread#8532)
  [toranj update `` to use `cmake` for CLI builds (openthread#8529)
  [cmake] add `OT_15_4` option for `RADIO_LINK_IEEE_802_15_4_ENABLE` (openthread#8529)
  [mle] avoid multiple `return` in `HasSmallNumberOfChildren()` (openthread#8534)
  [continuous-integration] remove (openthread#8528)
  [posix] enable receiving Neighbor Advertisement on infra interface (openthread#8521)
  [router-table] simplify tracking of routers and allocated IDs (openthread#8483)
  [test] ensure NAT64 is enabled when running NAT64 tests (openthread#8520)
  [github-actions] set top-level permissions to `read` (openthread#8518)
  [tests] verify the RA/RS fields in border routing counters (openthread#8494)
  [github-actions] apply step-security updates (openthread#8509)
  [crypto] remove legacy `otCryptoEcdsaSign` (openthread#8514)
  [simul-plat] fix parsing of "enable-energy-scan" option (openthread#8515)
  [cli] document `pskcref` (openthread#8511)
  [crypto] move Pskc generation to platform API (openthread#8468)
  [github-actions] enable OSSF Scorecards supply-chain security analysis (openthread#8506)
  [mle] remember current RLOC16 in a member variable (openthread#8499)
  [tests] verify that SRP services are removed when their host expires (openthread#8493)
  [mle] allow rx-on/off with no re-attach based on initial attach mode (openthread#8498)
  [clang-tidy] add missing symlinks to bootstrap (openthread#8507)
  [clang-format] use `AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All` (openthread#8502)
  [shellcheck] fix SC2155 warning (openthread#8490)
  [clang-tidy] apply v14 changes (openthread#8490)
  [clang-tidy] update to v14 (openthread#8490)
  [clang-format] apply v14 changes (openthread#8490)
  [clang-format] update to v14 (openthread#8490)
  [docs] add security policy (openthread#8497)
  [github-actions] add codeql workflow (openthread#8355)
  [mle] re-attach on FTD/MTD mode changes or from rx-on to sleepy (openthread#8484)
  [logging] fix print format using `%lu` for `uint32_t` variables (openthread#8495)
  [mpl] use `TimeTicker` for aging  `mSeedSet` entries (openthread#8488)
  [cli] add `platform` command which returns current platform (openthread#8444)
  [mpl] smaller enhancements in `Ip6::Mpl` (openthread#8475)
  [mpl] reset seed entry lifetime on rx/tx (openthread#8482)
  [netdata] ensure to update version on leader if there is any change (openthread#8472)
  [nat64] delete nat64_set_enabled() when starting BR in tests (openthread#8476)
  [mle] rename variables to indicate if they are a TLV (openthread#8465)
  [csl] ensure current window is not missed when preparing CSL frame (openthread#8464)
  [mle] update `RouteTlv` to check number of allocated IDs (openthread#8463)
  [netdata] increase `kInfoStringSize` (openthread#8454)
  [dependabot] update commit message prefix (openthread#8457)
  [github-actions] exclude dependabot branches (openthread#8456)
  [indirect-sender] reset CSL Tx attempts in `DataPollHandler` (openthread#8455)
  [logging] fix format strings (openthread#8446)
  [build] fix `LOCAL_EXPORT_CFLAGS`  (openthread#8453)
  [router-table] move `FillRouteTlv()` to `RouterTable` (openthread#8437)
  [router-table] add new helper methods `FindNextHopOf()` and renames (openthread#8437)
  github-actions: bump actions/upload-artifact from 1 to 3 (openthread#8448)
  github-actions: bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 1 to 2 (openthread#8447)
  [api] include Thread version in neighbor info (openthread#8435)
  [routing-manager] ensure local prefix is changed on xpanid change (openthread#8436)
  [nat64] use dbus API for NAT64 tests (openthread#8392)
  [router-table] remove duplicate method (openthread#8434)
  [test] `test_routing_manager` to check duplicate PIO/RIO prefixes (openthread#8431)
  [router-table] fix router next hop change on `Release(aRouterId)` (openthread#8433)
  [meshcop] update processing of UDP Encapsulation TLV (openthread#8427)
  [tlv] add private helper methods to parse and find TLVs in a message (openthread#8421)
  [telemetry] implement RA/RS counters (openthread#8416)
  github-actions: bump actions/download-artifact from 2 to 3 (openthread#8426)
  github-actions: bump docker/login-action from 1 to 2 (openthread#8425)
  github-actions: bump actions/setup-python from 1 to 4 (openthread#8424)
  github-actions: bump codecov/codecov-action from 2 to 3 (openthread#8423)
  github-actions: bump actions/setup-go from 1 to 3 (openthread#8422)
  [github-actions] add Dependabot configuration for GitHub Actions updates (openthread#8418)
  [spinel] update the updating/adding RCP spinel property guideline (openthread#7937)
  [tlv] helper methods to read/find/append TLVs with UTF8 string value (openthread#8417)
  [mle] use `Tlv::FindTlvValueOffset()` instead of `FindTlvOffset()` (openthread#8413)
  [doc] add doc for coex command (openthread#8415)
  [commissioner] fix provisioning URL comparison (openthread#8411)
  [docker] update ubuntu to 22.04 (openthread#8405)
  [meshcop] simplify `StateTlv` (openthread#8404)
  [bootstrap] remove brew from apt package installations (openthread#8399)
  [cli] update `OutputSpaces()` to use literal format string (openthread#8394)
  [spinel] fix `printf` style output (openthread#8401)
  [github-actions] fix macos build checks (openthread#8397)
  [diag] add gpio mode commands (openthread#8391)
  [tests] add tests for Border Routing Counters (openthread#8341)
  [build] add build option `OT_BORDER_ROUTING_COUNTERS` (openthread#8389)
  [spinel] log radio spinel frame (openthread#8342)
  [cli] add commands for Border Routing counters (openthread#8372)
  [netdata] update `Notifier` to prepare and send SVR_DATA.ntf msg (openthread#8376)
  [netdata] add helper method to compare two BR entries (openthread#8375)
  [tests] fix comparison width warning (openthread#8380)
  [netdata] simplify `RouteLookup()` methods (openthread#8374)
  [cli] fix `printf` style output (openthread#8377)
  [posix] use __GLIBC__ instead of __linux__ in backtrace (openthread#8373)
  [cli] add compile-time `printf` style arg check in CLI (openthread#8369)
  [net-diag] simplify processing of TLVs, allow extended TLV (openthread#8368)
  [cli] add `OutputUint64()` for 64-bit integer value in decimal format (openthread#8354)
  [clang-tidy] add `readability-redundant-control-flow` (openthread#8365)
  [clang-tidy] add `modernize-loop-convert` (openthread#8361)
  [tlv] `ReadTlvValue()` to handle regular or extended TLVs (openthread#8364)
  [net-diag] add a common `SendDiagnosticCommand()` method (openthread#8357)
  [posix] add backtrace support (openthread#8358)
  [telemetry] border routing packet counters (openthread#8280)
  [crypto] add ECDSA API (openthread#8273)
  [log] add arg format check to `otLog{Level}Plat()` functions (openthread#8356)
  [net-diag] reuse similar MLE TLV definitions (openthread#8350)
  [netif] fix bug in print statement with no corresponding argument (openthread#8353)
  [log] add compile-time check for `printf` style arg check to log functions (openthread#8339)
  [cli] update CLI `Output` class (openthread#8343)
  [diag] add gpio diag command support (openthread#8316)
  [cli] enhance parsing of flags for `route` commands (openthread#8340)
  [netif] fix bug in print statement (openthread#8338)
  [routing-manager] persist deprecating old prefixes in `Settings` (openthread#8330)
  [network-data] do not process TMF messages if waiting for sync (openthread#8332)
  [mle] log sending of "Link Accept and Request" (openthread#8328)
  [test] increase wait time after `ether` re-enable (openthread#8322)
  [tcplp] fix call to tcplp_sys_accept_ready() (openthread#8327)
  [address-resolver] allow addr resolution using net data service (openthread#8318)
  [routing-manager] add Neighbor Solicit probe mechanism (openthread#8090)
  [mac] add reserved value to source address parsing (openthread#8326)
  [netif-posix] add an option to persistent interface (openthread#8033)
  [routing-manager] new mechanism for deprecating old on-link prefixes (openthread#8315)
  [routing-manager] new mechanism for deprecating old on-link prefixes (openthread#8315)
  [mle] add time tracking to mle roles (openthread#8312)
  [string] add compile-time check for `printf` style arg consistency (openthread#8277)
  [mac] Bugfix: Messages without a source address handled incorrectly (openthread#8321)
  [android] only set -std=c99 for mbedtls (openthread#8310)
  [coap] Bugfix: CoAP not sending 4.04 when URI handler is not found (openthread#8297)
  [github-actions] update `geekyeggo/delete-artifact` to `v2` (openthread#8314)
  [routing-manager] add `OnLinkPrefixManager` (openthread#8285)
  [docs] fix build option table format (openthread#8306)
  [srp-client] inform server on service remove even if not added yet (openthread#8299)
  [nat64] add runtime switch for NAT64 prefix publisher and translator (openthread#8194)
  [multicast-forwarding] reduce warn logs (openthread#8292)
  [heap] move static heap construction to singleton accessor (openthread#8242)
  [cmake] disable `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_NCP_HDLC_ENABLE` when `OT_NCP_SPI` is set (openthread#8282)
  [docs] Doxygen formatting updates (openthread#8286)
  [cli-tcp] fix bug causing "accept" action for all incoming connections (openthread#8291)
  [tcplp] fix bad memory access when refusing incoming TCP connection (openthread#8291)
  [docs] resized Qorvo logo (openthread#8279)
  [github-actions] migrate to `actions/upload-artifact@v3` (openthread#8278)
  [docs] who supports OT updates (openthread#8263)
  [routing-manager] adv local on-link prefix after added in net data (openthread#8119)
  [dns-client] validate response timeout <= `TimerMilli::kMaxDelay` (openthread#8275)
  [core] remove `OT_UNREACHABLE_CODE(break)` (openthread#8274)
  [routing-manager] enhance mechanism to publish/unpublish route prefixes (openthread#8187)
  [docs] CLI commands ifconfig - linkmetrics (openthread#8253)
  [link-metrics] update method finding neighbor to validate its version (openthread#8271)
  [cmake-build] allow specify multiple targets (openthread#8264)
  [github-actions] migrate to `actions/checkout@v3` (openthread#8269)
  [nat64] fix build issues related to NAT64 on POSIX (openthread#8167)
  [cli] fix `log filename` command arg check (openthread#8270)
  [meshcop] support a zero-length network name for backwards compatibility (openthread#8241)
  [netdata] update `Publisher` to reserve entries for `RoutingManager` (openthread#8148)
  [backbone-router] simplify TMF URI resource handling (openthread#8265)
  [docs] remove versioning note (openthread#8266)
  [thci] fix `setBbrDataset` (openthread#8261)
  [border-agent] simplify `ForwardToLeader()` (openthread#8260)
  [tmf] add `SecureAgent` and simplify URI resource processing (openthread#8260)
  [dns-types] verify pointer refers to prior occurrence (openthread#8262)
  [link-metrics] simplify handling of Type IDs (openthread#8246)
  [log] fix incorrect format strings (openthread#8255)
  [ip6] fix packets not being forwarded outside of Thread (openthread#8102)
  [border-agent] fix logging of `RelayTx` URI (openthread#8254)
  [tmf] new model for handling TMF URI resources (openthread#8233)
  [srp-client] new feature to allow lease and key lease per service (openthread#8211)
  [thci] remove unneeded problematic command (openthread#8235)
  [test] update `AdvanceTime()` in unit tests to handle overflow (openthread#8244)
  [fuzz] advance time before fuzz input enable to more services (openthread#8243)
  [meshcop] simplify energy scan client and server (openthread#8230)
  [dns] allow partial read of TXT data and add config for max size in CLI (openthread#8232)
  [doxygen] change `inout` to `in,out` (openthread#8231)
  [cli] update sub-modules to use `Process<Cmd("cmd")>` method (openthread#8224)
  [timer] add template `TimerMilliIn` to simplify handler functions (openthread#8221)
  [fuzz] add `set -euxo pipefail` to build script (openthread#8222)
  [cmake] allow configuring `OPENTHREAD_CONFIG_MLE_MAX_CHILDREN` with a CMake option (openthread#8216)
  [ip6] define `Ip6::NetifIdentifier` mirroring `otNetifIdentifier` (openthread#8219)
  [nat64] support using IPv4 DNS server addresses in CLI (openthread#8212)
  [fuzz] declare `otPlatLog` as weak (openthread#8220)
  [crypto] update the signature algorithm used for 3.2.0 mbedTLS (openthread#8215)
  [srp-client] update "single service mode" to handle many removes (openthread#8207)
  [nat64] add functional tests (openthread#8161)
  [nat64] fix typo: `synthersize` -> `synthesize` (openthread#8213)
  [cli] print missing mac counters (openthread#8210)
  [test] update SRP unit test to prepare service entries in all cases (openthread#8208)
  [srp-server] lease info  for a deleted service or host entry (openthread#8206)
  [srp-server] update the default min/max lease/key-lease intervals (openthread#8205)
  [posix] fix OT_DAEMON flag definitions (openthread#8203)
  [address-cache] increase default to 32 (openthread#8204)
  [harness-simulation] add the usage of the CLI command `nodeidfilter` (openthread#8196)
  [equatable] update `Equatable` to ensure CRTP-style use (openthread#8199)
  [clearable] update `Clearable` to ensure CRTP-style use (openthread#8198)
  [routing-manager] remove old deprecating prefix on multiple xpanid change (openthread#8151)
  [cmake] add interface libraries ot-config-(ftd|mtd|radio) (openthread#8190)
  [routing-manager] allow old deprecating PIOs when checking RA is from router (openthread#8193)
  [thci] make `OpenThreadTHCI` compatible with Thread reference 20200818 (openthread#8195)
  [mle] add `RouterTable::LogRouteTable()` (openthread#8189)
  [routing-manager] fix prefix comparison in `EvaluateOnLinkPrefix()` (openthread#8192)
  [examples] make built-in otPlatCalloc and otPlatFree definitions weak (openthread#8188)
  [test] add unit test `test_srp_server` (openthread#8163)
  [srp-server] add `AutoEnableMode` to give control to BR (openthread#8129)
  [gh-action] add new case to run unit test with `toranj` config (openthread#8164)
  [cmake] add separate `tcplp` libraries for `ftd` and `mtd` (openthread#8175)
  [routing-manager] add `Nat64PrefixManager` nested class. (openthread#8178)
  [harness-simulation] update `deviceInputFields.xml` automatically (openthread#8177)
  [harness-simulation] change config format from JSON to YAML (openthread#8176)
  [cli-tcp] use TCP Circular Send Buffer in TCP CLI tool and test (openthread#7867)
  [tcp] implement TCP Circular Send Buffer (openthread#7867)
  [tcp] suppress clang-tidy for re-declared TCPlp functions (openthread#7867)
  [cc2538] move to openthread/ot-cc2538 (openthread#8169)
  [thci] wait for connection reset in `powerDown` (openthread#8166)
  [dtls] fix DTLS connection issues (openthread#8168)
  [github-actions] use `concurrency` feature to cancel oustanding jobs (openthread#8154)
  [thci] fix `mdns_query` incorrect `ip6tables` rules (openthread#8159)
  [nat64] implement functions for NAT64 on the client side (openthread#8126)
  [thci] allow custom otbr-agent log dumping command via `Param9` (openthread#8137)
  [cmake] add files allowing direct integration to Zephyr's west (openthread#8143)
  [harness-simulation] add support for RF enclosure simulation (openthread#8092)
  [cli] document the `ping async` option (openthread#8158)
  [github-actions] use external repo for arm build check (openthread#8153)
  [nat64] implement CLI functions for NAT64 (openthread#8058)
  [link-metrics] simplify preparation of MLE Data Request (openthread#8142)
  [tcplp] add test for contiguify functionality (openthread#7868)
  [config] include `misc.h` in `srp_client.h` (openthread#8146)
  [fuzz] enable SRP server in fuzz targets (openthread#8145)
  [fuzz] bump Thread version to 1.3 (openthread#8145)
  [routing-manager] deprecate previous local on-link prefix on xpanid change (openthread#8112)
  [routing-manager] add `RsSender` nested class (openthread#8124)
  [tcp] extend test to cover `otTcpStopListening` API (openthread#8133)
  [harness-simulation] add multiple-version support (openthread#8075)
  [srp-server] log the content of processed SRP update message (openthread#8131)
  [srp-client] update document about selected preferred server (openthread#8125)
  [github-actions] add gcc-12 to build matrix (openthread#8118)
  [ncp] fix init order to resolve compiler warning (openthread#8118)
  [core] do not use `FreeMessageOnError()` on nonnull pointer (openthread#8118)
  [link-metrics] simplify processing of `SeriesFlags` (openthread#8116)
  [routing-manager] add `ScheduleRoutingPolicyEvaluation()` (openthread#8115)
  [discover-scanner] invoke handler when scan is done from a tasklet (openthread#8111)
  [routing-manager] rename published NAT64 prefix (openthread#8113)
  [link-metrics] add blocking CLI query command and enhance tests (openthread#8108)
  [mle] update `DetachGracefully()` to stop BR routing manager (openthread#8105)
  [thread-cert] import `Crypto` on demand (openthread#8109)
  [nat64] change `BORDER_ROUTING_NAT64` to `NAT64_BORDER_ROUTING` (openthread#8047)
  [posix] make base class destructor virtual (openthread#7220)
  [tlvs] rename method to `ReadTlvValue()` from `ReadTlv()` (openthread#8100)
  [radio] define `Radio::kInvalidRssi` constant (openthread#8097)
  [link-metrics] fix reading of Report sub-tlv from message (openthread#8099)
  [github-actions] migrate to ubuntu 20.04 to 18.04 (openthread#8061)
  [otci] support ADB connection for OTCI (openthread#8088)
  [link-quality] helper fn to convert link margin, link quality, RSS (openthread#8081)
  [link-metrics] simplify sending MLE Mgmt Request (openthread#8073)
  [docs] CLI Dataset (openthread#7944)
  [srp-server] update validation of instance and service names (openthread#8080)
  [routing-manager] advert local on-link prefix if same as discovered prefix (openthread#8079)
  [link-metrics] update the scaling of link margin and RSSI metrics (openthread#8078)
  [child-table] check neighbor is in `ChildTable` before cast as `Child` (openthread#8071)
  [posix] initialize `hints` in `InfraNetif::DiscoverNat64Prefix` (openthread#8070)
  [harness-simulation] fix `` error (openthread#8072)
  [mle] add `ParentCandidate` class (openthread#8069)
  [takelet] add template `TaskeltIn` to simplify handler functions (openthread#8064)
  [docs] CLI child commands (openthread#8041)
  [thci] remove unused methods (openthread#7704)
  [mle] move simple RLOC to Router ID conversion functions to `mle_types.hpp` (openthread#8060)
  [mac] add `ComputeLinkMargin()` (openthread#8063)
  [link-metrics] simplify `HandleReport()` (openthread#8054)
  [nat64] disable discovering NAT64 AIL prefix for OpenWRT (openthread#8065)
  [mesh-forwarder] fix random ieee frame version 2015 while attaching (openthread#8067)
  [thci] add support for OTBR simulations (openthread#8015)
  [core] add generic three-way comparison function (openthread#8050)
  [link-metrics] define `StatusSubTlv` to simplify appending/parsing it (openthread#8051)
  [address-resolver] simplify `EntryInfo` and `Iterator` (openthread#8055)
  [multicast-routing] block egress multicast packets from LLA (openthread#8059)
  [docs] update Thread version (openthread#8053)
  [mle] track `LeaderCost` in `Parent` class (openthread#8052)
  [topology] add `Router::GetTwoWayLinkQuality()` method (openthread#8049)
  [link-metrics] simplify `AddReport()` (openthread#8042)
  [nat64] extend wait time between test cases and verify netdata stabilized (openthread#8057)
  [border-agent] update logging for filtered messages (openthread#8045)
  [link-metrics] add `link_metrics_types.hpp` (openthread#8040)
  [tcp] implement otTcpReceiveContiguify (openthread#7634)
  [tcp] modify cbuf to be able to use all bytes provided by the user (openthread#7634)
  [mle] define `DetachGraecfuly` variables as `private` (openthread#8044)
  [link-metrics] fix integer conversions & use of `u8` for offset (openthread#8043)
  [routing-manager] allow domain prefix to be considered as OMR (openthread#8014)
  [ip6] add `MessageOrigin` to indicate origin or IPv6 message (openthread#8036)
  [nat64] implement nat64 translator (ot::Nat64::Translator) (openthread#7836)
  [multicast-routing] don't add MFC entries using mesh local as the source address (openthread#8025)
  [api] harmonize nullptr assert check of pointer input parameters (openthread#8031)
  [mle] add `Parent` class (tracking CSL accuracy info) (openthread#8029)
  [router-table] simplify `Allocate()` and random selection of ID (openthread#8032)
  [ip6] simplify `Ip6::HandleDatagram()` - remove `netif` local var (openthread#8035)
  [ip6] remove extra param from `Ip6::HandleExtensionHeaders()` (openthread#8035)
  [link-metrics] fix the endian-ness of `mPduCountValue` (openthread#8039)
  [csl] add `CslAccuracy` type (openthread#8024)
  [github-actions] upgrade pyshark to 0.4.6 (openthread#8030)
  [thread] add version consts & use `uint16_t` for `Neighbor::mVersion` (openthread#8027)
  [ip6] update `HandlePayload()` (avoid msg clone if not needed) (openthread#8023)
  [mle] define `ParentSearch` class (openthread#8022)
  [routing-manager] fix call to `StartRoutingPolicyEvaluationJitter()` (openthread#8034)
  [slaac] only allow SLAAC for prefixes with 64-bit length (openthread#8021)
  [bbr] reduce the default reregisteration delay (openthread#7996)
  [routing-manager] increase routing policy evaluation jitters (openthread#7982)
  [thci] send mdns queries without `dig` (openthread#7954)
  [doc] fix RCP building information for nRF52840 (openthread#8020)
  [mle] new API to trigger search for better parent (openthread#8018)
  [mle] add method to get parent info (openthread#8019)
  [routing-manager] accept any ULA/GUA with 64-bit len as OMR prefix (openthread#8016)
  [routing-manager] add `RaInfo` tracking all RA related info (openthread#8013)
  [core] add new generic `Min()`, `Max()` and `Clamp()` functions (openthread#8017)
  [meshcop] update deprecated functions for Mbed TLS  `v3.2.1` (openthread#7977)
  [nat64] fetch NAT64 prefix from infrastructure interface and advertise it to netdata (openthread#7619)
  [routing-manager] use `Ip6::Prefix::IsUniqeLocal()` to check OMR prefix (openthread#8012)
  [ip6-address] move more complex `Prefix` methods to `cpp` file (openthread#8011)
  [mle] add `TlvList` to track list of TLV types (openthread#8008)
  [thci] restore BBR config for 1.2 BR_1/BR_2 roles (openthread#7997)
  [thci] enhance `mdns_query` to use `ip6tables` to filter mDNS responses (openthread#8000)
  [tests] add test for Advertising Proxy to publish zero or multiple host addrs (openthread#8003)
  [docs] CLI bbr (openthread#7986)
  [csl] update CSL Channel TLV process to allow for unspecified case (openthread#8005)
  [link-metrics] fix `u32` endian-ness in `ReportSubTlv` (openthread#8006)
  [mle] fix processing of CSL TLVs (openthread#8004)
  [mle] add array bound check to avoid overflow in `HandleDataRequest()` (openthread#8002)
  [mle] helper method appending TLV Request TLV (openthread#8001)
  [thci] enhance SSH connection (openthread#7981)
  [thci] generate more logs (openthread#7975)
  [thci] add SSH keepalive (openthread#7999)
  [api] allow CSL receiver to gather parent CSL capabilities (openthread#7991)
  [message] document buffer size needs (openthread#7998)
  [crypto] allow selecting randomized ECDSA instead of deterministic (openthread#7894)
  [mesh-forwarder] add `Mac::Addresses` (src and dst address) (openthread#7990)
  [routing-manager] add `LocalOnLinkPrefix` class (openthread#7989)
  [thci] change implementation of sniffer simulation from SSH to gRPC (openthread#7983)
  [otci] wait for 2 seconds before retrying a command (openthread#7995)
  [cmake] enhance OT CMake config options (allow on/off/unspecified) (openthread#7979)
  [border-agent] refine meshcop service state bitmap checks (openthread#7950)
  [lowpan] update `ComputeIid()` and simplify `CompressIid()` (openthread#7973)
  [ip6] add `ApplyPrefix()` to `Ip6::InterfaceIdentifier` (openthread#7973)
  [lowpan] update `Context` and add `FindContext()` methods (openthread#7971)
  [config] add `border_routing.h` and `border_agent.h` (openthread#7968)
  [docs] CLI channel (openthread#7957)
  [mesh-forwarder] use `FrameBuidler` in `PrepareDataFrame()` (openthread#7964)
  [frame-builder] add `Insert()`, `Remove()` and other helper methods (openthread#7964)
  [docker] upgrade pip before installing cmake (openthread#7970)
  [github-actions] remove clang-6,7,8 from build check (openthread#7969)
  [test] update `RoutingManager` unit test to check default-route (openthread#7940)
  [test] update `RoutingManager` unit test adding new helper methods (openthread#7951)
  [mle] fix incorrect `StatusTlv` when processing Child Update Response (openthread#7956)
  [mle] send Link Request immediately if router id was previously allocated (openthread#7947)

Change-Id: I527b88eb56fc03995aa1f0585dc4f74d356c26d0
  • Loading branch information
zhanglongxia committed May 15, 2023
2 parents 8abd3d9 + b200c96 commit 735b491
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .clang-format
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AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None
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# Copyright (c) 2017, The OpenThread Authors.
# Copyright (c) 2022, The OpenThread Authors.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
Expand All @@ -26,14 +26,13 @@

# cc2538 platform-specific Makefile

$(top_builddir)/examples/platforms/cc2538/libopenthread-cc2538.a \

-T $(top_srcdir)/examples/platforms/cc2538/cc2538.ld \
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"
prefix: "github-actions"
rebase-strategy: "disabled"
open-pull-requests-limit: 1

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