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Introduce Conservative test mode
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We still depend on a fix to `http2`; without it, depending on whether or not
the GC is able to detect an STM deadlock, the tests can hang. See
kazu-yamamoto/http2#104 for details.
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edsko committed Jan 6, 2024
1 parent fd47e13 commit f512199
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Showing 5 changed files with 207 additions and 77 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,3 +3,8 @@ packages: .
package grapesy
tests: True
flags: +build-demo +build-stress-test

type: git
tag: 8bd2ac2df4d57697d4dc4a7535ee02784e842425
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/Network/GRPC/Util/HTTP2/Stream.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Network.HTTP2.Server qualified as Server

import Network.GRPC.Util.HTTP2 (fromHeaderTable)
import Text.Show.Pretty
import Network.GRPC.Internal.NestedException

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,7 +171,10 @@ clientOutputStream writeChunk' flush' = do

data StreamException = StreamException SomeException CallStack
deriving stock (Show)
deriving anyclass (Exception)
deriving Exception via ExceptionWrapper StreamException

instance HasNestedException StreamException where
getNestedException (StreamException e _) = e

-- | Client disconnected unexpectedly
data ClientDisconnected = ClientDisconnected SomeException
Expand Down
240 changes: 169 additions & 71 deletions test-grapesy/Test/Driver/Dialogue/Execution.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Default
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Set qualified as Set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,42 +126,147 @@ instance Monad (Health e) where
ifAlive :: (a -> Health e b) -> Health e a -> Health e b
ifAlive = (=<<)

Execution mode

-- | Execution mode
-- Each test involves one or more pairs of a client and a server engaged in an
-- RPC call. Each call consists of a series of actions ("client sends initial
-- metadata", "client sends a message", "server sends a message", etc.). We
-- categorize such actions as either " passive " (such as receiving a message)
-- or " active " (such as sending a message).
-- As part of the test generation, each action is assigned a (test) clock tick.
-- This imposes a specific (but randomly generated) ordering; this matches the
-- formal definition of the behaviour of concurrent systems: "for every
-- interleaving, ...". Active actions wait until the test clock (essentially
-- such an @MVar Int@) reaches their assigned tick before proceeding. The
-- /advancement/ of the test clock depends on the mode (see below).
data ExecutionMode =
-- | Conservative mode (used when tests involve early termination)
-- == Ordering
-- Consider a test that looks something like:
-- > clock tick 1: client sends message
-- > clock tick 2: client throws exception
-- We have to be careful to preserve ordering here: the exception thrown by
-- the client may or may not " overtake " the earlier send: the message may
-- or may not be send to the server, thereby making the tests flaky. In
-- conversative mode, therefore, the /passive/ participant is the one that
-- advances the test clock; in the example above, the /server/ advances the
-- test clock when it receives the message. The downside of this approach
-- is that we are excluding some valid behaviour from the tests: we're
-- effectively making every operation synchronous.
-- == Connection isolation
-- The tests assume that different calls are independent from each other.
-- This is mostly true, but not completely: when a client or a server
-- terminates early, the entire connection (supporting potentially many
-- calls) is reset. It's not entirely clear why; it feels like an
-- unnecessary limitation in @http2@. (TODO: Actually, this might be related
-- to an exception being thrown in 'outboundTrailersMaker'?)
-- Ideally, we would either (1) randomly assign connections to calls and
-- then test that an early termination only affects calls using the same
-- connection, or better yet, (2), remove this limitation from @http2@.
-- For now, we do neither: /if/ a test includes early termination, we give
-- each call its own connection, thereby regaining independence.

-- | Aggressive mode (used when tests do not involve early termination)
-- == Ordering
-- Consider a test containing:
-- > clock tick 1: client sends message A
-- > clock tick 2: client sends message B
-- In aggressive mode it's the /active/ participant that advances the clock.
-- This means that we may well reach clock tick 2 before the server has
-- received message A, thus testing the asynchronous nature of the
-- operations that @grapesy@ offers
-- ## Connection isolation
-- In aggressive mode all calls from the client to the server share the
-- same connection.
| Aggressive
deriving (Show)

determineExecutionMode :: GlobalSteps -> ExecutionMode
determineExecutionMode steps =
if hasEarlyTermination steps
then Conservative
else Aggressive

ifConservative :: Applicative m => ExecutionMode -> m () -> m ()
ifConservative Conservative k = k
ifConservative Aggressive _ = pure ()

ifAggressive :: Applicative m => ExecutionMode -> m () -> m ()
ifAggressive Aggressive k = k
ifAggressive Conservative _ = pure ()

-- | Advance the clock for all non-executed steps
-- When a client or a handler exits (due to an exception, perhaps), then it is
-- important we still step the test clock at the appropriate times, to avoid the
-- rest of the tests stalling.
skipMissedSteps ::
-> ExecutionMode
-> (ExecutionMode -> LocalStep -> Bool)
-> [(TestClockTick, LocalStep)]
-> IO ()
skipMissedSteps testClock mode ourStep steps =
void $ forkIO $
advanceTestClockAtTimes testClock $
map fst $ filter (ourStep mode . snd) steps

Client-side interpretation

clientLocal ::
=> TestClock
-> ExecutionMode
-> Client.Call (BinaryRpc meth srv)
-> LocalSteps
-> IO ()
clientLocal testClock call = \(LocalSteps steps) ->
flip evalStateT (Alive ()) $ go steps
clientLocal testClock mode call = \(LocalSteps steps) ->
evalStateT (go steps) (Alive ()) `finally`
skipMissedSteps testClock mode ourStep steps
ourStep :: ExecutionMode -> LocalStep -> Bool
ourStep Aggressive (ClientAction _) = True
ourStep Aggressive (ServerAction _) = False
ourStep Conservative (ClientAction _) = False
ourStep Conservative (ServerAction _) = True

go :: [(TestClockTick, LocalStep)] -> StateT (ServerHealth ()) IO ()
go [] = return ()
go ((tick, step) : steps) = do
waitFor "client"
case step of
ClientAction action -> do
liftIO $ waitForTestClockTick testClock tick
continue <- clientAct action
liftIO (advanceTestClock testClock)
if continue then
go steps
else do
-- See discussion in serverLocal
let ourStep :: (TestClockTick, LocalStep) -> Maybe TestClockTick
ourStep (tick' , ClientAction _) = Just tick'
ourStep (_ , ServerAction _) = Nothing
liftIO $ do
void $ forkIO $
advanceTestClockAtTimes testClock $
mapMaybe ourStep steps
_reachedTick <- liftIO $ waitForTestClockTick testClock tick
-- TODO: We could assert that _reachedTick is True
continue <-
clientAct action `finally`
liftIO (ifAggressive mode $ advanceTestClock testClock)
when continue $ go steps
ServerAction action -> do
reactToServer action
reactToServer action `finally`
liftIO (ifConservative mode $ advanceTestClock testClock)
go steps

-- Client action
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,32 +360,23 @@ clientLocal testClock call = \(LocalSteps steps) ->

clientGlobal ::
-> ExecutionMode
-> (forall a. (Client.Connection -> IO a) -> IO a)
-> GlobalSteps
-> IO ()
clientGlobal testClock withConn = \steps@(GlobalSteps globalSteps) ->
-- TODO: The tests assume that different calls are independent from each
-- other. This is mostly true, but not completely: when a client or a server
-- terminates early, the entire connection (supporting potentially many
-- calls) is reset. It's not entirely clear why; it feels like an
-- unnecessary limitation in @http2@.
-- Ideally, we would either (1) randomly assign connections to calls and
-- then test that an early termination only affects calls using the same
-- connection, or better yet, (2), remove this limitation from @http2@.
-- For now, we do neither: /if/ a test includes early termination, we give
-- each call its own connection, thereby regaining independence.
if hasEarlyTermination steps
then go Nothing [] globalSteps
else withConn $ \conn -> go (Just conn) [] globalSteps
clientGlobal testClock mode withConn = \(GlobalSteps globalSteps) ->
case mode of
Aggressive -> withConn $ \conn -> go (Just conn) [] globalSteps
Conservative -> go Nothing [] globalSteps
go :: Maybe Client.Connection -> [Async ()] -> [LocalSteps] -> IO ()
go _ threads [] = do
-- Wait for all threads to finish
-- This also ensures that if any of these threads threw an exception,
-- that is now rethrown here in the main test.
-- Wait for all threads to finish
-- This also ensures that if any of these threads threw an exception,
-- that is now rethrown here in the main test. This will also cause us
-- to leave the scope of all enclosing calls to @withAsync@, thereby
-- cancelling all other concurrent threads.
mapM_ wait threads
go mConn threads (c:cs) =
withAsync (runLocalSteps mConn c) $ \newThread ->
Expand All @@ -291,7 +386,8 @@ clientGlobal testClock withConn = \steps@(GlobalSteps globalSteps) ->
runLocalSteps mConn (LocalSteps steps) = do
case steps of
(tick, ClientAction (Initiate (metadata, rpc))) : steps' -> do
waitForTestClockTick testClock tick
_reachedTick <- waitForTestClockTick testClock tick
-- TODO: We could assert that _reachedTick is True

-- Timeouts are outside the scope of these tests: it's too finicky
-- to relate timeouts (in seconds) to specific test execution.
Expand All @@ -308,16 +404,16 @@ clientGlobal testClock withConn = \steps@(GlobalSteps globalSteps) ->
Nothing -> withConn) $ \conn ->
Client.withRPC conn params proxy $ \call -> do
-- We wait for the /server/ to advance the test clock (so that
-- we are use the next step doesn't happen until the connection
-- is established).
-- we are sure the next step doesn't happen until the
-- connection is established).
-- NOTE: We could instead wait for the server to send the
-- initial metadata; this too would provide evidence that the
-- conneciton has been established. However, doing so precludes
-- a class of correct behaviour: the server might not respond
-- with that initial metadata until the client has sent some
-- messages.
clientLocal testClock call (LocalSteps steps')
-- connection has been established. However, doing so
-- precludes a class of correct behaviour: the server might
-- not respond with that initial metadata until the client has
-- sent some messages.
clientLocal testClock mode call (LocalSteps steps')

_otherwise ->
error $ "clientGlobal: expected Initiate, got " ++ show steps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,36 +468,34 @@ _waitForEnabled label = liftIO $ do

serverLocal ::
-> ExecutionMode
-> Server.Call (BinaryRpc serv meth)
-> LocalSteps -> IO ()
serverLocal testClock call = \(LocalSteps steps) -> do
flip evalStateT (Alive ()) $ go steps
serverLocal testClock mode call = \(LocalSteps steps) -> do
evalStateT (go steps) (Alive ()) `finally`
skipMissedSteps testClock mode ourStep steps
ourStep :: ExecutionMode -> LocalStep -> Bool
ourStep Aggressive (ServerAction _) = True
ourStep Aggressive (ClientAction _) = False
ourStep Conservative (ClientAction _) = False
ourStep Conservative (ServerAction _) = True

go :: [(TestClockTick, LocalStep)] -> StateT (ClientHealth ()) IO ()
go [] = return ()
go ((tick, step) : steps) = do
waitFor "server"
case step of
ServerAction action -> do
liftIO $ waitForTestClockTick testClock tick
continue <- serverAct action
liftIO (advanceTestClock testClock)
if continue then
go steps
else do
-- We need to exit the scope of the handler, but we do want to
-- keep advancing the test clock when its our turn, so that we
-- don't interfere with the timing of other threads.
let ourStep :: (TestClockTick, LocalStep) -> Maybe TestClockTick
ourStep (tick' , ServerAction _) = Just tick'
ourStep (_ , ClientAction _) = Nothing
liftIO $ do
void $ forkIO $
advanceTestClockAtTimes testClock $
mapMaybe ourStep steps
_reachedTick <- liftIO $ waitForTestClockTick testClock tick
-- TODO: We could assert that _reachedTick is True
continue <-
serverAct action `finally`
liftIO (ifAggressive mode $ advanceTestClock testClock)
when continue $ go steps
ClientAction action -> do
reactToClient action
reactToClient action `finally`
liftIO (ifConservative mode $ advanceTestClock testClock)
go steps

-- Server action
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -494,6 +588,7 @@ serverLocal testClock call = \(LocalSteps steps) -> do
serverGlobal ::
=> TestClock
-> ExecutionMode
-> MVar GlobalSteps
-- ^ Unlike in the client case, the grapesy infrastructure spawns a new
-- thread for each incoming connection. To know which part of the test this
Expand All @@ -502,7 +597,7 @@ serverGlobal ::
-- thread, the order of these incoming requests is deterministic.
-> Server.Call (BinaryRpc serv meth)
-> IO ()
serverGlobal testClock globalStepsVar call = do
serverGlobal testClock mode globalStepsVar call = do
steps <- modifyMVar globalStepsVar (getNextSteps . getGlobalSteps)
-- See discussion in clientGlobal (runLocalSteps)
advanceTestClock testClock
Expand All @@ -518,7 +613,7 @@ serverGlobal testClock globalStepsVar call = do
-- exception.
receivedMetadata <- Server.getRequestMetadata call
expect (== metadata) $ Set.fromList receivedMetadata
serverLocal testClock call $ LocalSteps steps'
serverLocal testClock mode call $ LocalSteps steps'
_otherwise ->
error "serverGlobal: expected ClientInitiateRequest"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,16 +643,19 @@ execGlobalSteps steps = do
IsRPC (BinaryRpc serv meth)
=> Proxy (BinaryRpc serv meth) -> Server.RpcHandler IO
handler rpc = Server.mkRpcHandler rpc $ \call ->
serverGlobal testClock globalStepsVar call
serverGlobal testClock mode globalStepsVar call

return def {
client = \conn -> clientGlobal testClock conn steps
client = \conn -> clientGlobal testClock mode conn steps
, server = [ handler (Proxy @TestRpc1)
, handler (Proxy @TestRpc2)
, handler (Proxy @TestRpc3)
mode :: ExecutionMode
mode = determineExecutionMode steps

-- For 'clientGlobal' the order doesn't matter, because it spawns a thread
-- for each 'LocalSteps'. The server however doesn't get this option; the
-- threads /get/ spawnwed for each incoming connection, and must feel off
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