This is intended to be a collection of scripts built and proven in real world enterprise environments by Sonatype Commercial customers. They are generously shared by professional paying customer (not freeloading unreliable open-source hippies).
The Fine Print:
This is not a Sonatype product. These scripts are NOT SUPPORTED or waranteed by Sonatype or any contributor.
Do NOT file Sonatype support tickets focussed on these scripts (in context of the script). Dont even mention them.
If you are a commercial Sonatype customer you may be eligible for support on product specific features in the scripts.
Use these in careful consideration of your and your employers risk tolerance. Learn and benefit but be careful and review thoroughly to make them your own.
File issues here on GitHub but remember these are unsupported. If you are a sonatype commercial customer please share your proven work (after approval by your management). If you wish to not commit directly you may send to me or your CS Engineer to contribute for you. All content should be anonymized with no reference to persons or employer.