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A minimal KZG polynominal commitment library with a Solidity verifier


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This is a Typescript library which implements the KZG10 polynominal commitment scheme.

It can produce and verify proofs of one point per proof, or multiple points per proof.


genCoefficients: generate a polynominal from arbitrary values

genCoefficients = (values: bigint[]): Coefficient[]

Given a list of arbitrary values, use polynominal interpolation to generate the coefficients of a polynominal to commit. Each value must be lower than the BN254 scalar field order:


commit: generate a polynominal commitment

commit = (coefficients: bigint[]): Commitment

Generate a commitment to the polynominal with the specified coefficients.

genProof: generate a proof of evaluation at one point

genProof = (coefficients: Coefficient[], index: number | bigint): Proof

Generate a proof (also known as a witness) that the polynominal will evaluate to p(index) given index as the x-value.

verify: verify a proof of evaluation at one point

verify = (commitment: Commitment, proof: Proof, index: number | bigint, value: bigint): boolean

Given a proof, verify that the polynominal with the specified commitment evaluates to the y-value value at the x-value index.

genMultiProof: generate a proof of evaluation at multiple points

genMultiProof = (coefficients: Coefficient[], indices: number[] | bigint[]): MultiProof

Generate a proof (also known as a witness) that the polynominal will evaluate to p(indices[i]) per i.

verifyMulti: verify a proof of evaulation at multiple points

verifyMulti = (commitment: Commitment, proof: MultiProof, indices: number[] | bigint[], values: bigint[])

Given a proof, verify that the polynominal with the specified commitment evaluates to the each y-value in values at the corresponding x-value in indices.

genVerifierContractParams: generate parameters to the verifier contract's verify() function

genVerifierContractParams = (commitment: Commitment, proof: Proof, index: number | bigint, value: bigint)

A helper function which generates parameters to the KZGVerifier.verify().

Example usage:

const params = genVerifierContractParams(commitment, proof, i, yVal)
const result = await verifierContract.verify(

Solidity contract

The repository contains a Solidity contract with a verify() function which performs on-chain proof verification for single-point proofs:

function verify(
    Pairing.G1Point memory _commitment,
    Pairing.G1Point memory _proof,
    uint256 _index,
    uint256 _value
) public view returns (bool)

It consumes about 178078 gas when called by a contract.

It also provides a commit() function which can generate KZG commitments for up to 128 coefficients. This function is intended for multi-point proof verification.

Coefficients Execution cost
1 34929
2 47496
4 72608
5 85177
8 122889
16 223476
32 424786
64 827980
128 1649494

By comparison, the Poseidon T=3 function which hashes 2 elements per call consumes 49858 gas. Additionally, the Poseidon T=6 function which hashes 5 elements per call consumes 112055 gas.

This means that KZG commitments may be competitive as the accumulator for a Verkle tree. The downside is that it is much more difficult to verify KZG proofs in zero-knowledge, while the Poseidon hash function is built for efficiency in zk-SNARK circuits.

The verifyMulti() function provides multi-point proof verification.

function verifyMulti(
    Pairing.G1Point memory _commitment,
    Pairing.G2Point memory _proof,
    uint256[] memory _indices,
    uint256[] memory _values,
    uint256[] memory _iCoeffs,
    uint256[] memory _zCoeffs
) public view returns (bool)

It consumes the following gas per point:

Points Cost % Savings
1 193084 -8
2 221505 38
3 250283 53
4 280075 61
5 310152 65
6 341279 68
7 372763 70
8 405237 72
9 438008 73
50 2368081 73
75 4098829 69
100 6245670 65
128 9145327 60

Try it out

Clone this repository, install dependencies, and build the source:

git clone &&
cd libkzg &&
npm i &&
npm run build

Run the tests:

npm run test

The output should look like:

 PASS  ts/__tests__/libkzg.test.ts (12.513 s)
    commit, prove, and verify the polynomial [5, 0, 2 1]
      ✓ compute the coefficients to commit using genCoefficients() (4 ms)
      ✓ generate a KZG commitment (1 ms)
      ✓ generate the coefficients of a quotient polynomial
      ✓ generate a KZG proof (1 ms)
      ✓ verify a KZG proof (1553 ms)
      ✓ not verify an invalid KZG proof (2154 ms)
    commit, prove, and verify a random polynomial
      ✓ generate a valid proof (1400 ms)
    pairing checks
      ✓ perform a pairing check than e(xg, yg) = e(yg, xg) (696 ms)
      ✓ perform a pairing check than e(xyg, g) = e(xg, yg) (709 ms)
      ✓ perform pairing checks using ffjavascript (2154 ms)
      ✓ perform pairing checks using rustbn.js (1083 ms)
      ✓ should generate and verify a multiproof (713 ms)
      ✓ not verify an invalid multiproof (728 ms)

The repository also includes a Solidity verifier. To test it, first launch Ganache in a different terminal:

npm run ganache

Next, run:

npm run test-sol-verifier

The output should look like:

 PASS  ts/__tests__/solVerifier.test.ts (39.603 s)
  Solidity verifier
    ✓ evalPolyAt() should work (21 ms)
    ✓ should generate a matching commitment (170 ms)
    multi-point proof verification
      ✓ should verify valid proofs (12498 ms)
      ✓ should reject an invalid proof (184 ms)
      ✓ should reject a valid proof with invalid iCoeffs and zCoeffs (1212 ms)
      ✓ should pass a stress test (15296 ms)
    single-point proof verification
      ✓ should verify a valid proof (4355 ms)
      ✓ should not verify an invalid proof (309 ms)
      ✓ should not verify an invalid commitment (468 ms)

Trusted setup

The trusted setup for this library is the Perpetual Powers of Tau Ceremony (PPOT). It comes packaged with the first 65536 G1 and the first two G2 powers of tau from the 46th contribution to the ceremony, which means that it can commit up to 65536 values.

The Blake2b hash of this challenge file is:

939038cd 2dc5a1c0 20f368d2 bfad8686 
950fdf7e c2d2e192 a7d59509 3068816b
becd914b a293dd8a cb6d18c7 b5116b66 
ea54d915 d47a89cc fbe2d5a3 444dfbed

The challenge file can be retrieved at:

The ceremony transcript can be retrieved at:

Anyone can verify the transcript to ensure that the values in the challenge file have not been tampered with. Moreover, as long as one participant in the ceremony has discarded their toxic waste, the whole ceremony is secure. Please read this blog post for more information.


Many thanks to Chih-Cheng Liang, Kobi Gurkan, and Barry WhiteHat for their guidance.


A minimal KZG polynominal commitment library with a Solidity verifier







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