Java Wechaty Starter Project Template that Works Out-of-the-Box
Wechaty is a RPA SDK for Wechat Individual Account that can help you create a chatbot in 6 lines of Java.
class Bot{
public static void main(String args[]){
Wechaty bot = Wechaty.instance()
.onScan((qrcode, statusScanStatus, data) -> System.out.println(QrcodeUtils.getQr(qrcode)))
.onLogin(user -> System.out.println("User logined :" + user))
.onMessage(message -> System.out.println("Message:" + message))
# Install Maven
apt install maven
make install
export WECHATY_PUPPET_SERVICE_TOKEN=your_token_at_here
make bot
- TypeScript Wechaty Getting Started
- Python Wechaty Getting Started
- Java Wechaty Getting Started
- Go Wechaty Getting Started
- Code & Docs © 2020 Wechaty Contributors
- Code released under the Apache-2.0 License
- Docs released under Creative Commons