This adapter's use is for a scenario where you have a long running process of copying content from a source data store to a destination data store. To keep things simple you will copy via rsync mechanism -- which will copy a file from source to destination when the file does not exist in the destination or the last updated time of the destination file is less than the last updated time of the source file.
In order to make use of your new storage mechanism and to prevent migration issues, you want your application to follow these rules:
- Content that has been copied to the destination data store should be served from the destination data store.
- Content that has not yet been copied over should be served from the source data store.
- New content should be written directly to the destination data store.
- Updates should be applied to the destination data store file (if it exists) OR the source data store file.
- Renames should be applied to the destination data store file (if it exists) AND the source data store file.
- Deletes should be applied to the destination data store file (if it exists) AND the source data store file.
The following use case scenario documents actions against the filesystem and the expected results.
Each of the file system actions listed below will be performed against this example setup:
# directory structure
# content of fileA.txt
# content of fileB.txt
$filesystem = new MigrateAdapter(new Local('source/'), new Local('dest/'));
$filesystem->write('fileC.txt', 'hello');
Creates the file dest/fileC.txt
with the content hello
$filesystem->update('fileA.txt', 'world');
Appends the file source/fileA.txt
with the content world
$filesystem->update('fileB.txt', 'bar');
Appends the file dest/fileB.txt
with the content bar
Returns dest/fileB.txt
Returns source/fileA.txt
$filesystem->copy('fileA.txt', 'fileD.txt');
Copies the file source/fileA.txt
to source/fileD.txt
$filesystem->copy('fileB.txt', 'fileD.txt');
Copies the file dest/fileB.txt
to dest/fileD.txt
$filesystem->rename('fileA.txt', 'fileE.txt');
Renames the file source/fileA.txt
to source/fileE.txt
$filesystem->rename('fileB.txt', 'fileE.txt');
Renames the file dest/fileB.txt
to dest/fileE.txt
Deletes the file source/fileA.txt
Deletes the file dest/fileB.txt
and source/fileB.txt
composer require WebPT/flysystem-migrate-adapter
$source = new League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local(...);
$replica = new League\Flysystem\Adapter\AwsS3(...);
$adapter = new WebPT\Flysystem\Migrate\MigrateAdapter($source, $replica);