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KRY app code assignment

One of our developers built a simple weather reporting app. The app has a list of locations with weather information. Locations are fetched using a HTTP GET but the server is a bit flakey and sometimes fail.

Unfortunately the app is not complete and it's up to you to complete it. There is a backlog of features to implement and some nice to have (bonus) features.

The backend server is a bit unstable which the app needs to handle.

Backlog (required):

We need 2 new features in this task: add and remove locations.

All API requests require a X-Api-Key HTTP header. One X-Api-Key is generated for you on app install and is used when fetching current stored locations.

1. Add a new location

Implement the functionality to add a new location.


Required header: X-Api-Key

Method: POST

Data constraints

Provide name of location and weather together with temperature. All fields are required except id. If id is omitted, one will be created for you.

    "id": "optional string",
    "name": "location name",
    "status": "SUNNY",
    "temperature": 20

Success Response

Code : 200

Content :

    "id": "optional string",
    "name": "location name",
    "status": "SUNNY",
    "temperature": 20

Error Response

Condition : If required field is missing

Code : 400

Or unknown

Code : 500

2. Remove a location

Implement the functionality to remove a location. Parameter :id is required to identify which location should be deleted.


Required header: X-Api-Key

Method: DELETE

Data constraints

id of location

Success Response

Code : 200

Error Response

Condition : If id missing or invalid.

Code : 400

Or unknown

Code : 500

3. Code improvements

We want the project to follow good coding principles, the aim should be for the code to be testable, easy to maintain and easy to understand. Make sure you factor the time limit into your planning, prioritise bigger architectural refactorings over smaller style improvements.

4. Tests

At least one unit test that covers one of the usecases explained above. If you have enough time, bonus points are awarded if you write tests for each public function exposed by the class(es) that handle your business logic

Nice to haves (optional):

  • Add nice animations

Spend three to six hours working on this assignment - make sure to finish the issues you start.

Put the code in a GitHub repository and send us the link ( when you're done.

Good luck! ☺️


App code test for developer hiring process






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