This is a python API for serial or http communication with waveshare roarm and controlling it.
Waveshare RoArm-M2 Series: RoArm-M2-S, RoArm-M2-Pro.
Waveshare RoArm-M3 Series: RoArm-M3-S, RoArm-M3-Pro.

pip install roarm-sdk==0.0.11
git clone https:// <your-path>
cd <your-path>/waveshare_roarm_sdk
# Install
[sudo] python2 install
# or
[sudo] python3 install
from roarm_sdk.roarm import roarm
# for roarm_m2 Serial communication example
roarm = roarm(roarm_type="roarm_m2", port="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200)
# for roarm_m3 Serial communication example
#roarm = roarm(roarm_type="roarm_m3", port="/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=115200)
The demo
directory stores some test case files.
You can find out which interfaces roarm_sdk provides in ./doc/