Here is find my dotfiles that I use specifically for Mac OS X.
$ git clone ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ git submodule update --init
$ make
If you use iTerm2, enable "Applications in terminal may access system clipboard"
Some of the installed software requires additional setup, so examine the Brewfile and run brew info someting
and brew cask info something
accordingly to find out your post-installation steps.
I've tried hard to do this for you, so you may not require to do anyting at all, but I probably missed smth.
Here is the things you should do manually.
I don't really use every single app listed below:
- MindNode
- 2Do
- SnippetsLab
- DayOne
- Typinator
- Pixave
- Pdf Expert
- Timing
- Airmail 3
- Fantastical
- Bartender
- Focus
- Reeder 3
- Dropzone
- PopClip
- Next Meeting
- Xccello
- DaisyDisk
- MonthlyCal
- Spotify
- Spotifree
- Sketch
- Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc
- BeardedSpice
- LittleSnitch
- Texpad
- Anki
- Paw
- Default Folder
Here you'll find anyting you need.
I should manually install phoenix:
mix archive.install
stack install ghc-mod hindent stylish-haskell hlint hasktags haskdogs pointfree pointfull apply-refact codex hoogle
in tmux session to install plugins.
Add your JDKs to jenv (use your JDK versions):
$ jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdkx.x.x_xx.jdk/Contents/Home
My emacs config for alchemist relies on
elixir sources available at the following path: ~/projects/github/elixir
Optionally you may want to install karabiner elements.
Do you want OPAM to modify ~/.zshrc and ~/.ocamlinit? - the answer is N. This is because I use 'x' alias instead, see helpers/functions/env.
$ opam init
$ opam install merlin
$ opam install tuareg
For more info see merlin + vim setup instructions.
You may want to install the Reason toolchain.
Mac OS X issues and workaround
On Mac OS X I use GNU GCC and GNU bitutils for cross compilation,
so in my zshrc I have these binaries added to my PATH env variable.
I put GCC binaries here /usr/local/i386elfgcc/bin
and here /usr/local/x8664pcelfgcc/bin
See this page
for a detailed instructions on how to setup development environment for cross compilation.
Read on pstadler/keybase-gpg-github on how to set everything up.
Common crates that I use:
- emacs company-coq install Proof General manually
- bower
- yo
- madge
- speed-test
- tldr
- eslint_d
- how-to-npm
- psi
- create-react-app
- git-issues
- vtop
- now@beta
- trash-cli
- purescript
- pulp
- pscid
- purescript-emmet
- git-labelmaker
- json-package
- solium
Don't worry, be happy
consider using targets.el - extension of evil text objects, when it'll become stable enough
remove old packages from the list below and automate the installation process somehow:
forever nodemon jscs csslint ify
watch js-beautify nsp snyk gitbook-cli plato sloc npmd@1 live-server git-guilt doctoc
trash localtunnel svgo git+
jsfmt fixmyjs jsinspect tmi commitizen
karma-cli istanbul foreman
iron-node devtool disc stylelint-config-suitcss next-update semantic-release-cli
exact-semver fixpack cli-real-favicon greenkeeper npm-which budo
del-cli npm-quick-run center-code gtni alex typings
tern recli webpack-validator all-nvm available-versions manpm center-code
conventional-changelog-cli conventional-recommended-bump
typed-css-modules chrome-webstore-upload-cli react-native-cli
create-webpack-config node-pre-gyp
yarn-completions pkgcount typescript-formatter
- learn ASDF version manager to see if it can replace a bunch of other language-specific tools