A library of loosely related constructs of general use.
Intended mainly for the use in other repositories in this collection.
Functionality of this library can be best summarized by listing the namespaces provided (see doxygen documentation for more details):
Lightweight array types implementing convenient arithmetics as well as some functionaity commonly used in geometric applications.
Reader and writer for files in Protein Data Bank format.
General-usability typedefs and functions.
A simple configuration flie reader. More details are here.
Abstruct graphs and some common operations on them.
Pseudo-random number factories.
The library contains both the classes that require separate compilation, and the header-only includes. No external dependencies are necessary in order to build the library. However, random number factories (despite being header-only), would need the availability of boost (only the headers) or NVIDIA cuRAND, depending on the factory type chosen, in the system where an executable using these classes is built.
The library can be compiled with a C++20 - capable compiler. It was is tested on macOS (clang-12) and on Ubuntu (gcc-11).
With cmake (ver. 3.15 or higher) do:
git clone https://github.com/vsukhor/utils.git
cd utils
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
utils is available under the terms of the MIT license.