This is an unofficial Linux client for the Q2 Wi-Fi Internet Radio. It uses libusb for the communication with the device in userspace. This program provides some basic functionality for loading radio stations to each side of the radio.
A windows executable can be found in the releases. Please download the
file containing the windows executable along with the dlls and unzip it.
- Linux:
$ ./q2radio --list # List the current state of the radio
$ ./q2radio --side 0 --name "New Radio" --url "http://stream/url"
$ ./q2radio --wifi-ssid "<SSID>" --wifi-key "<WIFI KEY>"
- Windows (command prompt)
C:\the\unzipped\q2radio\path\> q2radio.exe --help
- libusb: You need to have the libusb developers package (The header file libusb.h is required).
- A c++ compiler
- make
$ git clone
$ make -C q2radio/src
$ sudo make install # or just run the binary: q2radio/src/q2radio
You can use MSYS2 UCRT64 as a build environment.
# In the MSYS2 UCRT64 terminal window:
pacman -S git make mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-libusb
git clone
make -C q2radio/src windows # Don't forget the 'windows' target
# Run
The chances are that you will get an error.
You need to make sure the Q2Radio device uses the WinUSB driver.
There is a tool for changing the driver called Zadig (check out the libusb windows documentation.
In the Zadig tool click on Options > List All Devices. Then Q2Radio should show up as a "USB Serial Device" in the drop-down list.
Switch it to the "WinUSB" driver by selecting it on the right hand side of the green arrow, and click on the "Replace Driver" button.
Then try running q2radio.exe
once again, this time it should work.