This is readme file for xnode - variant-like data type container for dynamic-type variables in C++.
Software is published under BSD license, see LICENSE.txt for details.
- for support of variables with dynamic type
- for on-the-fly conversion between string-int-long etc.
- for support of dynamic tuples (as arguments or return values)
- for support of optional named parameters with default values
- for processing of dynamic structures like JSON, XML or INI files with values where type information can be missing
- handles the following value types: null, scalar, pointer, owned object
- size of object is minimal (2x pointers inside)
- scalar types are stored without dynamic allocation
- supports storing of value for any struct, class or scalar without changing single line in library
- supports polymorphism
dynamic typing
xnode value; Assert(value.is_null()); value.set_as(5); Assert(value.type() == typeid(int)); value.set_as(false); Assert(<bool>()));
perform on-fly transparent conversion & type checking
xnode ivalue; std::string s("123"); ivalue.set_as(s); Assert(<std::string>()); cout << "int value: " << ivalue.get_as<int>() << endl; Assert(ivalue.is_convertable_to<int>());
handle optional named parameters without builder pattern
std::string printInFont(const xnode &font, const std::string &text) { std::ostringstream out; const xnode_named_list &list = font.get_ref<xnode_named_list>(); out << "text in font ["; out << "color:" << list.get_def("color", xnode::value_of(0x00ff00)).get_as<int>(); out << ", font_name:" << list.get_def("font_name", xnode::value_of("courier")).get_as<std::string>(); out << ", size:" << list.get_def("size", xnode::value_of(10)).get_as<int>(); out << ", bold:" << list.get_def("bold", xnode::value_of(false)).get_as<bool>(); out << "] = " << text; return(out.str()); }
acquire ownership of & auto-delete objects
void TestHoldObj() { struct TestStr { int a; int b; }; std::auto_ptr<TestStr> holder(new TestStr()); holder->a = 12; holder->b = 21; xnode value; TestStr *ptr = holder.get(); value.hold(holder.release()); Assert(value.get_ptr<TestStr>() == ptr); Assert(value.get_ptr<TestStr>()->a == 12); Assert(value.get_ptr<TestStr>()->b == 21); Assert(<TestStr>()); }
store pointers (non-owned blocks of memory)
void TestReleaseNonOwned() { xnode svalue; char test[] = "Test"; svalue.set_as(&test[0]); Assert(svalue.release<char *>() == nullptr); svalue.set_as(5); Assert(svalue.release<int>() == nullptr); }
Example conversion matrix defined in xnode_builtins.h specify conversion between types:
- bool
- float, double
- char, short, int, long, long long
- unsigned: char, short, int, long, long long
- std::string
Conversion between types can be user-defined (see xnode_long_double.h & TestLongDoubleWithPolicy).
- compiler: any compiler with C++11 support
- tested with:
- VS 2015 C++ compiler
- GCC 4.8.1 (under MinGW)
- just C++ standard library, including std::string
- boost::any
- boost::variant
In order to build the test application just add all *.cpp files to your project from directory "\test" and add "\include" to include path.
To build documentation, use Code::Blocks 13 and command:
DoxyBlocks \ Extract documentation
Output will be generated into: "./help/html/" directory in html format.