This solution consists on a set of Facades over RabbitMQ C# client library. This facades abstracts the boilerplate code that enables comunication with rabbimtmq broker in diferent comunication patterns, such as:
- Publisher/Subscriber
This two types have dependencies to be used such as ILoggerProvider from Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and an implementation of ISerializable.
To see the usage of thesse two entities please check Hosts/ClientApp/ folder where you can find a PublishClient and a SubscriberClient.
To connections reuse please consider the approach showned here in the program.cs file where the ICOnnectionPoll implementation is shared between those two Rabbit CLient types.
To test ./src/hosts/ClientApp executable consider installing one of the rabbitmq docker images available here and expose the ports that you want to use:
- 5672 - amqp protocol comunication
- 15672 - rabbitMQ management site
docker run -d -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 --hostname local-rabbitmq --name local-rabbitmq rabbitmq:3-management