This module provides timescale simulation and fitting methods. These simulations allow the validation and comparison of different timescale estimation methods including PSD and ACF.
timescales is written in Python, and requires Python >= 3.6 to run.
It has the following required dependencies:
- numpy >= 1.18.5
- scipy >= 1.4.1
- spectrum >= 0.8.0
- fooof @ git+
- neurodsp @ git+
And the following optional dependencies:
- matplotlib >= 3.0.3
- seaborn >= 0.11.2
- statsmodels >= 0.12.2
- tqdm >= 4.62.3
Development Version
To get the current development version, first clone this repository:
$ git clone
To install this cloned copy, move into the directory you just cloned, and run:
$ pip install -e .
Supported by NIH award R01 GM134363 from the NIGMS.