Simply manage your daily tasks on a beautiful and intuitive UI.
This is a single page application, technologies used:
- Vue.js with Vuetify for the frontend.
- As I am a huge fan of Yii, for the backend I used the new Yii3 (no official release yet, but this already shows what you can do with it).
- For the database, SQLite was used as default (possible to switch to mysql, check .env file).
$: git clone
$: cp .env.dist .env
$: docker-compose up -d
$: docker-compose exec --user taskr app composer install
$: docker-compose exec --user taskr app npm run dev
docker-compose exec --user taskr app ./vendor/bin/yii user/create user password
docker-compose exec --user taskr app composer test
HttpAuthBearer was used for the authentication. File Factory/AppRouterFactory.php to see which routes implement the auth middleware.
POST /api/auth/login [ {"login": "", "password": ""} ]
POST /api/auth/register [ {"login": "", "password": ""} ]
GET /api/auth/verify ( returns the current user data )
GET /api/task ( list all the tasks )
/api/task?filter=today ( list todays tasks )
/api/task?page=1&per-page=5 ( enables pagination when searching for tasks )
GET /api/task/1 ( view the task with the id 1 )
POST /api/task ( creates a new task )
PUT /api/task/1 ( updates the task with the id 1 )