pytorch >= 1.8.2
pip install paperswithcode-client
pip install pyserini
pip install tevatron
conda install faiss
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd anserini
mvn clean package appassembler:assemble
cd tools/eval && tar xvfz trec_eval.9.0.4.tar.gz && cd trec_eval.9.0.4 && make && cd ../../..
cd tools/eval/ndeval && make && cd ../../../..
Found in data/
. Both training and test data contain "tldr", "positives", and "year" for each query. The training set contains other metadata (such as hard negatives and detailed metadata about the paper we used to extract the query).
Download and untar data from
Download and unzip the datasets
data from, and place into data/
python data_processing/build_search_corpus/ --exclude-abstract --exclude-full-text --output-file data/dataset_search_collection.jsonl
Prepared test data can be found at data/test_data.jsonl
To reproduce this data (or to customize the test set), run the following commands:
mkdir intermediate_data
export PICKLES_DIRECTORY=intermediate_data
python data-processing/test_data/ \
--scirex-directory $SCIREX_PATH/scirex_dataset/release_data/ \
--dataset-search-collection data/dataset_search_collection.jsonl \
--datasets-file datasets.json \
--scirex-to-s2orc-metadata-file $PICKLES_DIRECTORY/scirex_id_to_s2orc_metadata_with_tldrs.pkl \
--output-relevance-file data/test_dataset_collection.qrels \
--output-queries-file test_queries.csv \
--output-combined-file data/test_data.jsonl \
--training-set-documents tagged_dataset_positives.jsonl \
--bad-query-filter-map bad_tldrs_mapping.json
Prepared training data can be found at data/train_data.jsonl
To reproduce this data (or to customize the training set), see the training data preparation instructions.
See BM25 retrieval and index construction instructions.
python retrieval/knn/ \
--remove-punctuation \
--remove-stopwords \
--training-set data/train_data.jsonl \
--training-tldrs data/train_tldrs.hypo \
--search-collection anserini_search_collections/dataset_search_collection_no_abstracts_or_paper_text/documents.jsonl \
--output-file retrieved_documents_knn_tfidf.trec \
--vectorizer-type tfidf \
--results-limit 5
python retrieval/knn/ \
--remove-punctuation \
--remove-stopwords \
--query-metadata data/test/scirex_queries_and_datasets.json \
--training-set data/train_data.jsonl \
--training-tldrs data/train_tldrs.hypo \
--search-collection anserini_search_collections/dataset_search_collection_no_abstracts_or_paper_text/documents.jsonl \
--output-file data/test/retrieved_documents_knn_exact_bert.trec \
--vectorizer-type bert \
--results-limit 5
Neural "bi-encoder" retrievers must be trained on our training data. See biencoder training instructions.
See biencoder retrieval instructions.
# Set RETRIEVAL_OUTPUT to the desired file. Example provided:
./anserini/tools/eval/trec_eval.9.0.4/trec_eval \
-c \
-m P.5 \
-m recall.5 \
-m map \
-m recip_rank \
# Set RETRIEVAL_OUTPUT to the desired file. Example provided:
python data_analysis/ $GOLD_FILE $RETRIEVAL_OUTPUT
This tool was used to validate the quality of labels in our training set:
python data_processing/train_data/ --labeler-name <your name> --range-to-label 1,200