The Visier SQL-like Shell is an application that allows technical users and builders to issue queries in Visier's SQL-like syntax against the Visier platform.
The SQL-like Shell issues queries to the Visier platform using the platform's public APIs. To successfully connect to your Visier data, you need:
- The URL domain name prefix with the following pattern:
. To find your vanity name:- In Visier, in the global workspace, click Settings, then click Single Sign-On or Partner Single Sign-On.
- Under Single Sign-On or Bypass Users (Optional), find your service provider endpoint; for example,
. In this example,jupiter
is the vanity name.
- An API key issued by Visier.
- A username identifying a user within your organization's Visier tenant who has been granted API access capabilities.
- That user's password.
We recommend that you install this application in a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv visier-sql
source visier-sql/bin/activate
pip install -U build
python -m build
After the build completes successfully, install the Python Wheel file found in the dist
directory. For example:
pip install dist/visier_sqllike_shell-0.9.8-py3-none-any.whl
This installs a command line utility named vsql-shell
in the active virtual environment.
After starting, the shell immediately attempts to connect to the Visier platform using the provided credentials. You can pass in credentials through environment variables:
In Linux-like non-production environments, it may be beneficial to persist these values in a file that you 'source' into your virtual environment.
Create a file named .env
and populate it like the following example:
echo -n "Enter the password for the Visier API User: "
read -s vpwd
export VISIER_VANITY=example
export VISIER_HOST=https://$
export VISIER_PASSWORD=$vpwd
export VISIER_TARGET_TENANT_ID=partner-sub-tenant-code
export VISIER_APIKEY=the-api-key-issued-by-visier
Source the environment and provide the password:
$ source .env
The SQL-shell uses the visier-connector to connect to Visier. For more information about setting up OAuth 2.0 with Visier, see visier-connector.
You can start the REPL by running:
$ vsql-shell
Alternatively, you can provide credentials through command line arguments. Run the application with --help
to get the argument specifics:
$ vsql-shell --help`
usage: vsql-shell [-h] [-a APIKEY] [-c CLIENT_ID] [-S CLIENT_SECRET] [-H HOST] [-p PASSWORD] [-r REDIRECT_URI] [-t TARGET_TENANT_ID] [-u USERNAME]
[-v VANITY] [-s {analytic,staging}] [-w WIDTH]
Visier SQL-like Shell
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a APIKEY, --apikey APIKEY
Visier API key
-c CLIENT_ID, --client-id CLIENT_ID
Visier OAuth client ID
Visier OAuth client secret
-H HOST, --host HOST Visier host
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Visier password
-r REDIRECT_URI, --redirect-uri REDIRECT_URI
Visier OAuth redirect URI
-t TARGET_TENANT_ID, --target-tenant-id TARGET_TENANT_ID
Visier partner tenant name
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Visier username
-v VANITY, --vanity VANITY
Visier vanity
-s {analytic,staging}, --schema {analytic,staging}
The initial schema to use
-w WIDTH, --width WIDTH
Maximum column width
After the application starts and establishes a connection with the Visier platform, it's ready to execute SQL-like queries:
Welcome to the Visier SQL-like Shell.
Type help or ? to list commands.
Don't forget to terminate each SQL-like statement with a semicolon (;)
sql> select
| Visier_Time AS "Reporting period",
| level(Location, "Location_1") AS Country,
| employeeCount() AS count
| from Employee
| where
| Visier_Time IN periods(date("2021-01-01"), 6, period(2, Month)) AND
| isFemale = TRUE;
Reporting period |Country |count
2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z|APAC.Australia |99
2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z|APAC.Japan |143
2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z|EMEA.Poland |83
2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z|EMEA.South Africa |12
2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z|EMEA.Spain |45
2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z|EMEA.United Kingdom |152
2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z|North America.Canada |138
2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z|North America.United States|500
Execute one of the commands bye
, exit
or quit
without any other commands to close the application.
sql> bye
Closing the application