LiuAlgoTrader is a Pythonic all-batteries-included framework for effective algorithmic trading. The framework is intended to simplify development, testing, deployment and evaluating algo trading strategies.
LiuAlgoTrader can run on a Macbook laptop and hedge-on-the-go, or run on a multi-core hosted Linux server and it will optimize for best performance for either.
LiuAlgoTrader is Work-In-Progress, however it is a fully functional and powerful framework that may be used almost out-of-the-box. Assistance in development is highly appreciated, as well as comments and suggestions. Please check the Contribution section for further details.
Read the below, or use the docker implementations.
- Paper, and preferable a funded Live account with Alpaca Markets.
- Installed PostgreSQL database (or see Alternative Installation below)
To install LiuAlgoTrader just type:
pip install liualgotrader
Note if you're running on Windows, TA-LIB setup might fail, in which case try, and re-try installing the liualgotrader
LiuAlgoTrader requires several packages to be properly installed, as well as a PostgrSQL database properly configured. For first time users, it might be easier to install the docker version .
LiuAlgoTrader applications require some configuration and setup which are best described in the documentation. However, to confirm your installation just type:
Is available here.
Can we found in the examples directory.
Would you like to help me complete & evolve LiuAlgoTrader? Do you have a suggestion, comment, idea for improvement or a have a wish-list item? Don't be shy and email me at