A census of those participating in Hacktoberfest (and an easy PR!)
This census has a live webpage here. It's automatically updated every time a PR is accepted!
Hi All, old or new Hacktoberfest contributors!
This repository was initially created for the 2017 Hacktoberfest as a half joke, half serious census. Given that I've seen over a hundred new pull requests in the last 2 days alone, I guess you guys want to use it this year as well!
Until I get around to implementing a bot, don't expect the census to be updated in any meaningful way. However a PR doesn't need to be accepted to count for Hacktoberfest so that's fine.
I would encourage everyone who participates in this project to not count it as one of your five Open Source contributions, due to it's simplistic nature, although obviously I can't stop you.
Have a great Hacktoberfest ya'll and happy hacking!
- Cutwell, 2018
Fork this project and add your username + profile link to the Census list below, then make a pull request to add your name to this repository like so:
- Cutwell
- Octamois
- adammendoza
- thatguywiththatname
- Dylan
- shrikarvk
- styfle
- vicennial
- pmdamora
- Vyautask
- Frewacom
- Pablo
- hackbansu
- Selbahc
- Yikal
- marcelestial
- Shahenzi
- tkapa
- sanjulamadurapperuma
- TheTota
- AndikaNugraha
- ashishkrishan1995
- luisvillalba
- Jeril
- stuartmccoll
- JamesJ
- rootEnginear
- Prakhar0409
- ahmadmusaddiq
- jete298
- LoneWolf38
- Arneeee
- hipposen
- ApCoder123
- Shankhalika
- Pcheape
- easymax1069
- whoisroot
- hereismyusername
- fromMaybe
- sarsiz
- YashitM
- Hazen91
- ericduns
- carterschieffer
- davidkiarie
- Charllo
- Arrowfan
- alexandvoigt
- jkao1
- meisyarahd
- Greeneink4
- yoxisem544
- lichin-lin
- Bruini
- VitorOta
- anandwana001
- leesenpai
- vineeth030
- Ceci
- Ben
- AlisonACross
- ThePriefy
- Khesualdo
- nikw92
- LucasVC800
- rickMcGavin
- Celesteessel
- James
- Heather Fenton
- loonz206
- bezierer
- JimCegelski
- clairealyssa
- kyleholliday
- dfarley1
- Oire
- jcpetkovich
- AndreyOrs
- Tuanny
- Abhishek
- Ashris
- fossterer
- driesvb
- emdavis7
- Mo7amed-3bdalla7
- Bharat123Rox
- vivekghanchi
- nikssardana
- develop-build
- poeti8
- priyansh2
- omegatari
- Kat35601
- leogorman
- 0mN1
- madsroskar
- vishalpolley
- iknoorjobs
- vadnguyen
- haleycs
- gaurang444
- cacahds
- arpitgogia
- luisslanca
- sergeygorky
- margotavares
- nitharios
- alxlark
- bazooo
- ralph9
- Surya
- rverrips
- fauer4effect
- TangibleIce
- Bobby Pinard
- AlvarezKevin
- MysticSeagull
- fabianobizarro
- Frank
- ashleysullins
- robertfg
- earthchie
- mrsideshowjack
- Galiant
- lulzhipsters
- Devron
- Ziper90
- Jogendra
- lip3k
- dkostecki
- bsZeroFive
- wadehammes
- Mack-akp
- HS
- Ayush
- 4nkit
- peanutbutteer
- mixkungz
- Ishaan0905
- shubhshrma
- kizeki
- Kartik
- YingChid
- darcardona
- getjnxed
- Daxtron2
- Pondpaun7z
- lgdroidz
- iPoobest
- akbansa
- ipoobest
- cskaza
- jethrokuan
- codyogden
- karltanjuan
- ShubhamNishad
- pangpond
- waritthornnudee
- Fly1nP4nda
- MichelleJL
- jirawatp
- kevinchandler
- Alumyen
- GaProgMan
- JakeHasler
- Maria
- jppferguson
- Johnson90512
- saspallow
- cfreksen
- navjot12
- nitsujed
- stonenots
- ppisut
- hjdarnel
- felipet-vsouza
- giandolando
- petro36
- dduncan
- parkerduckworth
- aryan-mann
- Kusumoto
- heemza
- wtospit
- HappyAfroSkeleton
- Rorixrebel
- RajPathare
- Benjamin Misell
- RichardVaughan
- plod
- rerlanggas
- logichub
- minatorak
- Babbitt
- tomy8910
- Magauran
- PornthepS
- NesChaiyapon
- dance2die
- daphnied
- rpottsoh
- trymnilsen
- DrevanTonder
- mconcannon
- scrabill
- WaddasTwelve
- CGreenburg
- jjcc1421
- GRCiprian
- StevenCopeland
- Zakaos
- Grace Stuart
- jespicas
- thitgorn
- Remorax
- MasTerXP
- Andrew
- MarkFilus
- Rovel
- jdimatt
- Mufasaa
- tracyde
- AlexanderTitus
- leoruhland
- goofy3
- Sukkoria
- rkruk
- RickRedSix
- bvipul
- josteink
- Laxminarayana
- mal2
- TrailSnail
- OaKKuB
- guptarohit
- thatphon05
- SidDefinition
- Thanawat
- tmteamz
- gerd2002
- shampliu
- kerlos
- moyvera
- nonintanon
- palomon
- zzz1234
- cricketer94
- Abhi
- rishabh115
- iamso
- nova4005
- randomMesh
- pwechs83
- RedOverture
- RiKap
- Pintman
- hellotunmbi
- raynescc
- HistoireDeBabar
- Jac08H
- Covah
- Hisman
- Phoebe
- pdejan
- Nefari0uss
- Debajyoti Halder
- DionGatea
- TroeLar
- populationtwo
- codeSmart2307
- TortleOG
- OscarPan
- riddhi2000
- 42flyingfish
- wailay
- eugpoloz
- AlthafHussainK
- LiamDevJS
- gabema
- ColbyBanbury
- sahalsaad
- miickel
- KaylaCohn
- VictorApolonio
- hannahkriegler
- blaze-nitd
- kajornsakp
- 7Orion7
- wesolowski
- embalingit
- sanik90
- qservando
- KyleGilbreath
- JuanLoLuna
- ryantruran
- maryna-yanul
- TacticalSandwich
- georgeg308
- jaymcgrath
- netsudo
- zotamias
- DevyBoy
- SirYummy aka Micah
- jcolborn-dropdeadgames
- abhinavm27
- the-ethan-hunt
- Miablo
- Hoffs
- Aurobindo Debnath
- Märt M
- iamar7
- mongkonwirunputi
- CptSpookz
- randomization
- NicoPennec
- brookesargent
- felipemfarias
- ellisonleao
- jackiemacharia
- xEpozZ
- CorneliusIV
- okrasn
- arijitAD
- billy-7
- Mayueeeee
- fdel15
- Curchel
- sree
- accakks
- sublistic
- icyc0re
- db001
- uppe-r
- twist295
- OatRice
- vitorlans
- harsh4723
- enneakr
- yuro8
- Singha22
- Kartikishere
- Nikita Korba
- GregoryMarchese
- ttibau
- quangdatv
- aewens
- mattjegan
- nsurampu
- joseph-perez
- Link270
- Kubatyszko
- jkomyno
- zorawar87
- udit-001
- Djdany01
- suleka96
- Markandeya
- BhagyaSanjeewa
- HazardDev
- Atlas34
- abhinav-adtechs
- danwatco
- drac00l
- Arman
- himanshuguptagit
- nadsr2
- LRNZ09
- SDussault
- Terry
- Ho Xuan Vinh
- PDavid
- juansebasmv
- rhnvrm
- elaineakemi
- hkd987
- LazarusPolar
- Dinesh
- Hanapotski
- manish1997
- MatthewHelmer
- ajgon
- bullywhippet
- divyam3897
- kohehir
- Srijancse
- lwagf
- chelciebritt
- ClaudeRenney
- Worranut
- hernan940730
- lwagf
- [SleightOfHandzy] (https://github.com/SleightOfHandzy)
- lucianosds
- running-cool
- IsaacAbrahamson
- Bahnburner
- atelljohannsmothers
- dushyantRathore
- reinbauwens
- Yohan
- HeavyVin
- PvcPre
- kUSHAL0601
- RuchikaModi
- fheee
- BrumGB
- Palash Nigam
- Vyygir
- chickenjieb
- Adrian B.G.
- verdond2
- Shivams334
- licsth
- The Batman
- Dimsedane
- Jatin
- lainsce
- 1Conan
- odzeno
- Juli Cheng
- samfrey99
- mtking2
- alvaro511
- Miiitch
- Faisal Hassan
- runely
- m-oliv
- oliverjam
- MartinVandersteen
- amanvarma16
- candy02058912
- jaanhio
- shivamgpt38
- nprail
- dysoco
- shawnhwei
- giraldez122
- LiteSoul
- kaustubh-welankar
- lastab
- samyak-jain
- adeen-s
- saifulwebid
- Neil Kakkar
- Pinjasaur
- billywongstuy
- burned42
- alexandraalday
- GildaGriffon
- RoshanSalian
- mwozniczak
- CJWilliams20
- yerenutku
- oemegil
- uguratmaca
- Jerodev
- ksjc1995
- Kiailandi
- JesseRhoads
- bsungur
- leticiafatimaa
- ggurbet
- Dane David
- elijahio
- alfredrichards
- tab8748
- mtrivera
- msmtotti
- DatouHsu
- mrgrape
- ZaninAndrea
- LiamNorman
- GuyLivni
- AjesusFlores
- dan1eltudares
- LyNac
- syam3526
- VishnuLeandro
- rejuls
- julianaklulo
- tomasz-tomczyk
- svkampen
- rochanaph
- wanharaderta
- kevinjt123
- JeffersonBC
- laika
- bellsenawat
- Caio Cardozo
- jaldhar
- CristianLivella
- aaazureee
- EnderManOfCoding
- alebcay
- jonsamp
- natasman
- mdb1
- nyaazi
- JonathanDeLeon
- michellechristina
- ryanpineo
- rolstenhouse
- kittyengineer
- christianheinrichs
- navaneethkp36
- akjogawath
- jonathandezoete
- LaurentiusRenaldy
- Aish94
- HemeraOne
- alexjcollins
- Dilum_De_Silva
- MichaelDeBoey
- mohit242
- mrsdark
- tibi77
- amanvishnani
- SrGrace
- Fábio Salata
- IgorRozani
- adich23
- vincentvvv