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Fix JSON formatter crashes with invalid UTF in error messages #11092

merged 1 commit into from
Sep 8, 2024


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@weirdan weirdan commented Sep 8, 2024

Fixes #11072

@weirdan weirdan requested review from danog and orklah September 8, 2024 18:42
@weirdan weirdan force-pushed the fix-invalid-utf8-output-in-json-reports branch from 6c5762e to bb57f39 Compare September 8, 2024 18:45
@weirdan weirdan added the release:fix The PR will be included in 'Fixes' section of the release notes label Sep 8, 2024
@weirdan weirdan merged commit d747f65 into vimeo:5.x Sep 8, 2024
50 of 51 checks passed
oguzhand95 referenced this pull request in cerbos/cerbos-sdk-php Sep 17, 2024
This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| `4.7.0` -> `4.8.3` |
| [google/protobuf](
([source]( |
`4.27.3` -> `4.28.1` |
| [phpstan/phpstan]( |
`1.11.10` -> `1.12.3` |
| [phpunit/phpunit](
([source]( |
`10.5.29` -> `10.5.34` |
| [vimeo/psalm]( | `5.25.0` ->
`5.26.1` |


### Release Notes

<summary>googleapis/common-protos-php (google/common-protos)</summary>

google/common-protos v4.8.3


##### Bug Fixes

- Add back compatibility for Protobuf v4

google/common-protos v4.8.2


##### Miscellaneous Chores

google/common-protos v4.8.1


##### Bug Fixes

- Ensure common-protos is up-to-date

google/common-protos v4.8.0


##### Features

- Move common-protos to google-cloud-php


<summary>protocolbuffers/protobuf-php (google/protobuf)</summary>








<summary>phpstan/phpstan (phpstan/phpstan)</summary>



# Improvements 🔧

- PHPStan Pro: debug corrupted PHAR signature message

# Bugfixes 🐛

- Revert "Fix phar.yml workflow"
- Refactor `ArrayFilterFunctionReturnTypeReturnTypeExtension` and
support first-class callable
thanks [@&#8203;takaram](!
- Prevent resolving conditional types in callable param/return types
thanks [@&#8203;rvanvelzen](!
- Fix wrongly convertion of `list<T>` to `array{T}`
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Fix internal error
- Missing typehints should be consistently checked on level 6

# Function signature fixes 🤖

- Don't prevent checking for `curl_init()` false returns
thanks [@&#8203;tscni](!
- Update phpstorm-stubs and patch

# Internals 🔍

- The `COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION` hack should no longer be necessary
- Add non regression test
- Add non regression test



# Improvements 🔧

- PHP 8.4 - report deprecated implicitly nullable parameter types

# Bugfixes 🐛

- Run `@mixin` class reflection extensions after all other class
reflection extensions
- RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Don't optimize alternations with optional
groups for tagged unions
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Narrow array on `count()` with `positive-int`
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Improve narrowing after string functions
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Add `Type::reverseArray()`
thanks [@&#8203;herndlm](!

# Function signature fixes 🤖

- `version_compare()` operator arg can be null
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!

# Internals 🔍

- Regression test
- Simplify isFloat checks
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!



# Bleeding edge 🔪

- Check if required file exists
thanks [@&#8203;Bellangelo](!
- Check generics `@method` `@template` tags above traits
- Check `@mixin` PHPDoc tag above traits

*If you want to see the shape of things to come and adopt bleeding edge
features early, you can include this config file in your project's

    	- vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon

*Of course, there are no backwards compatibility guarantees when you
include this file. The behaviour and reported errors can change in minor
versions with this file included. [Learn

# Improvements 🔧

- Allow dot-prefixed config files
thanks [@&#8203;sreichel](!
- Respect dist order over dot order
- Update PhpStorm stubs + refactor WithoutSideEffectsRule classes
- TypeSpecifier: Narrow `(bool) $expr` like `$expr != false`
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- TypeSpecifier: Narrow `(string) $expr` like `$expr != false`
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- TypeSpecifier: Narrow `(int) $expr` like `$expr != false`
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- TypeSpecifier: Narrow `(float) $expr` like `$expr != false`
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Add missing rule to StubValidator
- Support `@mixin` above traits

# Bugfixes 🐛

- Fix `array_filter` with callback optional persistance
thanks [@&#8203;robotomarvin](!
- RegexArrayShapeMatcher - infer constant string types in alternations
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- RegexArrayShapeMatcher - improve type inference in alternations
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Fix error on offset assignment to specialized strings
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Narrow string on `strlen() ==` and `===` comparison with integer range
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Fix `get_debug_type` produces wrong type for anonymous classes with
- Fix preserving list when setting union offset type to a
- Fix `preg_replace()` return type
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Detect function variadic-ness anywhere deep in the declaration file
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Add DateTimeSubMethodThrowTypeExtension
- Do not report `static` in PHPDoc tags above traits as an error
- RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix alternations containing a `$`-only case
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Do not report missing implementation abstract method from trait when
it's implicitly implemented by enum
- Fix how well conditional types play with pre-existing `@param-out`
variable after assignment

# Internals 🔍

- Debugging function - `PHPStan\debugScope()`
- Added regression test
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Simplify specifyTypesForConstantBinaryExpression
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Refactoring: introduce MethodTagTemplateTypeCheck
- Simplify extensions
- Refactoring - extract MixinCheck
- MixinCheck - prepare for trait rules



[**Read all about PHPStan 1.12 on

# Major new features 🚀

- Precise type for `$matches` from `preg_match` generally available, out
of bleeding edge
-   PHP 8.4 runtime support
    -   PHPStan runs on PHP 8.4 without emitting deprecation notices
- Full support for PHP 8.4 including new syntax and rules is coming
later, after PHPStan 2.0 release

# Bleeding edge 🔪

- More precise types for bcmath function parameters
thanks [@&#8203;Warxcell](!
- Enforce `@no-named-arguments`
- Check too wide private property type
- Consider implicit throw points when the only explicit one is Throw\_
- Check existing classes in `@param-out`
- Check existing classes in `@param-closure-this`
- Check invalid `@param-closure-this`
- Check `@param-immediately-invoked-callable` and
- Check existing classes in `@phpstan-self-out`
- Check missing types in `@phpstan-self-out`
- Check missing types in local type aliases
- Check nonexistent classes in local type aliases
- Check unresolvable types in local type aliases
- Check generics in local type aliases
- Check missing types in `@mixin`
- Check types in `@property` tags
- Check types in `@method` tags
- Check `@extends`, `@implements`, `@use` for unresolvable types

*If you want to see the shape of things to come and adopt bleeding edge
features early, you can include this config file in your project's

    	- vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon

*Of course, there are no backwards compatibility guarantees when you
include this file. The behaviour and reported errors can change in minor
versions with this file included. [Learn

# Improvements 🔧

- Internal classes made `final`, `@api` classes made `@final`
- Repair `PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_::isAnonymous()`
thanks [@&#8203;tscni](!
- Improve `curl_init()` return type analysis
thanks [@&#8203;tscni](!
- StubValidator - added missing rules
- Do not allow `@phpstan-self-out` above static method
- Check unresolvable types in `@phpstan-self-out`
- Check generics in `@phpstan-self-out`
- ConstExprNodeResolver - support ConstFetchNode for class constants
- allowed in default parameter values in `@method`

# Bugfixes 🐛

- PHPStanDiagnoseExtension - skip showing config files in "Included
configs from Composer packages" if already present in the "Extension
installer" section
- Support multiple anonymous class definitions on the same line
thanks [@&#8203;tscni](!
- Fix ConstantArrayType not accepting NeverType
thanks [@&#8203;tscni](!
- Narrow to non-falsy-string from `strlen()` on integer range
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Narrow arrays in union based on `count()` with integer range
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Fix description escaping in UsedTraitsRule

# Internals 🔍

- Cleanup TypeSpecifier
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Refactor ReplaceFunctionsDynamicReturnTypeExtension
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- BetterReflectionSourceLocator - playground mode
- Internal PHPStan rule - class must be abstract or final
- Downgrade PHP files in build/PHPStan
- ExtendedPropertyReflection
- Replace `highlight_string()` stub with a return type extension
- Issue bot - test PHP 8.4



# Improvements 🔧

- Narrow arrays in union based on count() with smaller/greater operator
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- PHPStanDiagnoseExtension - show Composer packages with included config

# Bugfixes 🐛

- RegexArrayShapeMatcher - optional non-last groups can be empty-string
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- RegexArrayShapeMatcher - fix capturing item-array-shapes for
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix shape of single top level alternations
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix matching literal "-" in character classes
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!
- Improve sprintf support
- Handle union and mixed in plus operation
- Fix union with float should accept integer range
- Fix array_intersect_key
- Improve non strict `in_array()`
- String offset access leads to non-empty-string (single character)
- Fix `AccessoryLiteralStringType::setOffsetValueType()`
- Fix `AccessoryNonFalsyStringType::setOffsetValueType()`
- Improve IntDivThrowTypeExtension to support integer ranges
- Fix array intersection between HasOffsetType and HasOffsetValueType
- Fix item type in list to constant array conversion with `count()`
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!

# Function signature fixes 🤖

- Fix imagick definition

# Internals 🔍

- Turn Regex classes immutable where possible
thanks [@&#8203;staabm](!


<summary>sebastianbergmann/phpunit (phpunit/phpunit)</summary>





PHPUnit 10.5.32


##### Added

`failOnPhpunitDeprecation` attribute on the `<phpunit>` element of the
XML configuration file and `--fail-on-phpunit-deprecation` CLI option
for controlling whether PHPUnit deprecations should be considered when
determining the test runner's shell exit code (default: do not consider)
- `displayDetailsOnPhpunitDeprecations` attribute on the `<phpunit>`
element of the XML configuration file and
`--display-phpunit-deprecations` CLI option for controlling whether
details on PHPUnit deprecations should be displayed (default: do not

##### Changed

PHPUnit deprecations will, by default, no longer affect the test
runner's shell exit code. This can optionally be turned back on using
the `--fail-on-phpunit-deprecation` CLI option or the
`failOnPhpunitDeprecation="true"` attribute on the `<phpunit>` element
of the XML configuration file.
- Details for PHPUnit deprecations will, by default, no longer be
displayed. This can optionally be turned back on using the
`--display-phpunit-deprecations` CLI option or the
`displayDetailsOnPhpunitDeprecations` attribute on the `<phpunit>`
element of the XML configuration file.


[How to install or update

PHPUnit 10.5.31


##### Changed

`name` property on `<testsuites>` element in JUnit XML logfile
- Removed `.phpstorm.meta.php` file as methods such as
`TestCase::createStub()` use generics / template types for their return
types and PhpStorm, for example, uses that information

##### Fixed

TestDox printer does not consider that issues can be suppressed by
attribute, baseline, source location, or `@` operator


[How to install or update

PHPUnit 10.5.30


##### Changed

- Improved error message when stubbed method is called more often than
return values were configured for it


[How to install or update


<summary>vimeo/psalm (vimeo/psalm)</summary>



<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml
at 5.x -->

#### What's Changed

##### Fixes

- Fix JSON formatter crashes with invalid UTF in error messages by
[@&#8203;weirdan]( in

**Full Changelog**:



<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml
at 5.x -->

#### What's Changed

##### Features

- Add mysqli.execute-query as sink for TaintedSql by
[@&#8203;cgocast]( in
- Add TaintedCallable sinks for 4 core generic functions by
[@&#8203;cgocast]( in
- Improve mysql fetch_field\* return type by
[@&#8203;MoonE]( in
- Check for `psalm.dist.xml` as well by
[@&#8203;HypeMC]( in

##### Fixes

- Change `ReflectionParameter::getName()` result type to
`non-empty-string` by [@&#8203;vjik](
- Fix mysqli_real_escape_string stub by
[@&#8203;kamil-tekiela]( in
- Fix mysqli_get_client_version by
[@&#8203;kamil-tekiela]( in
- Up the minimum required version of nikic/php-parser to 4.17 by
[@&#8203;chesn0k]( in
- Fix callable/lowercase strings coercion by
[@&#8203;weirdan]( in
- Consistently emit issues for properties on classes with unknown mixins
by [@&#8203;issidorov]( in

#### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;chesn0k]( made their
first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "before 4am on Monday" (UTC),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
help]( if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR was generated by [Mend Renovate](
View the [repository job



Signed-off-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Signed-off-by: Oğuzhan Durgun <>
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Oğuzhan Durgun <>
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release:fix The PR will be included in 'Fixes' section of the release notes
None yet

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

Malformed JSON output due to erroneous UTF-8 character splitting
1 participant