Nightly Vim Windows build snapshots (more information).
If you do not know what to use, use the 32bit installer (use the signed one, if available).
Signed releases will occasionally be provided on a best effort approach.
- 8.2.4877: MS-Windows: Wrongly using Normal colors for termguicolors
- 8.2.4876: MS-Windows: Shift-BS results in strange char in powershell
- 8.2.4875: MS-Windows: some .exe files are not recognized
- 8.2.4874: Win32 GUI: horizontal scroll wheel not handled properly
- 8.2.4873: Vim9: using "else" differs from using "endif/if !cond"
- 8.2.4872: Vim9: no error for using an expression only
- 8.2.4871: Vim9: in :def function no error for misplaced range
- 8.2.4870: Vim9: expression in :substitute is not compiled
- 8.2.4869: expression in command block does not look after NL
🔒 Signed Files:
Signed 32-bit installer (If you don't know what to use, use this one)
Signed 64-bit installer
Signed 32-bit zip archive
Signed 64-bit zip archive
🔓 Unsigned Files:
32-bit installer (If you don't know what to use, use this one)
64-bit installer
32-bit zip archive
64-bit zip archive
pdb files for debugging the corresponding 32-bit executable
pdb files for debugging the corresponding 64-bit executable
Interface Information
* [Strawberry Perl](http://strawberryperl.com/) 5.32 * [LuaBinaries](http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/download.html) 5.4 * [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) 2.7 * [Python3](https://www.python.org/downloads/) 3.10 * [Racket](https://download.racket-lang.org/) 8.3 (BC) * [RubyInstaller](http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/) 3.0 * [libsodium](https://download.libsodium.org/libsodium/) 1.0.18See the README for detail.