Vaccinator is a python script to find open slots for vaccination in India based on pincode (or multiple pincodes) or state and district. This script will recheck after every few minutes and as soon the slots open, inform you via
- Beeping sound
- Desktop notification
- Email (optional)
- Telegram Bot (optional)
Since India has started the vaccination drive for those above 18 years of age, there is a heavy rush and slots get booked soon. This script will come in handy for finding those slots as soon as they open.
- Search slots through multiple pincodes.
- -w or --wizard option for noobs.
- Recieve notifications through multiple channels.
Vaccinator requires Python3 to work and contains only two modules outside the standard python libray which are as follows:
- plyer (2.0.0)
- requests (2.25.1)
The data is retrieved using the open public APIs at API Setu. It works on both Linux and Windows.
Vaccinator requires Python3 and pip3 to run. To use the script, download it and install the dependencies using the following commands:
git clone
cd vaccinator
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 -h
cd vaccinator
git pull
You can build your own executables using the Pyinstaller module.
cd vaccinator
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --hidden-import --onefile
Your executable will now be present inside the dist folder.
Show help message and exit.
Pincode(s) to look for slots.
Age of the user(Default=18).
Date from which to start looking(Format=DD-MM-YYYY).
For calling using user friendly interface for beginners.
Email on which to notify when slots are available.
State in which to find open slots.
District of the state to find open slots.
Interval in seconds after which to recheck the slots(Default=300) i.e. 5 minutes.
Port of the SMTP server(Default=587)
SMTP Server address to use for sending email.
Email of the sender to connect to SMTP server for sending email.
Password of the sender to connect to SMTP server for sending email.
Token of the telegram bot to send messages.
Chat id of the telegram bot to send messages.
python3 -p 110003 -d 09-05-2021
python3 -s haryana -d sonipat
python3 -p 110003 -a 24 -e
python3 -p 110003 -a 24 -e --smtp-server --sender-email --sender-pass my_gmail_password
python3 -w
See usage examples for more info.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!